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Page 32

John's pulse started to race. He noticed something in Jennifer's voice, she was sad. "I would love to spend the day with you. How about we start by visiting the Coliseum and Forums that you wanted to see?"

"Really, you wouldn't mind going to those?"

"Of course not Jennifer, it would be an adventure with you along."

They took a cab to the forums and after paying the entrance fees and renting two self-guided tour players started off on their adventure. It took over three hours to make their way through the ruins listening to the pre-recorded narration, only stopping the machines occasionally when they had something to comment on about, they laughed most of the way through having another great time together. About one thirty they stopped for a quick lunch at a local restaurant a block away from the ruins. As with every other meal they'd had so far, the food was excellent. After lunch they walked over to the coliseum and started the tour of that place then it was another cab ride to the Vatican tour. A few hours later they ended up back at the hotel, exhausted by all the waking they had done but were very excited by what they had seen and done. They bid each other goodbye and went up to their rooms.

After he showered and changed into clean clothes, John sat on the bed, he hoped that Jennifer would call to ask him to dinner again. After an hour passed and no phone call he figured she wasn't going to call. Getting up from the bed he walked over to the window, looked down at all of the activity on the street below, his mind going over all the wonderful times he had had with Jennifer that day. He was startled by the hotel phone when it rang. An extra-large smile on his face as he raced over to answer it. He picked it up. "Hello." Hoping it would be Jennifer, instead he heard Michaels voice on the other end.

"John, I wanted to touch base with you about tomorrow. We have an early meeting with most of the heads of personnel tomorrow at their Rome office I will need you there for that one."

Hearing Michael's voice instead of Jennifer's was a blow for John. "No problem Michael. What time are we to go?"

"Meet me at eight thirty tomorrow morning in the Lobby. Do you have any plans for this evening?"

"Nothing special, I was thinking about dinner but haven't quite figured out where to go yet."

"I'm told there is a Trattoria restaurant called Romeo's a couple blocks away that's supposed to be wonderful or maybe you can check with the Concierge for advice where to go. I've promised I would spend some actual time with Jennifer tonight. She's got something up her sleeve, she has something important she wants to talk to me about tonight, you know these women. Oh, by the way, thanks for keeping her company again today, I feel much better knowing that she has someone around to be with when I can't be there for her."

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