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Page 44

"John, could I come in? I'm falling apart again." John opened the door all the way so that Jennifer could enter. She sat down on the edge of his bed. He closed the door behind her, sobbing again she spoke. "I was sitting watching the scenery outside, I was doing really well then we pulled into this last station, the sign said Firenze and I suddenly burst into tears. He was never there was he? It was all a lie wasn't it? I can't believe I've been so stupid not to know something was happening right before my very eyes."

John felt bad for her, knowing how much worse she would feel if she knew the truth of how many years he had cheated on her and how many others there had been. Jennifer snuggled into John her arms wrapped around his chest, John held her softly comforting her. In a soothing voice he whispered to her. "Don't blame yourself. You believed and trusted him because you should have been able to. Your fiancé shouldn't lie to you or mislead you. That's the one person in life that should be there for you, to support you and to protect you, not to do you harm or betray you. There now, go ahead and cry you need this release."

Jennifer sat there next to him for almost a half hour when finally she had calmed down enough she turned her head up to look at Johns face. "I'm feeling really tired now. I should get some sleep we arrive in Venice in less than seven hours. Could I stay here in your compartment, I just don't want to be alone tonight? I promise I'll not keep you up all night with my crying."

John laughed. "Of course you can. You can sleep on the bottom bunk and I'll climb up and sleep on the top bunk."

Jennifer looked into his eyes, now a little hesitation in her voice as she asked, "Would you mind if we share the bottom bunk, I really don't want you to let go of me? I really need someone to hold me tonight. Would that be okay?"

John gave her a soft squeeze. "Of course it would, let me use the men's room so that I won't have to get up in the middle of the night." John laughed again. "Too late for that, it already is the middle of the night isn't it? I'll sleep next to the wall you can have the outside in case you need to get up."

The alarm clock went off in John's cell phone and he slowly opened his eyes, feeling from the vibrations and humming in the background that the train was still moving. There was a little bit of daylight coming through the window now. He was still lying next to Jennifer, his arms wrapped around her she was cuddled into his chest. He leaned closer to the back of her head and smelled her hair, inhaling the aroma then closed his eyes as he did. Savoring it, his smile grew even larger. She began to wake up, she stretched a little and noticed that John was awake too, still lying behind her and holding her. "Good morning John. Umm, this feels so good I don't want to get up. What time is it?"

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