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Rock My Body

Page 75

He throws his head back and laughs heartily which only pisses me off more. I’m not trying to be funny. Can’t he see I’m being serious?

Those mesmerizing blue eyes twinkle with amusement. “Oh, a temper. I like that. Careful, good girl, you’re going to lose that title soon if you get me all riled up with your feisty little attitude. If I get too turned on, I’ll have no choice but to take you right here in this bar.”

I curl my lip in a mock show of disgust, pretending like I wouldn’t love to know just how worked up I’m getting him. I walk around the table to face him, determined to get my things back. “Like I said, X, you wish.”

The easygoing vibe and boyish charm he exuded only seconds ago disappears as he allows me to wrap my fingers around the strap of my purse that still dangles from his finger. The moment I have a firm grip on it, Xavier grabs me by the waist and pulls me tight against his body—the purse wedged between us is the only thing keeping our chests from colliding. I stare up at his face, fully aware of every point where our bodies touch.




His hand pressing tightly against the small of my back.

The crazy idea of pushing forward a few inches and finding out what those sexy lips of his taste like zings through me, and I bite my lip, causing his crystal-clear blue eyes to drift down to my mouth before slowly moving back up to meet mine. “You’re right, beautiful. I do wish.”

My mouth gapes open. Normally I would have responded with some sort of witty comment telling him he didn’t have a chance with me, but I can’t deny the way I crave him.

I’m not sure how long we stay there like that, gazing into one another’s eyes, waiting for the other to make the next move, or at least say something, but before I’m ready Quinn’s voice drags me back to reality. “Anna, do you want to finish your drink? The ice is melting.”

Her subtle way of giving me an out if I need one isn’t missed by Xavier as we remain locked together. “I should get back to that drink. I can’t let it go to waste,” I murmur.

Xavier nods, like he understands things are moving a little too quickly for me. “Drinks, like most things, are always the best before time melts away the taste, leaving things bland and watered down. Everything is better when it’s fresh which is why I never miss an opportunity when I see something I like. I’m a firm believer in jumping on things right away.”

He stays tangled up with me, gauging my reaction to his words—words I don’t believe have anything to do with a drink. It’s more like the idea of this crazy connection we seem to feel toward each other is just a passing phase, but one we should act on right away.

The waft of cold air hits me hard as he pushes away from me, and I instantly crave the warmth of his body back. I fold my arms around my purse and hug it tight against my chest to keep my fingers from reaching for him. I feel like this is my moment to tell him that I want him—to make some sort of move on him to let him know I’m interested in him. But it’s just not me. I’m not that forward.

So instead of telling him that I want him to take me somewhere and prove to me how he got the name “Phenomenal,” I stand there like a scared deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car. I swallow hard and search for anything to say to kill the awkward vibe that’s growing between us.

“Thank you for returning my things.”

A corner of his mouth lifts up, revealing a tiny smile.

“It was no trouble.” His eyes flit between me and Quinn, who is no doubt watching us like a hawk. “I’ll let you get back to that drink.”

Before I have a chance to say anything else, Xavier turns on his heel and heads back to the people he left at the bar.

My shoulders relax now that I’m no longer pinned under the intensity of his stare. I don’t know what it is about him but he makes me feel crazy, which is so not like me.

Quinn grabs my arm and then drags me back down in the booth next to her. “Holy shit that was intense. That guy is so hot for you. Whatever spell you’ve put him under, you must teach me. I didn’t know you had that in you.”

“I didn’t do anything, Quinn,” I answer.

“Exactly!” she exclaims. “A guy like him isn’t used to a women not responding to the smallest bone he tosses their way. You’ve done exactly what I told you to do on the way over here. You’ve maintained the upper hand.”

I really hadn’t set out to play some kind of angsty sex game with Xavier, but it seems to be exactly what we’re doing. Problem is, I’m not so sure what my next move is supposed to be here.

“Just look at him.” Quinn nudges my arm. “He can’t keep his eyes off you.”

I glance up and find his gaze firmly fixed on me. The blonde who entered the bar with him and Mullet Man affixes herself to him, running her finger slowly up and down his forearm. A twinge of jealously rolls through me, even though I know I don’t have any right to be envious. It’s not like we’re dating or anything.

Xavier glances down at the woman and shakes his head before pushing her fingers off his arm. Her face twists as she crosses her arms over her chest and then plops down next to him like a sulking child who’s just been told no.

“Looks like Blondie doesn’t handle rejection well,” Quinn snickers and I smile.

“I would never go after a guy like that,” I reply.

She grabs her drink off the table and tips it at me. “And that, my friend, is exactly why you have his attention.”

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