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Page 41

Am I ready to give up?

Fuck no, because I also realize I’m operating on exhaustion, fear, and worry. Decisions in those circumstances are not wise. But I do think Gray and I need to talk about this. At the very least, I need to decide what I can ultimately live with and set my course.

But for tonight, I choose not to call her. Instead, I send her a quick text that Ruby’s doing fine and I’m going to catch some sleep. She immediately responds back. Okay, please let me know if there’s anything I can do for you.

I have no clue what to even say to that, so I just turn off my phone and close my eyes for a bit.

Chapter 16


I hate this.

Absolutely, fucking hate this.

I throw my overnight bag into the back of my SUV and slam the tailgate shut. It’s but a quick trip out of the airport parking deck where I connect to I-540 and head east toward the edge of the city limits where Ryker lives. I know I should be going south toward the arena because I have a ton of work to get caught up on, but I can’t do it.

My hatred and frustration over this situation is driving me east. To the man that I’ve come to care so much about over the past month and a half, and yet I can’t fully touch him.

I know he’s at home with Ruby because he texted me early this morning when she was released. I haven’t heard anything further, and I debated on the entire flight what I should do. Keep my distance or show support.

I chose support, and hoped by daring to do so I wouldn’t put myself or Ryker in jeopardy.

When I pull into his driveway, my nerves start becoming jangled because I’m suddenly unsure if he wants me here. He didn’t ask for my help and even went so far as to avoid one of my calls yesterday when I tried to reach out. I know this because he had told me by text he couldn’t answer because Sutton was sitting next to him.

It seems that at every turn another wall is shoved between us.

I get out of my vehicle, wipe my damp palms on my jeans, and lug my huge purse out behind me. After slinging it over my shoulder, I take a deep breath, let it out, and then head up to his front door.

It only takes a few moments for him to open up after I ring the doorbell, and a pure jolt of physical attraction surges through me when I see him. It happens every single time, and I wonder if that will ever wane.

I doubt it.

Ryker’s eyes light up when he sees me and his lips curve into a slow grin. His eyes rake up and down me quickly, finally coming back to rest on me with appreciation. “Hey.”

“Came to see how you and Ruby were doing,” I tell him.

Even though he steps back to invite me in, he leans toward me and murmurs, “You probably shouldn’t have.”

My head snaps toward him with surprise, and he says, “Hensley’s here.”

“Oh,” I whisper, even though I continue walking into his house. I should be turning and running, because this is a bit awkward, but damn…I want to be here. I need to be here and show Ryker that I care.

Ryker shuts the door behind me and turns toward the living room. As we round the corner, I see Ruby propped up on the couch with pillows behind her upper back, and another under her arm, which has a huge bandaged splint, were I can see two tiny metal pins sticking out mid forearm. Ryker’s soon-to-be ex-wife but for the judge’s signature sits with her hip resting on the couch beside Ruby, feeding her some scrambled eggs by the looks of it. Violet sits on the end of the couch, reading a book.

Hensley’s head turns toward me and it’s difficult to read her. She immediately recognizes me, and I have to assume that’s from the news. She gives me a welcoming smile, but it stops short of being fully genuine. I can see her surprise that the general manager of the Cold Fury is standing in Ryker’s house.

I walk up to her confidently, because I’m a damn professional, and stick my hand out to her. “Hi, Hensley. I’m Gray Brannon.”

She puts the fork down on the plate and reaches her hand over to give me an awkward shake. “It’s nice to meet you.”

Her gaze cuts over to Ryker’s and it says, Why the fuck is your boss here?

I ignore her and Ryker and look down at Ruby. I’m so not good with kids, but for some reason, I know exactly what to say to her. “Hi, Ruby. I’m Gray. I work with your daddy and I had heard you were hurt. I wanted to come by and see how you were doing.”

And see how your father was doing. Perhaps give him a hard hug because I know he needs it, but damn if I can do that in front of you, your sister, or your mom.

Ruby smiles shyly at me, revealing a missing tooth on the bottom. She’s the spitting image of Ryker with her dark hair and silver eyes, looking so vulnerable lying there.

I reach into my huge purse and pull out two tiny stuffed teddy bears I picked up at the Raleigh airport after we landed. I squat down beside her and say, “I got you a little something. I hope it makes you feel better.”

Ruby gives me a tentative smile as she takes one of the bears with her good hand.

I turn to Violet and hand her the other bear. “I got you one too, cutie.”

Violet takes it and says, “Thank you.”

“What do you say, Ruby?” This from Ryker and not Hensley.

“Thank you,” she says with another coy look at me.

I grin at her. “I need to tell you one other thing. You know when hockey players get injured, they’re treated really special. And I figure since you’re a hockey player’s daughter, you should get the same treatment, don’t you think?”

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