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Recklessly Royal

Page 22

“I wasn’t exactly expecting company.” I frowned.

“Would you have dressed up if you’d known I was coming?” He still had my hand wrapped in his.

“Well, you’ve already seen me puke in a potted plant and hungover the next day.” I shrugged. “This is actually an improvement.”

“Even hungover, you were gorgeous.” He winked and finally let go of my hand.

“Wow.” I couldn’t help but laugh. “Are you practicing these compliments in the mirror at night?”

“I can’t reveal my secrets.” He tucked his hands back into his pockets.

There was a knock on the door and I looked past David as Selene stuck her head inside.

“My apologies. I didn’t realize you had a guest.” She started to duck out, but stopped long enough to add something. “Our next appointment is in an hour.”

“Thank you. I’ll be ready soon.” I nodded at her as she closed the door quietly.

“Well, I’ll let you get dressed,” David said.

“I have a meeting with some of the officials working on my new charity.” I smiled. I was really looking forward to meeting with the investors. The program I wanted to start targeted schools that had cut art training out of the budget. Art was something that I was passionate about and I didn’t want children to miss out on the opportunity to express their creativity.

“I’d like to hear about it.” He walked to the door before stopping to smile at me. “Should I call your secretary and make an appointment?”

“No.” I giggled. “Chadwick is helping you while Sam is gone, right?”

“Yeah.” He shook his head. “That man is intimidating. I think he has planned out my bathroom schedule.”

“I’ll have Selene find out when we both have free time.”

“Hopefully soon.” He opened the door, smiled at me, and then closed it behind him.

“Hopefully,” I whispered. The oddest feeling swamped over me. Fear, excitement, and pure adrenaline. If I didn’t know any better I felt like I wanted to giggle and squeal. Instead I acted like the adult I was and got dressed while I danced around the room to music from my mp3 player. Giddiness had me shaking my booty in the mirror. I hadn’t ever been this excited by the thought of a date before.

That was, until a thought hit me like a ton of bricks. What if he had only asked me out because he felt sorry for me? The pathetic princess stuck in a tower that he needed to rescue? It could be that he didn’t want to see me again at all and was just doing what he thought was right. After all, he had left me na**d and panting last night without seeming bothered.


KICKING THE SHOES off in the car I slumped in my seat and closed my eyes. I had never had such a strong urge to punch someone as I did while listening to the idiot bankers asking what their return would be for something like the art program.

“Well, that went well.” Selene humphed from her seat. “What is it your new sister says? Those men were a bunch of asshats.”

A laugh burst out of my mouth and I peeked one eye open to see her grin as she flipped through her files.

“That’s it exactly.” I sat up. “Why did they even come? I mean, what did they expect? A percentage of crayon drawings? Finger paintings to hang in their offices? That I could take care of, but a financial return?”

“You made a compelling argument.” Selene looked at me over the top of her glasses. “Stretching a child’s imagination leads to new products, intellectual property, and more local resources.”

I blew a raspberry. “Fat lot of good it did me.”

“You know how this works,” she said. “They come in all gung-ho or completely distant.”

“I know it’s annoying.” I closed my eyes again. “They just want to be able to say they had a meeting with a princess.”

“Well, I’m sure that’s a big point for some of them.” She shrugged. “But then again, you know that you can use your status to make good things happen. That comes with the job.”

I sighed. It was the same conversation we’d had countless times over the years. Only this time I didn’t feel placated by the simple observations. I was tired of being Princess Catherine. It was completely ridiculous that it took my title to get people to invest in our children.

Right now, I was looking forward to going back to D’Lynsal and finishing the book I had started earlier. My eyes popped open when I remembered that David would be just a short drive away at Rousseau. Even if I wasn’t sure if he wanted a date with me or he felt sorry for me, I had told him I’d try to find time. The worst thing that could happen would be an uncomfortable night that ended in him feeling better and me right back where I already was.



“When do I have another dinner free?” I looked down at my nails and picked at a cuticle.

“Thursday, I believe.” She raised an eyebrow. “Is there something you’d like me to schedule?”

“I was thinking about going to see a movie.”

“Tell me which one and I’ll have it screened at the palace for you.” She picked up her pen.

“No, I’d like to go out.” I paused, looking for words that wouldn’t make me sound like an excited girl. “With a friend.”

“I see. And is this friend trustworthy?”

“I think so.” I looked up at her and frowned. “Why?”

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