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Rock My Bed

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Without another word he pulls away and heads toward the direction of his band-mate. I watch his retreating backside with my mouth gaping open.

What the hell just happened? Did he really just offer to fuck me for sport and then kiss me breathless?

My heart still hammers in my chest as I unclench my fingers and stare down at the golden piece of paper in my hand. That’s one man I need to stay far, far away from. I just know my sanity and my heart depends on it. Good thing this is the last time I’ll ever see him.

I shake my head to wake myself out of the daze Riff just put me in and stare at the door across the hall. The way Noel came tearing out of it tells me Lanie’s little chat with him didn’t go well. Time to do a little damage control.

The door creaks open, and I spot my friend with her head hung low. More than anything I want to comfort her. I know it can’t be easy facing a messy past head-on like she just did. She’s got some big lady balls, I’ll give her that.

I rest my hands on her shoulders. “Did you get your answers?”

Lanie nods, but she doesn’t turn to face me. She sniffs a little, trying to fight back her emotional pain. “Everything I needed to know.”

My heart instantly breaks for her because I can tell she’s not referring to our job. This weekend jaunt hasn’t gone anything like what I imagined.


What the fuck is wrong with me? Why am I chasing down the one person I hate, instead of working on seducing that fine piece of ass back there? Two more seconds and I would’ve had her heading back to the bus where she would’ve been happy to cash in that golden ticket.

What a waste.

I follow Noel out the exit doors into the Texas summer heat and watch as he paces in the parking lot. The cool demeanor he usually sports is gone, replaced by a wild look in his eye as he huffs and growls with his hands on top of his head.

“What the fuck is your problem?” Not that I really care anymore. Anything that’s bothering him, he probably brought on himself.

Noel glances up to the sky and bites his bottom lip like he’s searching for answers from up above. After a couple long moments he shakes his head but still allows his chin to be tilted up. “You ever wished for something so much that when it actually came true you ruined it without even meaning to?”

I scrunched my brow. “I have no clue what the fuck you’re talking about. You’re not using again are you? Babbling like this was always a sign before. You know you shouldn’t be doing that with a baby coming and all. You need to keep your shit together.”

Noel’s eyes meet mine. “You know I don’t touch that shit anymore.”

I cross my arms over my chest. If it weren’t for needing to keep Black Falcon together, I would’ve told him to go fuck himself two months ago when I found out he fucked my girlfriend and got her pregnant.

I actually do hate him for going behind my back. Sophie I expected that kind of shit from. I knew from the jump she and I were never going to be serious. She was merely the chick I kept around for a good fuck when I needed it. Finding a random groupie night after night gets pretty taxing.

But Noel on the other hand, his ass was supposed to be my brother, and I never expected that shit from him. If he stabbed me in the back for a quick piece of ass, what else is he screwing me over with? The moment Sophie told me she was pregnant by him, the trust between us was gone. And so was our friendship.

I stand here now, trying to talk to him out of obligation to the band, nothing more.

Noel rubs his hand over his face and sighs. “Lanie Vance was at our show tonight.”

My eyes widen. “The cold-hearted slut you dedicate Ball Busting Bitch to at every one of our shows?”

He nods. “That’s the one. I never thought I’d see her again, and how the fuck did she end up backstage?”

Things start to click. “Is that who was in there with you when you came flying out? No wonder you were pissed. The one chick that carries your balls around in her purse finally confronts you for calling her ass out in front of thousands of people. Nice.”

I laugh and his face twists. Karma is a bitch named Lanie Vance apparently. Life couldn’t get any fucking sweeter.

Noel glares at me. “That’s not why she came after me.”

“What other reason would she have? You haven’t seen her since high school, right? Keep your wallet in check, dude. Sounds like a gold digger to me,” I say.

He shakes his head. “No. She isn’t like that. Believe it or not she needs me for a job.”

Like that doesn’t sound like a load of shit. “What kind of job?”

“She’s working for Center Stage Marketing. Apparently, I’m her first client.”

“Fuck. That blows. Can’t you just hire someone else to handle your children’s literacy thing so you won’t have to deal with her crazy ass?” This band doesn’t need any more fucking chick drama to come between us.

“That would be the easy thing to do, but the thing of it is, man, she knows me. She knows all about my struggle with dyslexia, and as much as I hate to admit it, she’s actually the best person for the job.”

I stare at this pussy-whipped douchebag in front of me and know exactly what he’s trying to get at. He’s told me all about how this woman was the great love of his life. I know Noel Falcon well enough to know he has a side agenda for keeping her around. God knows he’ll screw anything that walks at the drop of a hat, why not fuck an old flame that crushed you once just to prove you still can. If I was him, that’s what I would do.

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