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Rock My Bed

Page 44

I close the message box and log off the site completely. No more distractions. No more going down the bad boy path. Hopefully, if I ignore him he’ll give up and move on.

Two seconds after opening my work email, my cell chimes and buzzes with a new message. I roll my eyes.

I hope that my theory that he’ll walk away easily proves true.

Chapter 14


I’ve never been one to basically stalk a woman until she talks to me, but the fact that Kitten is ignoring me cuts right through me. I should’ve called. I know that. Not calling was a dick move on my part, and I feel like an asshole, but there’s nothing I can do about that now, other than apologize. I was seriously trying to distance myself from her, but I only made it three fucking days.

I ring her cell one more time, since I’ve put myself on a pattern alternating my method of attempting communication with her every thirty minutes. None of my instant messages, texts, or calls are answered.

“Are you going to be on your phone all fucking night?” Trip whines next to me as we walk through the parking lot back to Big Bertha. “I want to go find some chicks.”

“I have to keep trying until she answers,” I snap as yet another attempt goes straight to her voicemail.

“I know I told you to try with her, dude, but if she’s ignoring you it’s a sign that you need to move on.”

“Why is she mad?” Tyke questions from the other side of Trip.

I sigh and stuff my phone in my pocket. “I basically begged her to give a relationship with me a shot, promised to call her back, and I didn’t.”

Trip jerks his thumb in my direction as he explains to his brother, “This dumbass tries to call the girl three days later, but then gets crazy when she won’t answer any of his messages.”

Tyke shakes his head. “Tough break, Riff. Maybe you should forget about her.”

I shake my head. “I can’t.”

“Why not?” Trip asks. “What is it about that girl that you like so much?”

My mind flashes to the first night I saw Aubrey. She was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen, and when she shoved me away from her, I was a goner. I had to have her. It didn’t help she made me work for it a little first, that only drove me more. But the true clincher wasn’t even the kinky sex we had. It was the moment when she said I was a good person. She didn’t make me feel worthless like almost every other goddamn person in my life. There’s no way I’m telling these two that, though. Trip is already bad enough with his psychobabble bullshit.

Trip grips my shoulder. “Look. What you need is to get your mind off her. Come out with me and Tyke, find a hot chick and bang her. That’s all you really need, dude—a good lay. Maybe that’ll help you let her go.”

I shrug his hand off. “I don’t want to let her go.”

He yanks my shoulder, halting me from storming off. “If she doesn’t want you, then you have to. That’s how this shit works.”

I grind my teeth together. It isn’t like I don’t know that already. I hate it when he makes so much logical fucking sense. There’s an ounce of hope left in me that she’s not done with me yet.

I glance from Trip to Tyke. “Fine we’ll go out, but I’m not in the mood to score chicks.”

Tyke sighs. “Well you’ll be an awesome wingman tonight.”

I roll my eyes. “Please, like you two need my help to rope in the pu-tang.”

We all laugh in unison as we make to the door of Big Bertha. Trip and Tyke skid to a stop at the top of the steps in front me. What the fuck?

I shove around them and instantly freeze, too. What the hell is she doing here?

Sophie stands in the middle of the bus, looking as flawless as ever in her long, blonde ponytail that sits high on her head. Her porcelain skin has a slight redness on her cheeks, no doubt a side effect of the little baby bump she’s sporting.

I clench my jaw tight. Why is she here?

Trip clears his throat. “Should we leave? Looks serious in here.”

Noel shakes his head as he glares at Mike and Sophie. “No. Stay. You’re just in time to hear some secret Sophie’s been keeping.”

Trip pulls himself up on the counter, making himself comfortable, and Tyke leans next to him while pulling his lips into a tight line. Trip leans forward and places his elbows on his thighs. He’s ready to jump in and mediate the situation if need be, I’m sure. His ass loves drama.

I flex my jaw muscles as I step into Sophie’s direct view. This is my chance to get some fucking answers. “How many more secrets can she possibly have?”

She doesn’t even bother to acknowledge me as I walk to the other side of the counter where the twins are.

Mike frowns at Lanie and then flicks his eyes back to Sophie. Agony is the only emotion I can read on Mike’s face.

Sophie locks her gaze on the couple in front of her. Lanie’s small hand squeezes Noel’s arm in a sign of support.

Sophie sighs like she’s totally put out. “The baby doesn’t belong to Noel.”

My fingers curl into fists.

Noel yells, “WHAT?” at the exact same time I do.

Mike stands beside Sophie and threads his fingers through hers. “It’s mine.”

Noel’s hands fly into his hair, and he grabs handfuls of it in his fingers. He paces back and forth with his eyes closed.

He whips his head towards me, and his eyebrows shoot up. He wasn’t lying. This entire time he was telling me the fucking truth and I made his life a living hell every chance I got. Guilt fills every inch of me.

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