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Page 42

She went into her compartment and stood at the door watching John pass as he walked to his, the next compartment door. She had to fight a strong urge to kiss him again as he walked by, her chest got tight just thinking about their first kiss. He opened his compartment door and looked at his bed then turned back to look at her. "Mine looks good too, sweet dreams Jennifer, see you in the morning."

John wasn't sleepy yet so he sat on the edge of the bed near the window, his two pillows and blanket rolled up and propped up behind him so he could sit in comfort. He looked at his wrist watch, it was now ten forty. He watched the scenery go by as best he could out of his window. It was very dark outside the only saving grace was a nearly full moon providing some light as mile after mile of countryside went by. Occasionally a house or small town with lights on in the building windows would fly by. They had pulled into several stations, all with town names he didn't know and wouldn't remember after they pulled out of them. Each station loomed up as the train slowed down to stop. The scene almost looked surreal, the light flooding the station platform dyeing as it fell off the edge. It almost seemed like a dream sequence and not reality. He then thought about each one of the people getting off of the train, most likely headed home from work, they each had a life, a family. As each person walked away, they moved slowly and never once looked back at the train, their thoughts probably on their families or loved one waiting for them at home. He sat there wondering what their stories were. It had been almost an hour when they pulled into a station he did know the name of. The sign on the train station platform said Firenze. His thoughts went to Michael. This was the town name that he had told Jennifer he was staying overnight at. He was so angry that Michael had caused so much hurt and pain to Jennifer. He couldn't think of a worse way for Jennifer to have found out than being told by the woman who was having the affair with her fiancé.

He was watching people getting off of the train when his thoughts were interrupted by a knock on his compartment door. He turned his head and frowned and just stared at the door for a moment before getting up to unlock and partially open the door to peek out into the hallway.

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