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Ralph and the Pixie

Page 35

‘However, I can tell you that there are deep divisions within the Kingdom, which only the blind could miss. The Faerie Folk are being persecuted and murdered, as you know. But not by the Thane’s soldiers, and seldom on the lands he governs; he will not have it so. This I know, because I know the Thane personally. The King tolerates his rebellious attitude because most of the wealth of the Elf Kingdom lies within the heavily fortified walls of the Thane’s city of Mirrindale.

‘And there are a good many other matters, many of which I am simply not privy to. Then there is the Elf Lore, which plays an all-important part in this matter. But of the Lore I will not speak; at least, not at present. For there is nothing I could tell you about the Lore that would enlighten you in the least at this time; not until you learn more about this world, and about the nature of magic itself, which is a secret carried within by all of us; it is a matter, about which only personal experience may render enlightenment. Words from me, in that regard, would avail you nothing, and might later lead inadvertently to misperception and thwarted comprehension. Besides,’ he added wryly, ‘I know less about Lore than I do about affairs of State, so be forewarned! Anything I tell you on either subject may turn out to be so much . . . “hot air”, as you seem wont to call it.’

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