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Rock My Body

Page 68

“No, he’s not. No one I know from Portland is.”

He raises his eyebrows. “The boyfriend isn’t going to come after you?”

I shake my head. “I sort of ended things with him.”

“Is that why you’re running away from Portland? Can’t face breaking some poor schmuck’s heart?” he asks with a playful tone.

I fold my arms across my chest. “I assure you that I didn’t break Jorge’s heart.”

He smirks. “You don’t honestly believe that, do you?”

“Why wouldn’t I? Jorge and I were never really in love. Our families are close, and us being together was expected.” If arranged marriages were still legal, that’s exactly what would’ve happened with Jorge and me. We were more like siblings than anything else. I loved him, but not in the way that made me know deep down he was “The One.”

Recognition flashes across Xavier’s face. “So you’re escaping an overbearing family that tries to control your life. Aren’t you afraid that your aunt will try to push more things on you that you don’t want?”

He’s good. He’s practically figured out my entire life story with just that little bit of information. I should shut my big mouth right now and not indulge him further, but it’s actually nice to talk to someone about this—especially since it seems like he understands how my family tries to push their beliefs on me. It’s like he can connect with me on some level.

“Aunt Dee isn’t like that. She’s really cool. The exact the opposite of my father.”

He nods. “I grew up like that myself—in an overly religious household. It’s rough living with people who are passionate over certain…beliefs.”

Xavier pauses for a beat before he asks, “So how pissed is your dad that you took off without his consent?”

My mouth drops open a little. “How did you know that?”

He shrugs. “You’re a good girl who has a controlling father, it’s not hard to figure out. You want freedom. I can sense it on you from a mile away. I understand why you’re leaving.”

“You do?” Surprise rings in my voice. No one other than Quinn and Aunt Dee have empathized with me before. Most people from back home will freak out and call me a fool once they figure out I left. People don’t understand that sometimes ideas of perfection in a family get carried a little too far. It’s nice that he seems to get it.

“I do. Being trapped in a life that you didn’t choose is no fucking picnic, no matter how good it may appear to people outside of the situation. I’ve been there myself. So, yeah, I get it, and I don’t blame you. No one should be forced to live their life in any way other than how they choose.”

I stare at him, amazed he knew exactly what I was thinking. He’s been where I’m at, and he doesn’t look down on me for running away from my life. For a moment it’s easy to forget he’s a sexy celebrity and not just a regular man—one I would like to get to know better.

“It’s nice to hear someone agree with me for a change. I don’t like defying my father but I felt like if I didn’t get away, I was going to drown in a world full of ideas and beliefs that I don’t necessarily agree with.”

“When you say beliefs, I’m going to assume you mean religion.”

I sigh. “Yes. Not that I’m a non-believer, I just don’t like having it shoved down my throat all the time.”

His blue eyes search my face. “You really are a sweet girl.” Before I can reply to that statement he continues. “I’m glad that you refused me. I’m no good for you.”

With our gazes locked, I suddenly forget why I was so put off by his advances in the first place. Maybe my assumptions about him were wrong. He would make an excellent friend—if I weren’t so insanely attracted to him.

“You don’t seem so bad to me. You’re easy to talk to.”

He swallows hard. “That’s because you don’t know me. Believe me, beautiful, I’m bad fucking news. A nice girl like you should run away from me as quick as you can.”

My chest heaves while the intensity radiates off him and wraps itself around me. Something about him pulls me in, and I can’t explain why I suddenly feel like we are kindred spirits, both running from something. I know he’s not good for me—he even said so himself—but I can’t stop my stupid body from being attracted to him.

My eyes drift down to his lips, and the thought of what they would feel like on mine washes over me. I imagine they’re demanding yet gentle, all at the same time. Thinking like this is dangerous and will lead me down a road I’m not sure I’m ready for, but I can’t help doing it.

“You can’t keep looking at me like that. I want you. If you give in to me, there’s no going back, and you’re not ready for someone like me. I don’t have the best self-control, and I’m a very selfish man.” His voice is tight, like he’s struggling between what he should do and what he wants to do.

Just like I am.

He leans in closer and runs his nose down the length of my jaw, pausing for a brief second to kiss the soft skin beneath my ear. My breath catches and I clench my thighs together to calm the ache he’s just created between my legs. It gives me some relief, but my damn naïve curiosity won’t let his last words go.

“How am I looking at you?” I whisper.

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