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Rock My Bed

Page 14

I pull out my phone and reread the last message he sent me.


On the road again. This bus ride would be a lot more fun with you here. Please name the date when we can hook up. I’ll fly you out to wherever I am. Say the word. The wait is driving me crazy.


I smile. I like the idea that it’s me that’s driving him crazy and he’s so desperate to have me he’ll come to me wherever I am. It’s odd how connected I feel to him through this little message exchange we’ve been having even though I really don’t know him at all. Even though I know he’s a bad boy heart breaker type, he makes me feel special—wanted. What girl wouldn’t love that?

My fingers itch to tap out my reply and let him know that my best friend has arranged for me to meet up with her and the rest of the band today. It’s only for a long weekend, and once I told Isaac where I was going he practically shoved me out the office door to leave as quickly as possible. Hopefully, Riff would be excited to know our agreed upon one-night-stand was going to take place sooner rather than later.

The flight passes by fairly quickly. I couldn’t sleep. My excitement level won’t let me, but I know I should. Something tells me tonight will be a rather long one with Riff.

I hail a cab and quickly shut myself inside and give him my destination. My pulse races under my skin as we make our way down the freeway. I can’t believe I’ll be meeting up with one of the world’s hottest rock bands soon and possibly sleeping with one of its members.


The parking lot behind American Airlines Center concert hall is filled with a group of crazed fans hoping to catch a glimpse of the men of Black Falcon.

The cabbie stops the car near the gate that's clearly marked 'authorized personnel only' and turns to me. "That'll be forty-seven fifty." I pass my money up through the slot and let the wave of excitement pass through me as I instruct him to keep the change. I can't believe I'm actually here and am about to follow through on a commitment of a one-night stand with Riff. I've never done something as bold as agreeing beforehand to purely have a sexual relationship with a man. This will definitely be something new for me, but I’m sure this won’t be a big deal at all for him.

I guess I’m nervous enough for both of us.

I set my suitcase down and stand at the edge of the crowd waiting for the tour bus to roll in. Several of the women walking about are practically wearing nothing but beach attire and stiletto heels. Like me, they’re basically here to have a romp with a rocker, but at least I have enough decency not to announce it to the rest of the world. I think I still look pretty cute in my low rise cut off shorts and a black tank top. It’s fairly close to what I was wearing the last time I caught Riff’s attention.

The gate opens and the brakes squeak as the bus pulls to a halt alongside the crowd. Cameras instantly flash while the onlookers hold up their ‘we love you’ signs and scream out the names of the guys in the band.

A scantily dressed blonde beside me turns to her friend and says, “I’ll take Riff tonight and you get Noel. I’m ready to sample some of that Mohawk hotness.”

I don’t know why, but her words instantly make my blood boil and the words ‘not if I get to him first’ flash in my brain.

Patience is not my strong point after I don’t see a sign of Lanie coming out to meet me. I pull my cell from my pocket and dial her number.

“I was just getting ready to call you,” she answers.

“Good thing because I’m already here,” I tell her as I strain my eyes to try to catch a glimpse of her through the tinted bus windows. “I think this is the bus you’re on.”

“I see you! I’m coming out,” she practically squeals in my ear.

The bus door flies open and Lanie bounds out of the door. I push past security and grab her up in a tight hug. “I’ve been waiting for freaking ever.” I release her and shove my hair over my shoulder. “It’s good to see you too. I’ve missed you.”

She grabs my hand. “Come on. I want you to meet the guys before they all take off on their two day reprieve.”

A giggle escapes me as I find it impossible to contain my excitement. I grab my luggage and she pulls me up the bus steps. Three of the band members, Trip, Tyke and Riff stare openly at me once we step inside. Curiosity burns in their eyes as they soak every inch of me in. I swallow hard and look away.

Shit. They all know I’m here to sleep with Riff. He must’ve spotted me and told them I was his designated sex for the night. I inhale deeply and allow my gaze to land on Riff. He’s just as unbelievably sexy as I remember. His tall, muscular frame leans casually against the counter beside him while he bites his plump bottom lip. There’s a sparkle of mischief in his green eyes as he grins at me.

My insides jitter as I get the distinct feeling he’s going to cause me to walk funny before the night’s through.

Lanie pulls me beside her. “Guys, this is my closest friend, Aubrey. Aubrey this is Black Falcon. This is Trip”—she points to him—“he’s the drummer. And this is his twin brother, Tyke—also the bass player. And last but not least—”

“Riff.” He steps forward and takes my hand into his like we’ve never met before.

His eyes glue to mine and I grin like an idiot and even let another nervous giggle slip. I need to get my shit together and play it cool. He’s going to think I’m a giggling bimbo if I don’t stop this. Riff’s gaze falls to my lips and heat rushes to my cheeks, surely flushing them red and exposing my embarrassment.

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