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Page 24

He looked back at the table where Vittoria still sat. She was bobbing her head to the music, while smoking her cigarette. Then John did a double take as he tried to focus on her ears in the dimly lit club. Those green earrings dangling from her ears, those were exactly like the ones Jennifer had described seeing in Michael's dresser drawer, he was sure of it. He was so confused, all he knew was he had to get Jennifer out of here quickly, he couldn't have her discover Michael here with another girl. He turned around and walked quickly back to the door where Jennifer was waiting.

She smiled when she saw him. "All better? I picked up a flyer from the band, I'll bring that back to Michael, I know he'll enjoy it. He's always trying to get me to listen to this Jazz stuff. I can't get into it. How about you? Do you like Jazz at all?" They were now outside and walking back to their hotel.

"I can listen to most kinds of music but Jazz isn't a favorite, in little doses it's okay." As he was saying this, his mind was racing. He couldn't believe that Michael was out with another woman knowing his fiancé was waiting for him only blocks away in their hotel room. Vittoria was a very beautiful woman and had seemed nice when he had met her, but why would anyone want anyone else when they had Jennifer, she was perfect, it didn't make since. Then suddenly he realized the truth, he had told Jennifer that he was out of town so that he could spend the night out with Vittoria. The thought of all this made John mad. Suddenly he noticed that Jennifer had stopped. He turned and looked at her.

"Are you all right, I've been talking to you and you weren't paying attention? You had a faraway almost angry look on your face. Is something wrong?" A worried look on her face, she picked up Johns hand again in hers and held it very tenderly.

John smiled warmly. "I'm sorry, I flashed on something I saw today at one of the production plants and my mind ran away thinking about it." John lied to her he knew he didn't dare tell her the truth.

"That's okay. I do that sometimes, suddenly my mind is miles away. And you are here on business, being with me shouldn't get in the way."

John frowned. "You could never get in the way. I enjoy being with you too much, I apologize for spacing out." John hesitated for a moment and turned to Jennifer. "Can I ask you a personal question? Did you ever smoke cigarettes before?'

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