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Rock My Bed

Page 4

I shake my head. It’s best if I forget about Riff. As much as I would love to experience a night with a sexy rock star, that’s one pipe dream that will never happen.

My mother is probably right, I need to find a nice respectable man with a good job—a man that’s good for my future. She’s been on me for years to leave the bad boy types alone. They always break my heart, and she’s always been there to pick up the pieces.

I hook my pen into my legal pad and stand up just before an audible ding from my computer attracts my attention.


My eyes widen as I spot my redheaded wild cat on my laptop screen. I didn’t think I’d ever see her again after she stood me up the other night, so I’m totally caught off guard when I see her picture pop up as one of my new friends on one of my fan sites.

I click on her photo and it instantly fills my entire screen. She’s just as beautiful as I remember, long auburn hair trailing over her shoulders, complimenting her green eyes and fair skin. She’s the absolute model of fucking perfection—one I’m desperate to bed. Everything I like in a woman she has: sex appeal, and fire. Those things combined are a rare find and my libido drives me to possess it.

This request excites me. It’s another shot—a do over—for me to try to get her. She doesn’t hate me, that’s clear, or she would’ve never sent me a friend request. I minimize her profile picture and click on her personal information section. The name Aubrey Jenson rolls off my tongue as I read her name aloud. I finally have a name to go with the beauty I’ve been dreaming about the past couple of nights.

It says she lives in New York, which throws me off a bit because I met her in Texas. I shrug it off and continue reading about her and then my heart pauses for a beat.


She works for Center Stage Marketing? That’s the same company that Noel’s heartbreaker came down to talk to him about. Holy Hell.

Things start clicking as I think about the few stolen moments with Aubrey in the hallway. Noel flying through the door in a rage after arguing with Lanie flashes before my eyes. My dream girl was there on business, and I treated her like one of my random groupies that was just looking to get laid because of that shirt showing off her tits.

No wonder she stood me up. She’s probably not the type of girl who sleeps with rock stars who ram their tongues down her throat on a whim. This chick is different from the rest. She’s classy, not some hooker that will suck my dick on command.

But then again, she did just search me out. Maybe she’s down for a night of hot, sweaty sex after all.

I chew on my thumb as I debate over what to do. The fact that I want to bang her doesn’t change, but my approach will definitely need to be different. This will take more finesse than I’m used to shelling out in order to get laid.

Knowing that we’ve got a common connection almost ensures that I’ll see her again at some point. And when I do, I want her to be so desperate for me to fuck her, she’ll practically tear off my clothes the minute she lays eyes on me.

Yes. This chick will take some wooing. This will be fun. Girls playing hard-to-get is one of my biggest fucking turn-ons. I love a good challenge and I rarely have that when trying to get laid anymore.

I sigh and start putting a plan of attack in my mind. First things first, I need to gain her trust.


The fact that Isaac’s waiting on me to come into his office to take notes presses into my brain as I plop back down in my seat. A private message from Official Riff just dinged into my inbox within a couple minutes of requesting his online friendship.

My fingers shake a little as I click to open it.

Hello Wild Cat,

I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since the other night…that ticket never expires, just so you know. See you soon.


I swallow hard at the realization that he remembers me. I don’t know whether to be flattered or scared. He’s sexy as hell, I’ll give him that, and my god, I bet he knows what he’s doing in the bedroom. I love a man that’s forward and goes for what he wants. It’s one of the biggest reasons why I always fall for bad boys. Nice guys just don’t have that edge I need to keep me interested.

My phone rings again, and I glance down at the number.

Shit. Isaac again. He’s probably wondering where the hell I am.

I gather my things and head for his office across the hallway. Luckily for me, my boss typically works with his door shut, so I don’t have to explain why I was sitting in my cubicle with my mouth hanging open staring at a computer screen instead of immediately jumping at the call to come into his office.

I knock once before I hear Isaac call “come in” on the other side of the door.

His office is in perfect order, as always. I never knew a man could be so neat until I met Isaac Walters. He’s hard at work on his computer, typing furiously with his blue eyes narrowed through his glasses. The blond hair on his head lays perfectly in place. His gray suit jacket fits snugly across his broad shoulders. He’s only older than me by a couple years, but he has a refined presence about him that makes him seem so much wiser.

I catch myself staring at him, ogling his chiseled cheekbones and sculpted nose before I shake my head and remind myself that this man is my boss, and a little bit too uptight for my taste. Yes, my boss is model perfect with a little touch of O.C.D. and makes for good eye-candy while I’m at work. This is the type of guy my mother would love for me to bring home, but he’s totally not my style.

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