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Scandal In The Boardroom

Page 142

He didn’t give her time to think. In one instant he had taken her arm to guide her outside, in the next they were seated on the leather backseat of the limousine that had edged forward at the curbside the instant he’d set foot outside Carson’s. Every nerve ending in Blair’s body was on full alert, attuned to the leashed power and strength of the man seated beside her.

Draco uttered a clipped command in Italian. The limousine driver closed the smoked glass divider between them and pulled smoothly away, gliding into the late-night traffic on Ponsonby Road.

Blair reached across the space between them, and trailed her fingertips across the expensive woven fabric encasing Draco’s legs. The muscles in his thigh tensed beneath her feather-light touch.

“Don’t.” His voice was strangled, tight. The single word forced between rigid lips. “If you touch me now I won’t be able to hold myself back, and I promised myself I would wait until we reached my apartment.”

Blair’s breath caught in her chest and a coil of anticipation tightened low in her belly. She lifted her hand and laid it back in her lap, her eyes seeking his in the darkened compartment of the car. The knowledge that she could affect him so deeply was empowering. While it was true that the strength of her feelings for him had terrified her, had driven her from his bed and his home and sent her on the arduous and long plane journey home from Europe, right now she was afraid of nothing.

The trip from Carson’s to the Viaduct Basin took only ten minutes, and as they pulled into the parking area of the apartment building Blair acknowledged she couldn’t wait another moment to be alone with Draco.

His driver came around to her door and held it open for her. As she alighted she heard the two men hold a brief discussion in Italian before the driver cruised away into the night.

A trickle of unease shimmered down her spine as she stood in the portico to the high-rise waterfront apartment complex. What the hell was she thinking? A week ago she’d told Draco he’d been nothing more than comfort sex, a couple of weeks before that she’d walked away from him, determined not to succumb to his seductive spell—and yet, here she was on the point of going to bed with him again. A shiver of something else coursed through her. Something that had nothing to do with nerves and everything to do with the visceral look of intent on the face of the man walking toward her.

Still, he didn’t touch her. Instead, he picked up her pack from where the driver had deposited it and headed for the door. Blair followed, slightly cowed by his silence. Was he having second thoughts?

All the way up to his penthouse apartment she sensed the heat of his gaze. Briefly, she lifted her eyes to meet his, only to swallow convulsively when faced with the naked desire reflected in their emerald depths.

The doors swooshed open and Blair followed Draco down the heavily carpeted corridor, to the set of double doors at the end. With the swipe of a key card he opened the doors and stood aside, motioning for her to enter.

Her heels clicked on the parquet floor of the entrance, their sound masking Draco’s footsteps as he closed in behind her. The muffled sound of her pack landing on the floor was all the warning she had before she was consumed by a broad band of heat at her back. Strong arms wrapped around her. Draco’s mouth, hot and wet, descended onto the curve of her neck, his tongue tracing a sensual line up to her ear. The hard swell of his erection pressed against her buttocks and she squirmed, her action wringing a harsh groan from his throat.

He spun her around to face him, his thigh wedging between her legs with delicious friction, to rub against that part of her that flamed, begging for his touch. Blair’s back flattened against the paneled wall behind her and she lifted her arms to Draco’s shoulders before tangling her fingers in his hair and dragging his mouth down to hers.

Suddenly all the hunger she’d held at bay for the past few weeks erupted beneath the onslaught of his lips, the rasp of his tongue against hers. Time and place held no consequence, every molecule in her body focused solely on this moment, this man. One night—it would be their last but it would be the best.

Her skirt hitched up under the push of Draco’s hands as he stroked up her legs, his broad palms caressing the backs of her thighs before clasping the roundness of her buttocks and pulling her hard against the demanding line of his arousal. A spiral of pleasure feathered out from her core, a promise of things to come.

It was insane, what they were doing, but Blair was incapable of sane thought or behavior any more. Draco invaded her senses, her every thought, her every desire. She shuddered anew as he dragged her panties away and cupped her, his fingers slick on her body, on the evidence of her need for him. He ground the heel of his palm against her and she cried out as the tiny rockets of pleasure sparked through her.

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