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Rock My Bed

Page 36

“Something wrong?” Isaac asks while peering at me through his square, black framed glasses.

His blue eyes search mine and I debate telling him how bad I feel about keeping this from Lanie, but decide against it. I’m sure he’s sick of hearing about this by now.

I smile. “No. Everything is fine.”

He takes my hand and leads me to the bar. The small gesture surprises me, but I don’t pull away. It’s actually kind of nice.

We place our order—our hands still connected, and then take our drinks to the nearest open table. He lets go of me and sweeps his hand in front of him, indicating for me to sit first. I slide into the long couch and Isaac sits next to me. We face the bar, both sipping on our drinks. It feels a little awkward now that we’re here together and held hands. I’m not sure if that even meant anything.

Isaac clears his throat. “Is this the first time you’ve been here?”

I nod. “Yes. It’s nice though.”

“I like it, too.”

Another moment of awkward silence follows and I take a drink.

A couple at the end of the bar catches my attention. The man stands out among the suit wearing types with his black shirt and multiple ear piercings. I smile. He must be lost.

I bite my bottom lip as my thoughts drift back to Zach and how much he would stand out in a place like this too. It’s only been a couple days since I saw him, and I know I said I only wanted friendship from him, but I miss him. The easy smile he wears when we’re together—the never stagnant conversations. Things with him felt so easy, which is hard to explain because we don’t really know a damn thing about each other. Well, other than every inch of each other’s bodies.

“It’s good to get out of the office. It really helps me to refocus when I’m stumped on a project to get some fresh air, so to speak,” Isaac says as he leans back into the booth. “I’m glad you came with me.”

I smile. “I’m glad you invited me.”

I pause. Am I glad? I mean, this is the kind of man I said I needed to settle down with and I am completely flattered by his attention, but that doesn’t stop the fact that two seconds ago I was thinking about how I actually missed another man.

Isaac raises his arm and rests it along the back of the booth behind me. “That’s good news. You’re a really hard one to read. I wasn’t sure if you would agree to a date with me.”

I raise an eyebrow and cross my legs in his direction. “I wasn’t aware this was a date.”

A bashful grin fills his handsome face. “I’d like it to be if that’s okay with you.”

He’s a good man with a level head on his shoulders. He would be a stable choice and probably wouldn’t hurt me like most guys I date. This should be a no-brainer. Why do I feel so hesitant?

Before I can think on it any longer, my cell vibrates on the table. “Sorry, let me grab this.”

Lanie’s text pops up on my screen. She’s sad Noel’s leaving her for the night. I respond and tell her to get some much needed sleep while he’s gone because I’m sure she’s going to need her strength when he gets back.

My cell buzzes again and I roll my eyes. She always has to have the last word.

The moment my eyes scan my phone my breath hitches. An instant message from Riff pops onto my screen.

Riff: Kitten, I miss you. What are you doing right now?

Guilt floods through me while my gaze darts to Isaac. Zach misses me. That’s got to count for something, right? Maybe he isn’t the one-night stand kind of guy? Did I do the right thing blowing him off? I was only trying to protect myself from getting hurt, and yet I fear I made a bit of a mistake.

I wish I knew for certain we’d work out. I don’t want to go through heartbreak of being dumped yet again. A man like Zach can’t be trusted.

Isaac tilts his head. “You all right?”

I run my fingers through my hair and close my eyes. “Yeah. Totally fine.”

The only way I’m going to get over the passion I felt in Zach’s arms is to move on. Contact with each other will only scratch at the tiny opening of hurt I already feel. I need to end it.

Aubrey: I’m on a date…

Before I can toss my phone back on the table, it buzzes again.

Riff: Do you like him?

I sigh as I reply.

Aubrey: Too early to tell at this point.

What’s with the twenty questions he’s throwing at me?

Riff: I bet he can’t make you scream his name out like I can.

I shake my head.

Aubrey: Friends don’t talk to each other like this…

Hopefully that reminds him of the little conversation we had at the bar.

Riff: Fuck being friends, then. I want you.

I feel a blush creep into my cheeks. He’s knows exactly what to say in order to get to me. A forceful man that isn’t afraid to go after what he wants is my biggest weakness. I guess it’s why I’m always falling for the wrong type of man. Guys like that don’t think about consequences or futures, which is why relationships with them never work, no matter how much I want them to.

Aubrey: I can’t…

Riff: Can’t what?

Aubrey: Be with you.

Before he has a chance to respond, I toss my phone into my purse. Isaac stares at me expectantly, but I merely shrug. There’s no way I’m going into the long sordid details of how my weekend fling wants more from me. Information about your sexual relationships getting out in the workplace is never a good scene. People are so judgmental and I don’t want to be known as the office slut because I enjoy having a little fun from time to time.

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