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Page 37

The Concierge gave John a packet that contained his reservations. John asked if Jennifer Olson had picked up her package yet. "Si Signore she has. Signora Olson picked up her package a short time ago and gave me a message for you. She said she had an appointment to keep first but that she would join you at the train in a little while."

The Concierge warned him of the men that try to help you on board the train and then expect a large payment for it. He fended off the two men that tried. After finding the correct car number he started up the steps to the car. A Porter met him at the door and helped him up with his suitcase. The Porter looked at his ticket and had him follow him about half way down the narrow aisle. He then went inside the compartment and set Johns suitcase on the floor.

"Has Miss Jennifer Olson arrived yet?"

"No Signore not yet."

John took a pocket book out of his suitcase then placed the suitcase in the overhead storage area. Back home he had never taken a trip anywhere by train before. He had always heard that in Europe traveling by train was more common than in the U.S, he was looking forward to the ride and the experience.

His thoughts went back to Jennifer, wondering what kind of an appointment she had to go to before getting to the train. He was hoping she was getting her hair done or something that would make her feel good, knowing in his heart she wanted Michael with her not him. His watch said it was twenty minutes till seven, the train porter had told him that the train would be departing at seven o'clock sharp, he hoped that Jennifer could get here on time. He then wondered what would happen if she missed the train. He sat down in his seat, leaving the compartment door open. He opened his book and started to read, his mind wandering back to Jennifer too much to concentrate on the story so he closed it and put it down. Several times in the next fifteen minutes he heard the Porter escort people to their compartment, but none of them Jennifer.

Worried she was going to miss the train, he got out his cell phone to call Michael and see if he knew where she was. As he was punching in Michael's number he heard her voice as she entered the narrow hallway talking to the porter. His face lit up instantly even at just the sound of her voice. He remembered Ron's warning, and did his best to quell the feelings that had just risen in his chest. He heard the Porter escorting her to the next compartment before his. He looked down at his watch, six minutes till seven. That was too close for comfort he thought to himself. He was sure there was probably another train that she could have taken to Venice but it would most likely not been till later in the evening or even the next morning.

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