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Rock My Bed

Page 64

He shakes his head. “I don’t believe you! You still want me. I can see it in your eyes. People don’t just walk away from a connection like the one we have. I’m going to make you admit that to yourself by the end of this weekend.”

Before I have a chance to reply, he crushes his lips to mine. I melt into him, forgetting what we were even fighting about to begin with as I focus on is him. Both legs beneath me wobble and I wrap my arms around his neck and hold him close.

Damn my stupid body for reacting to him like this.

He pulls back and smirks. “See. Don’t forget I know what turns you on and how you like it a little rough. You’re going to want me to do more than kiss you. I promise you that.”

My lips tingle as he bends down and picks up the bag and starts toward the exit. What the hell just happened here? I’m never going to figure this man out.


Sitting at the Mexican restaurant next to Zach reminds me of the first night we spent together when I met up with them in Dallas. The waiter drops off some chips and salsa at the table while a Spanish song plays overhead.

I shake my head as I my mind drifts back to how I felt him up that first night we were together. It was at the table just like this while I sat across from my best friend in nearly the same circumstance.

My cell buzzes and I look at the screen.

Riff: Feel like being naughty again during dinner?

My head whips in his direction and Zach grins and winks at me. Damn it. How did you know exactly what I was thinking? Well, I got news for him—fat chance of that happening again.

Aubrey: You’re an asshole.

He chuckles as he reads my text.

Riff: Maybe so, but I’m one that you still have feelings for.

I shake my head.

Riff: Yes you do. You know you miss me being inside you. Admit it so we can stop playing these stupid games and be together.

I squirm in my seat as I read his words. He knows talking dirty to me gets to me. He’s seen how I react to it when we had sex, but I can’t let it affect me now. I refuse to let him have any sort of power over me.

I huff and toss my phone back into my purse unwilling to play along with his game. My heart is not a plaything. I don’t want it crushed yet again by him when he decides he doesn’t want it anymore. I’m tired of being treated like that. I want a man that really wants me and means it. I’m not settling for anything less than that anymore.

Chapter 22


I bite my thumbnail as I wait for Isaac to get off the plane. Images of how awkward this weekend is going to be with Riff and Isaac in the same room flip through my head. I hope Riff keeps his cool and doesn’t do something crazy like I know he’s capable of when he gets angry. Poor Isaac wouldn’t stand a chance against his rage.

Isaac comes into view carrying a small, black bag and a suit bag in the same hand. He’s dressed casually in khakis and a blue polo shirt with his hair styled in its traditional fashion. He pushes his black-framed glasses up his nose and gives me a small wave.

He wraps his free arm around my shoulders and pulls me into him. “I’ve missed you.”

I squeeze him back and pat his back. “It’s good to see you. Did you have a good flight?”

“It was fine,” he answers as I take him by the hand and lead him towards the exit.

Things between us still feel forced and unnatural. It takes a lot of work to keep a conversation rolling between us, but I’m not ready to give up on making this relationship work.

We walk to the short term parking section of the lot and he follows me to Lanie’s car.

“A rental?” he questions.

I unlock the doors. “It’s Lanie’s. She let me borrow it to come pick you up.”

“Ah,” is all he replies.

We ride in silence on the highway. Like I said, conversation doesn’t come easy between us, which is odd because we work together. There should be a million things to talk about between us.

Tired of the silence, I crank up the radio. The beat of a pop tune plays through the speakers filling the cab with a little noise as we drive to Lanie’s house.

“What exactly are the plans for the night?” Isaac asks as he turns the radio back down.

“We’re decorating the dock and tent for the wedding tomorrow. Then we have a rehearsal dinner at some Italian place.”

He nods. “It’s odd to have a wedding on a Sunday, don’t you think?”

I shrug. “Not really. What’s it matter what day they get married on?”

“It doesn’t, I guess. I would think that most people would stick with a traditional Saturday wedding.”

I twist my lips as I evaluate his tone that seems a little snippy and judgmental. “Lanie and Noel are anything but traditional, so why should their wedding be?”

“Touche,” he replies.

Every inch of the driveway is full of delivery people when I pull in, forcing me into the side yard. Through the windshield I watch Zach direct a man with a bunch of flowers down towards the dock where the actual ceremony will take place. He glances over at the car and catches me staring at him and grins. It’s not just any grin either. It’s the one where he practically devours me with his eyes and makes things a little uncomfortable considering I’m dating another man.

I open the door and hop out of the car. He’s not going to give up even though Isaac is here. He really does have some nerve.

Isaac steps out of the car and opens the back door to retrieve his things. “It’s beautiful out here. Where did you say we are again?”

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