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Savage Awakening

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"They made me, the group of terrorists I helped take down. After the job was done and the lot of them were arrested, they figured out I was an agent, learned my real name. Mine got erased, and I didn't bother to pick a new one. If I don't exist, why do I need some name on paper?"

"True. So who coined the nickname Hammer? Or did you make it up?"

"No, Nicky did, by accident. When we first met, he said my fists were as big as the business end of a sledgehammer. The short version stuck."

"Well, that's true, too, but I still prefer John." She winked. "I won't spill it in front of anyone."

"Say, I was wondering..."

The big man faltered, and stared over her head into the forest. Not because he saw anything dangerous or interesting out there. He had that look on his face men sometimes did when they were about to-


He cleared his throat, and tried again. "I thought maybe, before you head back to Los Angeles, I could, um, take you to dinner sometime? If you wanted. I mean, nothing serious. I just think you're really cool and well, sexy and- Crap, I'm totally messing this up."

Oh, God. How sweet was that? There was just one problem. A big, snarky redheaded one.

"You're not messing anything up," she assured him. Lord, how to let him down without hurting his feelings? "It's just that I've already sort of been seeing someone. Not that it's serious, but I don't think-"

"Damn." He smiled ruefully. "Should've figured, considering how much time you've spent together. But I thought maybe there was an outside chance for me, since he won't claim- Never mind."

"Won't claim what?"

"Nothing. Forget I said anything." Now he seemed anxious to drop the subject.

Sweeping the man with her gaze from head to toe, she came very, very close to accepting his dinner invite. However, wonderful as he seemed, the temptation was fleeting. In fact, the idea of being with a man who wasn't Aric made her stomach hurt. It was an actual physical reaction that was troubling, how her entire being rejected the mere suggestion of getting close to another male.

Oh, God. I don't want any man but Aric.

"I don't really understand what's going on with me and him," she admitted. "I thought it was a simple out-of-town affair, as slutty as that sounds, but now? I don't know. It's more complicated than I thought if I can't go out with someone as great as you."

"It doesn't sound slutty to me. Being alone sucks, you know? Sometimes it's really nice to have someone, even if it's not forever." His expression grew wistful for a moment; then he shook himself. "Anyway, thanks for being honest. I'd thought maybe things were different with you two. At least I know it's not me, and I'd never poach off one of my friends."

"That's good to hear, 'cause I'd hate to rip out your heart and eat it for a snack."

Both of them faced Aric, who'd somehow come upon them without either of them noticing. He seemed mighty pissed, too. As she took in Hammer's smile, she wondered if the big man hadn't heard his friend approach.

"It's all good, Red." He waved a hand at Rowan. "You can't blame a guy for trying to catch a gorgeous, smart, kick-butt woman, can you?"

Aric snorted. "Guess not. Just don't let it happen again."

"No prob. I'll leave you two alone. Rowan, until later." With a wink, he headed toward the building.

"I hope I didn't hurt his feelings," she said, frowning. "He's a fantastic man."

"Just how fantastic is he?" Stepping up, he wrapped both arms around her, pulled her flush against his over-warm body. "As good as this?"

His lips nibbled at hers and his tongue flicked gently, rather than swooping in for the searing, take-charge kiss he usually delivered. This one was no less dominant, but was... tender. Sweet and searching. Instead of a bolt of lightning, the tingle spread to her belly and toes like ripples on a beautiful pond, sparkling with light.

One of his hands cupped her cheek, and his thumb stroked her jaw as he deepened the kiss. He ate her mouth slowly, as though savoring her as long as possible, before drawing back. "My room?"

"Let's go." The words were out before she thought twice. The need to be with him was like an irresistible pull, so powerful a force it was useless to fight it. So she didn't try, just for tonight.

Again, she thought of Hammer-no, John-asking her out, and mused over her refusal. Though she'd been tempted, there was really no question that she couldn't have done it. The two men were as different as night and day; one a gentle giant, one all fire and tempest. John was very nice, but... the redhead called to her blood, challenged her, excited her as no man ever had.

For all his sarcasm and rough edges, most of it was a front. Aric was kind, and he cared almost too much. His guilt over Beryl had nearly killed him. He was loyal and loved his "brothers." He'd stuck by Rowan through Micah's recovery.

He was spontaneous and fun, too. She thought of their rendezvous outside the Grizzly and her libido heated. No man had ever taken her in public before, or at least in a place where anyone could've happened along. He made her feel alive, and he had a wicked sense of humor.

Aric had wrapped himself around her heart. And refused to let go.

The walk to his quarters was quick, and they burst inside stripping off their clothes. In his bedroom, he pushed her gently onto her back and moved over her like a blanket, alive and real. Her palms skimmed his back, mapped his muscles, his spine. When he brought the head of his cock to her opening and began to push inside, she opened, welcoming him. Sought the connection that was more than just physical, though she didn't know what exactly that might be. It was the same mysterious thing that drew her to him time and again, a force bigger than the both of them.

