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Recklessly Royal

Page 32

“Hey!” This time I did put one hand on my hip while I stared him down. Despite my pose, I was too happy to hear Selene was doing well to be truly offended by his jab at my cooking skills. “It’s not that bad. Okay, it’s bad, but it wouldn’t land her in the hospital. You can live on my cooking!”

“Of course.” Chadwick opened his computer back up. “If you also order takeout every night.”

David chuckled. “It can’t be that bad.”

“It’s not!” I sat down in the chair across from him.

“Oh really? Why don’t you tell him how you make macaroni and cheese?” Chadwick never looked up from whatever he was working on.

“I’m never telling Sam anything again.” I shook my head. Apparently my new sister had shared my cooking mishap.

“How do you mess up macaroni and cheese? You just boil noodles and add the cheese!” David leaned forward in his seat, a twinkle in his eye letting me know that he enjoyed seeing me shift in discomfort.

“It’s not a big deal.” I picked at the terry-cloth robe and didn’t meet his eyes. “I added the wrong stuff.”

“Oh, Catherine. Don’t lie. You didn’t add the wrong stuff. You boiled the wrong stuff.” Chadwick snorted.

“You forgot the water?”

I met David’s confused eyes and shook my head. “No. I skipped water completely and boiled the pasta in milk.” Sighing I decided to go ahead and tell the whole story. “Not only did I boil the milk, I refused to not eat my food just because it smelled weird, and ended up with food poisoning. I missed my first two days of classes.”

Chadwick was trying so hard to stifle his giggles that he ended up snorting loudly.

“But I make a mean cup of coffee.” I added in my defense.

“This is important information.” David scratched his chin. “I’ve just learned that I shouldn’t eat anything you cook; and you’re so stubborn that you would rather make yourself sick than admit defeat.”

“I’ve gotten much better at cooking.” David’s eyes shifted to over my shoulder and I turned just in time to see Chadwick touching his nose in agreement. “But yes. I am that stubborn.”

“Good to know.” David’s eyes ran over my body to where my leg peeked out from under my robe.

“I should really find some clothes.” I stood up, careful to keep the material in place.

Chadwick stood up from his seat and grabbed a bag that was hidden behind a chair. “I believe this is yours.”

“Thank you.” I took the bag and headed to my room. Before I closed the door I looked at David and then Chadwick. “How long are you two staying?”

“I’ve moved our schedule around so that David could attend some of his meetings in town.” Chadwick didn’t have to tell me why. I knew he was worried about leaving me with Tabitha. And as much as I loved having him here, Tabitha and I would be fine. We just needed to find our groove.

“Once I’m ready I’m going to the hospital. You’re welcome to come with me.” I meant the offer for both of them, but it was David I looked at when asking. “It would be nice to have a friend along.”

“I’d like that.” He flashed that charming smile and my heart picked up just a little more.

When I closed the bedroom door I caught a glimpse of my hair and makeup-free face in a mirror and frowned. I needed to do something about that and quickly. Reporters would be camped outside the hospital waiting for my arrival. Not to mention David would be with me. I was vain enough to admit that I wanted to look nice for him. So I threw my bag on the bed and got started. As a royal there were certain things expected of me, and looking nice was one of them. I enjoyed yoga pants and T-shirts as much as the next girl, but it would send the wrong image to people if I showed up to visit a beloved aide looking like I had just been to the gym.

I also didn’t want to look too professional or serious, so a suit or dress was out of the question. Instead I opted for a designer top and jacket to pair with jeans and my boots. The key to packing an emergency bag was to include pieces that would work well for different occasions and things that you could mix and match.

And if there was one thing I knew how to do, it was to look the part of a princess.


WITH SAM AND Alex out of the country and on a private island, the paparazzi had nothing better to do than hound me and Max. It was frustrating, but also a part of life I’d come to expect. There would always be someone wanting my picture, and there would always be another person hoping for something embarrassing.

Security had been deployed at the hospital to make sure patients were able to enter and leave as needed without being harassed. It was a sad day when you had to tell television vans to move out of the ambulance lane, but today was one of those days.

Chadwick and David had ridden in a separate car, while Tabitha, Max, and I rode together. I hadn’t been able to find time to speak with my new, temporary assistant, but I would soon.

“I think you should take a minute to address the crowd.” Tabitha flashed me a large smile. Her sweet voice made the words sound innocent, but I didn’t like being told what I should and shouldn’t do.

“I had planned on it.” I shot Max a look and he shrugged.

“Excellent. I’m sending you some key points now. Check your e-mail.”

I froze, unable to find words for a moment. I knew she was trying to be helpful, but that was a bit over the line. “Thank you, but I already know what I am going to say.”

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