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Rock My Bed

Page 55

“Don’t cry,” he whispers, “I’ll see you again before you know it.”

The call button on my apartment rings as someone buzzes the apartment entrance. “That’s your ride.”

I fist his t-shirt in my hands and kiss his lips with as much force as I can muster. This week has been perfect and I’m scared to let him go. I don’t want this feeling to end, and I’m afraid that if we try this long-distance thing it isn’t going to work out. They never do.

“I have to go.” He gives me one last peck. “I’ll call you when I board the plane.”

I nod and pull my hands away from his shirt. I wonder if he feels this, too? The uncertainly of what lies ahead for us?

I sniff and do my best to hide the overwhelming emotion I feel building inside of me. The brightest smile I can afford to show fills my face as he steps back.

“This isn’t goodbye. It’s more like an I’ll see you later, okay?”

“Okay,” I answer softly.

He grabs his bag, takes one last look at me and then heads out of the bedroom. The minute the front door clicks shut, I fall back against my pillow and allow the breakdown I’ve been holding back to break free.

Never in a million years did I believe that kiss backstage with a sweaty, Mohawked rock star would lead to a connection like this. This is one curveball in life I wasn’t expecting.

Chapter 18


I step onto the bus and Trip elbows his brother while they both sit on the love seat playing their video game. They both grin at me from ear to ear and it’s fucking annoying. “What?”

Tyke winks at Trip. “Have a good week off? We missed you at home.”

“Yeah, Riff. Where did you go last week, huh?” Trip asks.

I head towards my bunk and plop my bag inside my foxhole. They’ve obviously already figured it out, so I might as well admit where I was and get their merciless teasing over with now. “You all know exactly where I’ve been, so cut the shit and let’s get this over with.”

Trip and Tyke both howl with laughter. I roll my eyes and roll my hand, telling them to get it all out now.

“I never thought I’d see the day when Riff Oliver falls for a girl,” Tyke says.

“I knew it was coming. It’s about time this stubborn asshole admits he’s capable of feelings,” Trip adds. “I’m happy for you, bro. So tell us, is she walking funny?”

“You guys are idiots. I don’t know how I’ve put up with you two this long,” I answer as I shake my head and totally avoid his question.

“Because we’re the only ones crazy enough to put up with your moody ass,” Trip says.

I open my mouth to answer, but quickly shut it, knowing he’s probably right.

“She’s not coming on the bus with us too is she?” Tyke asks while pounding away on the remote.

I crunch my brow. “So what if she does?”

“Relax, dude. It’ll be tight is all. Noel is bringing Lanie back on the bus with him. Two chicks on this bus with us, hogging the bathroom all the time and complaining about our filth, might be more than the rest of us can take,” Trip clarifies.

“I thought Lanie was going to her mom’s place?” Maybe he’s planning to keep her with him. I wouldn’t blame him if he did. I’d keep Aubrey here if I could.

Tyke shakes his head. “Noel called earlier and said that she’s staying for a while.”

All this talk about girlfriends on the bus makes me miss my Kitten. I pull out my cell and dial her number.

“Hey,” she says into the phone. “I wasn’t expecting to hear from you until tonight.”

I cradle the phone between my ear and shoulder as I grab my Oreos and a cup of milk. “Guess I couldn’t wait. So what are you up to?”

I sit at the table and fill her in about the details of my flight home as I stack my cookies on the table. The twins instantly shut up and go busy themselves with restocking the kitchen once their game ends.

Noel walks in with Lanie under his arm. She stretches up on her toes and kisses his cheek before heading towards the bedroom to settle in. Noel grins as he watches her down the hall.

I sigh. Seeing shit like that isn’t going to help me to get over missing Kitten.

Aubrey starts explaining the plot of some movie she watched on television as Tyke hands Noel a beer from across the island and distracts me from my private conversation. “Good break? I see that sappy grin.”

It’s hard not to listen to Noel and Tyke talk too since they’re practically standing next to me and aren’t exactly quiet when they speak.

Noel twists off the cap. “Don’t hate.”

Tyke holds his palm hands up. “I’m not. It’s going to be weird around here with both you and Riff settled down and all.”

Noel chokes on his drink and quickly wipes his mouth. “Riff?” I grin as shock registers on his face. “With who?”

Tyke gives him a pointed look. “Lane’s friend, Aubrey. Who else?”

His eyebrows rise. “Realllllly? Wow. I thought they just hooked up.”

Tyke shrugs. “Apparently he spent the entire break with her in New York, and he’s been on the phone with her now for the last hour.”

“Huh,” he says while he shakes his head.

It’s official my world is officially changing and everyone around me knows it.

“Zach? You still there?” Aubrey questions on the other end of the line.

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