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Rock My World

Page 11

I snicker. “Ah, yes, the crushing appointments.”

Gabe stands and then slides in his chair. “You’re one to talk about crushing.”

My mouth gapes open, and my brother winks at me before scooting out the door to meet up with some little, snobby socialite-type.

A scraping noise drags my attention to my father as he pushes back from the table and throws his cloth napkin on the table. “I’m going to go give Brady a call and set something up for you.”

I nod and smile. “Thank you.”

Dad stops as he walks around the table and places his hand on my shoulder. “You’re my baby girl, darling. I’ll do anything to protect you.”

The smile on his face seems genuine and while I know my father loves me and wants the best for me, I’m not sure we exactly agree on what that is.

Mom blots the corners of her mouth with her napkin. “Aubrey, honey, since you’re here I wondered if you’d accompany me to find a new dress for Larry and Dee Hanigan’s anniversary party at the club this weekend. Maybe we can pick one up for you as well. They’d love to see you.”

“I’m really not sure how long I’ll be in town,” I answer, trying to get out of what I know will be a boring party for my parents’ friends. “We should really be getting back to the hotel.”

“It’s only six, surely you don’t have to rush off so soon?” There’s almost a pout in her voice.

“Mom…Zach’s here and it would be impolite to leave him alone.”

Before I can further express all the reasons I can’t go, Zach speaks up, “It’s fine, Aubrey. I can hang out here for a couple of hours while you spend time with your mother. I have my laptop out in the car. I’ll grab it and handle some band stuff while you’re gone.”

I study his face to see if he really means it or not. Maybe he wants a little break from me for a while or something. “If you really want me to go, I’ll go.”

He slides his hand up my thigh, and the urge to jump his bones comes to mind. “It’s fine. We have all night to hang out.”

I don’t miss the hint in his subtle words and it makes my pulse race to an embarrassing level, knowing I have eyes directed on me from across the table. “If you’re sure it’s okay.”

I silently pray that he changes his mind and decides to take me back to the hotel. I drag my nails over the back of his hand and his eyes hood a little.

He blinks slowly and sighs. “I’ll be fine. I’m not going anywhere.”

“Good then, it’s all set. I’ll go grab my purse and we’ll head out.” Mom’s delighted voice snaps me out of the dazed stupor Zach and his sexiness put me in.

The moment we’re alone in the dining room Zach grabs my face and crushes his lips against mine. “Don’t be gone long.”

I trace his bottom lip with my tongue. “Now, I’m definitely tempted to tell her I’m not going.”

His face lights up with a crooked grin as he sucks on his lip ring. “As much as I would love that, you can’t. She’d be disappointed now.”

“What about you?” I can hear the whine in my voice.

“I’ll be fine. It’ll be good to check in with the guys and see what’s going on. Besides, I’ve neglected my fan page lately. I really should get on that.”

“Don’t go and text random women who message you.” I’m kidding…well mostly, anyway.

Zach laughs and kisses me softly. “You’re the only fan I want dirty messages from now.”

My face heats up as I recall how our relationship began with a string of texts promising hot sex. “Good to know.”

After a couple more kisses, I grab a post-it note and pen from the kitchen to write the Wi-Fi information down for him, and promise not to be gone more than a couple hours. He just grins and encourages me to spend time with my mother, reminding me how sometimes life is too short so I should spend all the time I can with her.

My heart sinks a little knowing what he’s been through with his sister and his mother. I need to suck it up, take his advice, and make the best out of buying a stuffy dress.


Seven hundred and thirty-seven messages? Holy fuck. That’s what I get for not keeping up with this fan site. This is going to take me a month to sort through. I lean back on the brown leather sofa and close my eyes, completely overwhelmed with the amount of work to do. I’m tempted to say fuck it and take a nap instead, but I know that’s not fair to the fans. This is their outlet for their passion about my work. How can I ignore that?

I take a deep breath, grab a snack pack of Oreos from my bag and then get to work. It’s a painstakingly long process, but to see their giddy responses when they realize I’ve replied personally make it all worth it. Before Aubrey, this was the place I came to feel love. My fans poured it out to me unconditionally and I soaked it up. That’s actually why I started bagging so many groupies. There’s nothing like being someone’s everything.

“You got a minute, son?” I glance up from the computer screen to find the Judge leaning against the doorframe into this impressive den. “There’s something I would like to discuss with you.”

I glance down at the clock on my computer. Damn. I’ve been answering messages for an hour and a half and didn’t even realize it. Aubrey should be back soon, but I wonder why her father wants to talk to me without her present.

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