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Page 31

Gods, she was messed up.

“Do you have a family?” he asked.

“My mother.” They entered the Harrowgate, and she touched the symbol that corresponded to her clinic. “You?”

“A brother.”

“Is he…” Okay, so how did one ask a fallen angel if his sibling was still in Heaven? Fortunately, Revenant spared her the awkwardness.

“He’s a fully halofied Heavenly angel. Total dick.”

Having no idea how to follow that up, she stepped out of the Harrowgate into the much more comfy reception area. “My office is just ahead.” She waved to Judie, the Sora demon receptionist on duty. “Any messages?”

Judie’s crimson tail swished behind her as she thrust a piece of paper at Blaspheme. “Just one. Eidolon wants to hear from you when you get the lab results.” She hit a Hold button on the phone. “He didn’t say what lab results.”

“It’s okay.” Blas held up the folder in her hand. “I have them right here.”

Once they were in her office, Revenant plopped down on the sofa across from her desk, kicking his feet up on the armrest and lying back with his hands tucked behind his head as if he belonged there.

“You have no problem making yourself at home, do you?”

His grin was a showstopper. “It’s your welcoming personality and your warm bedside manner.”

“My ass,” she said as she sank down in her office chair. “You like challenging authority.”

He winked, probably thinking he was being charming. Unfortunately for her, he was right. “You offering up your ass? Because I’ll take it.” Framing his hands together over his pelvis as if gripping an invisible lover’s waist, he thrust those magnificent hips upward. “Right here. Right now. You can straddle me. Just. Like. This.”

Oh, damn, now she was picturing exactly that, and her body reacted in a hot flush. Her False Angel libido, which she’d thought had gone dormant, spun up, making her breasts tingle and her sex ache. She hadn’t experienced a reaction this strong in months, and thank gods she wasn’t out in public, where she’d be driven to flirt and rub up against males like a cat in heat. No, better to be safely in her office with a desk between her and the nearest male.

She cursed her trembling hands as she threw down the folder and flipped it open. “If you’re through with your imaginary porn star, we can get down to business.”

“You know,” he said as he sat up and swung his feet to the floor, “I’m going to start suspecting that you’re anything but a False Angel if you don’t start flirting even a little.” Just as a panicked knot started to form in her gut, he inhaled. “But you’re aroused, so maybe my little tiger really is a carnivore.”

“You are such a pain in the ass.”

He beamed as if she’d just given him the greatest compliment ever. Huffing with annoyance, she looked down at the lab report.

As usual, the lab had provided data and comparisons from past fallen angel patient lab results, but in all of Underworld General’s years of operation, only one pregnant fallen angel had come through the hospital, and her blood work numbers had been substantially different. It was impossible to tell which set of numbers for each panel was more normal. She’d have to research the other pregnant fallen angel to see why she’d been admitted to the hospital.

“So,” Revenant prompted, “what does the report say?”

Jack shit, that’s what. “The results are basically meaningless, since we don’t have much to compare them with. Pregnant fallen angels don’t generally seek medical attention here, and we definitely don’t have records on any prior fallen angels pregnant with the spawn of Satan.”

She cursed in frustration. She’d gone with Revenant to see Gethel in hopes of learning something useful and to get stem cells, and she’d failed at both.

“All these results tell me is that if she were human, she’d be dead by tonight. Her cholesterol is off the charts, her red blood cell count is low, and she has so many tumor markers in her blood that her arteries should be clogged, but all of those things might be normal for Gethel. I’m sorry, but that’s all I can tell you.” She flipped the page, and handwritten notes in red caught her attention. “Hmm. Test results do indicate the presence of an unidentifiable substance in her blood, but again, that could be normal for her.” Still, it was something worth looking into. She definitely needed to hand over the information to Eidolon.

“How helpful,” he said flatly.

“Perhaps you can get better results with your own medical expertise,” she said. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have patients to tend to.” And a cold shower to take.

Shockingly, he stood without an argument. His good behavior was only temporary, however, because in an instant, he came over the top of the desk in a fluid, graceful leap and was standing in front of her, his big body blocking everything except him.

“Thank you, Blaspheme.” Lifting his hand to her face, he stroked his knuckles over the skin of her jaw. “I’ll be back later.”

Dipping his head with the self-confidence of a predator that had its prey in its sights, he captured her mouth in a dominating, punishing kiss. Her senses reeled as his tongue thrust past the barrier of her lips and teeth to clash with hers. Raw sex oozed from him, and despite her resolve to stay away from him, she gripped his biceps and dragged him closer.

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