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Real Vampires Don't Diet

Page 45

I just stared at Ray. He smiled, obviously pleased that he'd left me speechless.

"You know, I'm feeling pretty good about what we accomplished last weekend. We've got Simon and Damian working on Casanova and the Butcher for Wednesday. Now all we have to do is invite them down to the dock and Aggie should be able to take care of the rest."

"Uh, yeah." I was still reeling from Ray throwing down his "I won't wait" gauntlet. Not to mention the whiplash from that abrupt subject change. "Uh, I figure you can take them down in the elevator to see your boat. Flo said she'd call Damian and let him know Wednesday's the day."

There was a knock on the door into the store. "We're set then." Ray grabbed my waist and swung me down off the table, holding me against him for a moment. "Blade didn't come down too hard on you, did he, Glory? He was really rough out there. I didn't like the way he treated you."

There was real caring in Ray's bright blue eyes, enough that for a moment I felt the stupid urge to cry on his strong shoulder. Cry? About what? Jerry loved me. Ray seemed to still want me. Hey, Glory was riding high. I took a breath.

"Jerry was pissed. And rightly so. I kept a lot of things from him while he was gone. For the wrong reasons. Because I knew he wouldn't approve of what we were doing."

"You always need his approval?" Ray was still so very close, our thighs touching, his hands on my waist.

"Don't twist my words, Ray. He worries about my safety. You and I went into a dangerous situation. Jerry would have tried to come up with a safer alternative than going out to the EV stronghold." Why was I defending my relationship with Jerry? It was none of Ray's business. "This subject is closed."

"Good. I'd rather not talk about the other man in your life. I'd rather there not be another man in your life." Ray brushed my hair back over my shoulders. "My mom would love you, you know."

"Doubt it. There will be no grandbabies." I smiled sadly. "My fault."

"Will tells me my swimmers can't do the deed anymore either." Ray couldn't muster up even the semblance of a smile.

"He's right." I touched his cheek. "I'm sorry. And your poor parents. You're an only child so there will be no grandchildren in their future."

"Yeah and how do I explain ?" Ray hugged me and rested his chin on my hair. "Guess I'll tell them I had a diving accident down on the island. It happens. Maybe I just found out. 'Cause you and I were talking about starting a family and wondered why I'd never fathered any children." Ray leaned back and smiled sadly. "Tabloids would love to get hold of this."

"No kidding. They already think my big butt and our sudden engagement is all about me springing the 'baby trap' on you. No wonder your mother is thinking she's going to be a grandma. Didn't you warn her against reading the tabloids?" Ray frowned. "Sure, but she devours those things anyway. You should see her scrapbook." I reached up and smoothed away Ray's frown lines. "So call her, let her down gently. No need to tell her the really bad news now."

"No, I won't. I'll say she can visit after the Grammys. Maybe we'll have something to celebrate." He grabbed my hand and kissed my palm.

"A Grammy, sure. You can celebrate with your family." I eased my hand away. "But after the full moon she'll be reading about our breakup. I'm really sorry, Ray, but I did go back to Blade and that's how it is." I reached for the doorknob.

"For now." Ray put his hand against the door. "I don't think he's what you really want anymore, Glory. He's a habit you've had for centuries. And I can see that you're different around him. So I'm going to ask you to do something for me."

"What?" Different? Was I? Valdez had told me to grovel to get Blade back, but I hadn't done it. I'd acted like the same independent woman I was right now, hadn't I?

"Just step back a little and watch how you are when you're around Blade and then how you are around me. When are you freer?

Happier?" Ray wasn't touching me, but was so close I felt surrounded by his scent and the warmth of his body. His arm was mere inches from my lips.

My breath caught in my throat as his eyes drifted down my body. I'd worn a black cashmere V-neck that dipped low enough to show the edge of my lacy bra. My hips were jammed into black cords with my high heels. I wished I had on a turtleneck as Ray looked down the valley between my breasts. But it was too late. Ray had seen what was under these clothes. Touched me. Tasted me. And I'd encouraged him. Even had moments when I'd wanted him. I remembered to breathe again. Ray

"No, don't say anything now. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm just seeing what I want to see. 'Cause if I don't get inside you soon, Glory, I'm going to blow apart." He inhaled, like he was memorizing my scent.

I closed my eyes to it because it was a vampire thing I recognized and knew only too well. Part of the mating game we played with each other. I didn't need to inhale him. I already knew his scent as well as I knew Jerry's and wasn't that a hell of a thing?

