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Rock My Bed

Page 18

My face heats up and I can tell it’s probably matching the red shade of my hair. “I can’t help it. I’ve always thought he was the cutest in the band. Gah! He’s a really good kisser, too.”

Lanie grins and then childishly plugs her ears. “I so don’t need to hear these details.”

I pull her hands down and laugh at her crazy drunk antics. “Trust me, by this time tomorrow I’ll have more details about Riff than how he kisses.”

She smacks my arm. “Go then, and slut around, if you must.”

I smile and then wink at her. “Oh, that’s a definite must.”

When I return to the parking lot, I find Noel and Riff talking in a hushed, seemingly heated discussion that quickly dissipates when I’m within earshot.

Noel looks down at me with his clear blue eyes. “She okay?”

I nod. “She’s fine. Just drunk and a little grumpy.”

Noel laughs. “Great. Catch you guys later.”

Once Noel heads in the direction of the bus, Riff grabs me around the waist and yanks me against his hard body. “What was that little stunt in the restaurant, huh?”

I give him my most wicked grin and try to portray confidence. “Just trying to get you excited.”

He bites his bottom lip and sucks in his lip ring. “All you have to do is look at me and I’m turned on like a fucking light switch.”

I run my hands up his sculpted chest and then allow my fingertips to linger on the exposed skin above the neckline of his t-shirt. I peer up at him and find his green eyes set on me. I lick my lips as nerves hit me a little. Back at the restaurant I’m not sure what possessed me to feel him up in public like that. The only thing that kept going through my mind is the need to stand out. I want this night together to be as memorable for him as it will be for me. I’m sure he’s done far worse with a woman and that wasn’t a big deal to him, but for me that was major. Being around him makes me do things I normally wouldn’t do.

I swallow and realize I’ve got him exactly where I want him—desperate to have me. It’s now or never. I’ve come this far. I can’t be nervous now. “How far away is the hotel?”

Riff growls as squeezes me against him. “Keep looking at me like that and we won’t be making it there before I have my way with you.”

My heart does a double skip in my chest and my knees grow weak. I’ve been with the bad boy type before, but Riff is like their king. He’s so straightforward and it’s unbelievably sexy.

“You guys need me to drive you over to the hotel?” Mike asks from behind me.

Riff tears his eyes away from my face long enough to shake his head and say, “No, man. We’re good. I’ve got my bike.”

“All right. Later,” Mike says before I hear his boots hitting the blacktop walking away from us.

I quirk an eyebrow. “A bike? You’re really the ultimate bad boy, aren’t you?”

He throws his head back and a deep laugh rumbles out of him. “Kitten, I’m the baddest, bad boy you’ll ever need. Come on.”

The roadies roll Riff’s motorcylce out of the back of one of the trailers that haul some of the band’s equipment around. He jumps on, allowing his strong thighs to hold it up while he hands me a helmet.

I take it and my eyes instantly search for another one. “Aren’t you going to wear one? Isn’t that a law or something?”

He shrugs. “I never do. I believe it’s called living dangerously. Besides, we’re in too many different states for me to keep track of each one’s laws.”

The engine roars to life after a couple seconds and I flinch. I’ve never been on a bike before, but I can’t let a little nerve stop me from fulfilling my last hurrah weekend.

I hop on behind him and grab his sides, allowing my legs to rest against his hips.

Riff shakes his head. “You have to hang on tighter, babe.”

He grabs both of my hands and wraps them around him. I open my mouth to ask why, but instantly snap it shut as he guns the motor and heads out onto the street. He roars through the city streets and the cars pass by at such a frightening speed I’m pretty sure my claws are raking his skin through his t-shirt. The only thing going through my brain is hoping we don’t wreck and die considering there’s absolutely nothing protecting us.

I try not to think about it as I attempt to bury my face into his back.

A couple minutes later we pull into the hotel parking lot. Riff parks the bike in the lot and cuts the engine. My entire body tingles and feels numb as I jump off as fast as humanly possible. I have to say that’s one thing on my bucket list I can do without ever doing again.

I yank the helmet off and my hand shakes as I hold it out to him.

He laughs as he takes it from me and tucks it under his arm. “Did you like that?”

I tip my chin up and fake my best smile so he doesn’t know that scared the shit out of me. I don’t want him to think I’m a total wuss. “It was awesome.”

Riff grins as he props his bike up on the kickstand before hoping off. “Good to know you’re a bad liar.”

I throw my hands on my hips. “I am not lying.”

He touches the tip of my nose with his index finger. “You’re sexy when you’re feisty. I hope you keep this attitude up in the room.” He holds out his hand. “Let’s go get checked in.”

The moment we step inside, I follow Riff’s gaze towards the hotel bar. Loud bouts of laughter echo through the blaring rock music around the lobby. A party is in full swing. A couple of women dressed in tight, short shirts and halter tops loiter near the entrance while they hang on the arms of a couple road-beaten roadies who look like they haven’t shaved in a month. Some women will apparently sleep with anyone associated a band to get to the talent. I bet the rest of the guests in this place love the idea that a bunch of rock stars are partying it up in here while they’re on a family vacation.

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