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Rock My Body

Page 24

Sometimes, when I allow myself to think of her too much, I can’t hold back the pain. Hot tears slick down my cheeks as I try my best to hold in my sobs and not lose what little bit of control I still have.

My office door opens, startling me. I swat at the tears streaking down my face, attempting hide the fact that I’m teetering on the edge of yet another nervous breakdown while thinking about Annie.

Tyke’s green eyes lock with mine and concern instantly etches on his face. “Are you okay?”

I sniff. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

He closes the door behind him and takes a hesitant step toward me. “I’ve always been told when a woman says she’s ‘fine,’ it means just the opposite.”

I shake my head. “Things going on with me aren’t really open for discussion.”

From the slight tilt of his head, I can tell that he’s trying to figure me out. “Why?”

When he moves toward me, I step back, bumping into the desk. He’s close enough that the heat of his body radiates off him, causing a tingle to creep up my spine. I shouldn’t like being this close to him, but I do.

Too damn much.

Slowly he raises his hand to my face, and with the pad of his thumb, he brushes a lingering tear from my cheek. “How can you expect me to open up to you about my feelings when you won’t even tell me what’s made you cry?”

His thumb leaves a trail of fire in its wake, my skin begging him to touch me everywhere. But no matter how much my body craves his closeness, it can never happen. He’s off-limits.

He’s a client, for Christ’s sake.

The moment he cradles my face in his hands I begin to panic, knowing what would happen if I allow this kiss to occur. Is another random tryst worth losing this job? I’ve worked so hard for this, and not only would I be letting myself down, but I know Annie would be pissed at me, too. Even knowing all that, I can’t deny the attraction I feel toward him.

Tyke’s lips part slightly as he begins to lean into me. I place my hand against his chest. “We can’t do this,” I whisper.

His gaze locks with mine. “I know.”

I’m not sure if it’s the strain in his deep rumbling voice, or the fact that I’m emotionally vulnerable that makes me momentarily lose my resolve, but something comes over me and my hand against his chest relaxes and I fall into him a bit. Tyke seizes the opportunity and presses his lips to mine, my eyes closing of their own accord, my mouth betraying me by opening and allowing his tongue to slip inside. A low groan emits from the back of his throat as he wraps one arm around the small of my back and pushes his body against mine.

“You taste like sunshine,” he says between kisses.

My knees nearly buckle at his words, and I thread my fingers into his blond hair. This only excites him more. Tyke grabs my waist and hoists me onto my desk, pushing his hips between my legs, his erection straining through the coarse material of his jeans as he rubs against me and his kiss turns hungry.

I could give in right now and escape. His touch feels so good, it’s almost enough to make me forget where we are.


I shove my hand into his chest, pushing him backward. “No. We can’t do this. I’ll lose my job.”

Tyke’s lust-laden gaze meets mine as his body stills. I fully expect him to try to convince me that we won’t get caught, but he doesn’t. He simply steps back and straightens his T-shirt while he nods. “I don’t want that to happen, but you can’t blame me for trying. You’re so fucking sexy, and your eyes...God, so damn blue—they’re intoxicating. I think I could stare into them forever. I guess I just couldn’t help myself.”

I bite my lip and stare at him as I hop off the desk. “We have to stay professional. This kind of thing can never happen between us again. No matter how much we both may want it to.”

That earns me a crooked smirk because I’ve just admitted that I want him. “I promise to be on my best behavior from now on, Doc.”

He grabs the notebook I didn’t realize he’d brought with him off my desk and saunters over to the couch. I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t help checking out his ass while his back is to me. That man is something—definitely a lot more suave than I’m used to. And his kiss...dear God. If just his kiss can tempt me to throw caution to the wind and nearly fuck the career I’ve worked so hard for, I can only imagine what sleeping with him would do to me.

Probably destroy me, and ruin me for all other men.

The moment he pats the seat next to him on the couch, my back straightens. There’s no way in hell I can be that close to him while being this turned on and expect things to stay innocent.

I grab my tablet, along with my glasses, and take the seat across from him.

He chuckles. “I suppose that’s safer.”

Blood rushes to my cheeks, no doubt showing off a fierce blush. “I think distance is best.”

He repositions himself, stretching his long legs out and throwing his arm casually across the back of the couch. “So what are we talking about today, Doc?”

There are so many things he and I could be talking about, but right now, I need to focus on the reason he’s here. My eyes flit to the notebook balancing on his left thigh. “I’m assuming you’ve written something down, since you’ve brought it with you.”

He taps his thumb on the cover a couple times and then shrugs. “Just one song.”

I slip my glasses on, ready to take some notes. “Care to share what it is?”

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