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Recklessly Royal

Page 30

I almost snorted. He was right, but he was wrong. Selene was out of danger’s direct path, but I was about to be in for the fight of my life. Keeping that woman down and relaxed would be a near-impossible job.

As the doctor left I slumped back into a seat as relief washed over my body like a tidal wave. Every muscle went limp and I could barely hold my eyes open.

“Tabitha, can you find me a hotel room nearby?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Tabitha picked up her phone and began pressing buttons on the screen. “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather go back to D’Lynsal? It’s only an hour away by helicopter.”

“I think my sister wants to be near her friend.” Max touched my shoulder in support. “Plus it would be irresponsible to use the helicopter just because we were tired.” The reprimand in his words was gentle but clear. We were a wealthy family, but that didn’t mean we didn’t have to answer for the use of certain things.

“Of course. I apologize.” Tabitha bent her head. “I was just thinking of what was best for Princess Catherine.”

“Thanks, but I want to be near Selene.” I couldn’t help the yawn that followed my words. “And could you make sure someone takes care of Xavier, my dog, while I’m here. I had planned on going back to the palace tomorrow.”

“Yes, ma’am. And I’ve found a suitable establishment a few minutes from the hospital. I can have the team check it out right now.”

“Send one car ahead of us.” Max pulled me to my feet. “Please make sure that there are rooms for me and my team as well. I will be staying with my sister.”

“Of course, sir.”

I waited until I had seen Selene before I would leave. She was still unconscious, but knowing that she was stable and in good hands helped me let go for a while.

Max was waiting for me outside the hospital room when I was ready to leave. “There are reporters outside.”

“Of course there are.” If I’d had the energy I would have snarled, but at this point I just wanted to sleep and to be left alone. “They just can’t wait to get more pictures.”

Max wrapped his arm around me and squeezed me against his side. “Keep your head down and I’ll get you to the car before making a statement.”

“No, you don’t have to do that.” I shook my head. Talking to the press was physically painful for Max.

“Hush.” He leaned down and whispered in my ear as we walked past hospital staff. “I can handle this, Cath. I’m not twelve anymore. Stop being so damn tough and let someone else take care of things for a little while.”

I looked up at him and felt my eyes well up for the eighteenth time that day. Max might be my older brother, but for all royal duties, Alex and I tended to keep him tucked safely away. That’s what happens when your brother finds out about his father’s death during a press conference. But right now, it wasn’t surprised and hurt green eyes looking at me. It was the eyes of a grown man ready to protect his sister. And right now, I felt like I needed a little protecting.


“I’d rub it in that you let me win, but I think I’ll let it slide this time.”

“Oh yeah. Way to let it slide.” I elbowed him in the ribs. “I’ll see you at the hotel.”

“Be safe.” He let his arm drop from my shoulders and met the press as I made a quick getaway with my security team.

Jameson moved so quickly past the cameras and reporters that I had to lengthen my stride. The car ride was silent, except for Tabitha tapping on her phone. There was no small talk, no friendly glances or comforting words—and I was thankful for that. I had nothing left to give, much less to build a relationship of any kind with Tabitha.

The hotel was large and the doormen didn’t blink an eye at royalty entering their building. Tabitha took care of the check-in and led our group up to a penthouse. I looked around the entryway blankly. I had seen everything in the apartment before to some extent or another. Three bedrooms; a small, boring living room; a kitchen and eating area. Nothing exciting.

“I thought you might like the bedroom off to the right. There is a large tub and I had the maids draw you a bath.” Tabitha walked over to the door and opened it with a flourish. “I sent Mark to D’Lynsal to bring you some clothes. If there is anything in particular you need, let me know and I will pass the information along.”

“There is always a bag of extra clothes in the car.” I sighed quietly. “But thank you. This just means I won’t have to worry about ironing.”

“I went through the bag and you only had one dress, and a pair of jeans.” Tabitha frowned. “I thought we might be here longer than a day.”

“You’re right.” She had gone through my bag? Without asking? My instant ire probably had more to do with my sleep-deprived state than anything else. I reeled in my anger and counted to five. “But next time, please ask before you go through my things.”

“Of course, ma’am. I apologize.” Tabitha bobbed her head. “I was just trying to not bother you with unimportant things.”

“My privacy is very important.” I shook my head. “I’m going to take that bath and then go to bed. If Max needs me or something changes with Selene, wake me; otherwise, I’d like to sleep for a few hours.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Tabitha turned and walked over to the kitchen table without a curtsy or head bob.

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