Then she quit analyzing and let herself go, got lost in the thrust of his body, the way he danced over her gracefully. Stoked the fires higher. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she arched to meet him, taking him in as far as possible, kissing and licking the salty skin of his neck and chest. His chest rumbled, so obviously he liked her attentions. She kept it up, kneading the round globes of his ass as he made love to her.

And there could be no doubt-this was making love.

Right then, her heart trembled under an assault it had never experienced before. Hadn't wanted to know. She wouldn't name it, but it hung there in all its soul-shattering intensity, with the power to heal, to liberate.

Or to decimate.

"Oh, God, baby! I can't stop," he panted. He drove into her, picking up the pace.

"Don't stop! Please, Aric! I need you!"

That sent him over the edge and he buried himself to the hilt, shouting his pleasure. Hot seed bathed her womb as she found her own release, clinging to him. Her lifeline in the storm.

The man she'd soon have to tell good-bye when she left for a city and a cold apartment that would no longer feel like home.

Not since a certain wolf and his family had gotten under her skin. And buried themselves in her heart.

The voice was noxious, like poison in his veins. Carbon monoxide in an enclosed space. A spike driven under a fingernail.

Kalen sat on his bed, head in his hands. Tried to shut out the intruder, but it was getting harder-no, almost impossible-to do. Even Nick with all his strength in foretelling the future couldn't know what Kalen truly suffered. How bad the torment really was. The lure.

Nick had "seen" only a hint but couldn't have guessed that the possible destruction of the entire Alpha Pack team-the world-rested on the shoulders of a young Sorcerer who'd never known love, or loyalty. That the Unseelie beast enjoyed exploiting that weakness. Had no idea that Kalen was losing ground every day in his battle against the darkness.

Because if Nick knew, Kalen would be dead already.

Without the pendant he was lost. His wards didn't work on himself.

Better him than Mackenzie. He would protect her, no matter the price. With his last breath, when the time came.

And it would come.

Yesss, my boy, the voice purred seductively. Why do you bother to fight what you know is true? You are mine, and I do not share.

"Shut up, asshole," Kalen hissed. "You're full of shit."

Am I? Does your pulse not quicken at the image of the ultimate power we'll wield together? Does your cock not harden at the mere sound of my voice?

His groin throbbed, his length pushing against his leathers. Dark need demanded to be satisfied, the lust for mastery. To own all of the world.

Oh, yes, it's such delicious temptation for a boy who's had so little. No one has ever loved you-

"My grandmother loved me!"

And then she left you all alone. Poor mite kicked out of your family at age fourteen, unloved and misunderstood. But I will keep you safe, and we'll rule together.

"God," he rasped. "Help me."

No, young one. There is no help, not for the likes of us. So we must take what others would not give, and make it ours.


Yes. Prepare, my apprentice. I will come for you soon.

On that day, Kalen had better have a plan for how he was going to defeat Malik.

And the darkness within.

Chapter Thirteen

Sweet Jesus, she feels like heaven.

Aric tucked his would-be mate against his side, so close they were almost one body. As she napped with her head on his chest, he let his fingers slip through her sable hair again and again, and replayed their lovemaking in his head. Never had he felt closer to a woman-or anyone, for that matter.

And he had to lose her.

He was so freaking hot, and not in a good way, but he refused to move her just to try to get cooled off. These last few days were all he had left, and he wasn't about to waste a second. Against him, she wiggled a bit, and a light kiss was placed over his heart.


He smiled at her sleepy moan. "Awake?"

"Barely. So good, bein' lazy like this. Wish it could last forever."

Closing his eyes, he willed down the pain. Hugged her tighter. "Me, too."

"Unfortunately, I have to move." Raising up, she kissed his lips. "Micah woke up earlier, for real."

"Really? That's great," he said with relief. "How is he?"

"As well as can be expected, I guess. Confused. He has no memory of his months in the hands of those bastards, being rescued, none of it."

"Shit. He's blocking?"

"Yeah. It's there, in his subconscious, but the only way he can cope is to shut out all the bad stuff. I'm so afraid of what's going to happen to him when he can't suppress it anymore."

He stroked her cheek, trying to give her a measure of comfort. "The doctors will be there to help him. We all will."

"I know. But the thing is, I have to head out day after tomorrow. I hate leaving him, but I have to go home for a while," she said worriedly. "I need to pay bills, check on the apartment, and see when I can get more vacation time to come back."

The news, though not unexpected, hit him like a fist in the gut. It didn't escape his notice that she hadn't expressed the same reticence to leave him, and he cursed himself for being a selfish asshole. "Reality intrudes, huh? Time and the day job wait for no man. Or woman."

"Something like that." She gave him a sad smile. "It's not like I can tell my sergeant that I can't come back to work because my brother is a wolf shifter who was tortured by an evil Unseelie and his shitheads."

"At least not unless you want to find yourself on the wrong end of a psych eval." He kissed her nose. "But he'll be in good hands. It's not like you're abandoning him, so get that guilt out of your head. You'll be back to visit as soon as you can, and he'll understand. When you wear a uniform and are sworn to protect the public, you don't just walk away from your career. Nobody gets that more than we do."

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