"Ray, please. This is only going to hurt you." I had to look at him. He was watching me, studying me and trying to read my mind. I was smart enough to block the chaos that passed for my thoughts right now.

"Hear. Me. Out." He touched my cheek, then traced the vein in my throat with his thumb. "Sometimes relationships outlive their usefulness. Me? I think it may be time for you to cut the Scotsman loose. For both your sakes." Ray stepped back from the door. "Think about it."

I stood there a moment trying to figure out how I was going to act halfway calm after that. Finally I jerked open the door. I expected to see Barry waiting impatiently. Instead, a nervous Nathan, surrounded by two of the three visiting nightmare vampires, had lifted his fist to knock again. I could see Lily and Drac on the other side of the store talking to Bri and Sienna.

"Benny, Luke, I see you've met a friend of mine, Nathan Burke, and this is Israel Caine. Perhaps you've heard of him. Nathan and Israel are under my protection, men. Which means they are under Blade's protection." I crossed my fingers. Hopefully Jerry would back me up on that.

"Israel Caine! Sure. Dig your music." Luke and Benny knocked knuckles with Ray who actually managed to smile and not cringe. Props to Ray on that. Surely he'd picked up on the serial-killer gleam in their eyes. Nathan linked arms with me and whispered in my ear.

"They showed me fangs, Glory. More vampires. I don't think you want this to become a hangout, do you? Bad PR." He shuddered. "They kept talking about my blood type. You said it was rare. Guess I'm like the daily special. Do me a favor? Tell them again that I'm off-limits?"

"Sure." I saw that the water bottle was empty. "And, Nate, there's a bathroom in the back room. Stay out of sight as long as you can. I'll suggest they move on." I gestured behind me. I smiled as Nate made a wide detour around the vampires. I turned up the classic rock station on the radio. That should help keep Sienna from overhearing while I tried to get rid of my visitors.

"Glory, you have a great shop." Lily walked up with a frowning Dracula in tow. He kept looking over his shoulder at Sienna who was heading into a dressing room. "Drac, you will not bother Sienna. This is Glory's business. You can't use her customers as a filling station."

"Thanks, Lily. And none of you will bother any mortals who are in my shop, especially not my friends." I introduced them to Ray and Nathan. Nathan quickly excused himself and headed to the back room. I blocked an attempt by Luke and Benny to follow him.

"Dude, didn't know you were one of us." Drac looked Ray over.

"Yeah, it's not something I advertise, understand?" Ray didn't smile.

"Totally." Drac glanced at his buddies. "We survive by the same code, man. We won't out you; you do us the same favor."

"Absolutely." Ray put his arm around me and I saw Lily's eyebrows go up.

Hmm. She knew I was with Jerry, now Ray was acting possessive. Well, vamps are complicated. I just smiled until I caught a whiff of something familiar.

I sniffed and moved closer to Drac. "Masculine."

"Yes, isn't he?" Lily hugged him. "That's why I turned him over a hundred years ago. I just love a man with a great body and that whole macho vibe, don't you?"

"No, I mean, yes, of course Drac is masculine, but he smells like a men's cologne called 'Masculine.' Ray's publicist wears it." I narrowed my gaze on Dracula. "Did you feed recently near this shop?"

"Why do you ask, dear lady?"

"That's not an answer, Dracula. Where is he?" I got up in his face and Valdez was suddenly right beside me. Bri hurried to the door, threw the dead bolt and turned the sign to Closed.

"Glory, what the hell are you talking about?" Ray put his hand on my arm, obviously concerned that I was getting aggressive with a vampire a foot taller than I was.

"The mortal who wore the cologne?" Dracula looked unconcerned. "In the alley, I suppose. I didn't take much. I don't think I was overeager." Drac looked at Lily. "Blade asked us not to kill mortals on his turf."

"When was this? When you went outside for a smoke?" Lily grabbed Drac's arm.

"Sorry, darling, but he was so perfectly fine. B positive. Turned out to be quite thin, though. Not the blood, the man. I barely started when the idiot fainted." He shook his head when Lily snarled. "Quit overreacting. There was a heartbeat when I tossed him in the Dumpster."

"You threw Barry in the Dumpster?" Ray ran toward the back. "I swear to God, if he's dead, asshole, you're dead."

"Like to see you try." Luke and Benny jumped in front of Ray and showed their fangs.

"Stop it!" I pushed between them, almost tripping over Valdez.

"Get the hell out of the way. Blondie." He snarled, putting himself at Ray's side. "Bring it on, fellas." I looked behind Luke and Benny. "Lily? Some help here?" ns class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7451196230453695" data-ad-slot="9930101810" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true">

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