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Rock My Bed

Page 25

She giggles. “Stop, Riff.”

The use of my stage name causes me to pause. All night long she’s used my real name. Is she calling me that to impress whoever is on the other end of the line? My heart sinks a bit, but I know she has got the right idea. We can’t get in too deep with one another if we only have this short time together.

I kiss a trail down her chest and suck a nipple in my mouth, trying to coax her off the phone and back into my bubble for a little while longer.

“Yes,” she says, breathlessly.

I grin. That yes sounded more like it was for me, than whoever’s on the phone.

Aubrey sighs. “Don’t be mad. We’ll be together all the time in about a week when you come home. Besides you have Noel to play with.”

Ah, she’s talking to Lanie. In that case she definitely needs to get off the phone. The skin on her stomach is so soft against my lips.

Aubrey giggles again when I dip my tongue into her belly button. “But it could be just like that if you’d let it.”

“Why don’t you hang up and let me fuck you again?” I mumble before I suck her clit into my mouth.

She grabs a handful of the sheet and grips it tight. “Um, gotta go, Lanie. Love you.”

She ends the call and tosses her phone to the side. I grin and nip her skin. Victory is mine. Now her full attention is mine.

I shove two fingers inside and begin to work her into a frenzy.


Zach’s bike screams as we roll into the parking lot. He parks us beside the semi-trailer he got the motorcycle from last night.

I peel my arms from around him. “I think you have a death wish.”

He chuckles. “I like life with a little edge is all. Besides, I didn’t drive that fast.”

I hop off the bike and rip the helmet off. “Well, it was fast enough to scare the shit out of me.”

He grins and hooks an arm around my waist and pulls me into him. I straddle his right leg as he still sits on the bike. “What happened to my self-assured wild cat from last night? The one that was fearless?”

I wrap my arms around his neck, and curse myself for letting this thing between us feel so easy. A guy like him can break my heart if I get attached, which is the exact thing I’m trying to avoid from happening again.

I shrug. “I’m trying to wean her out of my system.”

His eyes search mine. “That’s too bad. I like her.”

Him liking my wild side is exactly the reason I need to change it. He’s too similar to all my other exes. They all used me until they were tired of me and tossed me aside like my feelings for them meant nothing. I don’t want to ever be treated like that again, if that means reevaluating my taste in men, so-be-it.

A man like Zach will never settle down and I don’t want to be over thirty and still trying to find a man that will be more than a baby-daddy to me. I need a man that’s into a family for the long haul.

“Wait here while I make sure no one fucks up my bike,” Zach says before kissing me on the cheek and jumping off the bike.

His black t-shirt and faded jeans cling to his sculpted body in the right spots as his strong arms clutch the handles to push the motorcycle to the end of the trailer.

Zach asks the road crew to stash his bike back on the trailer and I glance around the busy parking lot. Behind the scenes of a massive show like this is crazy. People are everywhere. I can’t imagine for one second this crazy world being my life. I don’t know how the guys deal with being surrounded by so many people all the time. It would drive me insane to never have any privacy.

A group of women, some of whom I recognize from standing and waiting for the tour bus to arrive, approach Zach as he supervises the roadies with his bike. A tall, leggy blonde with an obvious paid-for rack caresses his shoulder. Hate twists in my gut when he doesn’t immediately shove her hand away, knowing damn well I can see him.

My body jerks, willing me over to tell the chick to back off, but I instantly stop myself. What the hell am I thinking? He isn’t mine. What we had last night isn’t anything more than a one-night stand. I know that, but it doesn’t stop the jealousy from reaching every nerve in my body when I see him with another women.

I do hold a small amount of satisfaction in knowing I was given permission to call him by his real name, though. Actually, now that I think about it, I probably shouldn’t call him that. That implies we have a certain level of intimacy—one he doesn’t share with the other women he takes to bed. While I don’t want to be grouped with the rest of the women he usually sleeps with, I don’t want him getting any ideas about what we share happening more than this weekend.

Maybe I should set shit straight now.

I approach Zach and the women all stare me down on the way. The blonde doesn’t make a move to remove herself from his side, and he doesn’t seem to mind her there.

“Hey, Riff. I’m going to try to find Lanie. I’ll catch you later,” I tell him with as much confidence as I can muster to show I’m cool with parting ways from him.

I turn on my heel, only to find myself halted with Zach’s arm around my wrist. “You’re not going to wait on me?”

The blonde is no longer at his side, but she stands with her arms folded and her lips in an obvious pout behind him. Zach crinkles his brow as he waits on me to answer.

I stare into his green eyes for a second before my gaze flicks to the pack of groupies waiting on his attention. “No. You seem busy.”

He shakes his head. “Don’t be like that. You’re not jealous, are you?”

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