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Quarterback Draw

Page 17

“I have a new recipe in mind for this homemade pizza I’d like to make. Can we do that tonight?”

She tried for a half smile. Anything that would engage her with her siblings was a good thing. “Sure.”

GRANT GOT SETTLED IN HIS HOTEL ROOM AFTER DOING the signing and photo shoot for the Merritt Foundation that Liz had set up for him. He debated whether he wanted to go out for something to eat or wander around the area. He grabbed his phone and decided to call Katrina first. He dialed her number. It rang several times before someone who definitely wasn’t Katrina answered.

“Yo, hello?”

“Hi. Is Katrina there?”

“Who’s this?”

“This is Grant Cassidy. And who’s this?”


“You’d be Katrina’s sister.”

“And how would you know that?”

“I did a photo shoot with her a couple weeks ago.”

“You did, huh? Are you two dating?”

He grinned. You had to love the nosiness of teenagers—and siblings. “Jury’s still out on that one.”

“She’s resistant. Thinks all her free time should be babysitting us, but I can assure you we don’t need babysitters.”

“I’m sure you don’t. So is she around?”

“She’s in the tub. So why are you calling?”

“I’m in town and thought we could all get together and do something.”

“So, by ‘all,’ I’m assuming you mean me and Leo, too?”

“I do mean you and Leo, too. Are you all free tomorrow during the day?”

“Hang on. Let me check with her.”

She laid the phone down, Grant assumed to check with Katrina. He could only imagine the response. But she came back about a minute later.

“She said that sounds fine to her.”

Grant was shocked to hear that. “Are you sure?”

“Absolutely. I think she’s bored hanging around us. You’re probably a nice distraction.”

He laughed. “Okay, then. How about I pick you all up about ten tomorrow morning?”

“Sounds like a plan. Do you need our address?”

“I do.”

She gave him the address.

“What should we wear, Grant?”

“Tourist clothes.”

Now Anya laughed. “Awesome. See you tomorrow, Grant.”

“Okay. If Katrina has any questions, she can call me.”

“Noted. See ya.”

She hung up, and Grant shook his head.

Tomorrow should be interesting.

He couldn’t wait.

KATRINA FELT A LOT BETTER AFTER A LONG SOAK IN the tub. She helped Anya make the pizza, plus salad.

At least she and the kids were eating together. It always took her a while to get balanced again when she got back from a long bout of travel. She felt out of sorts, and they would hit her with a wave of rebellion, so this wasn’t unusual. She’d just have to set some firm ground rules and stick to them and the universe would right itself again.

She took a drink of the merlot she’d poured herself and felt a calm settle over her.

She’d tried to engage Leo and Anya with questions about camp activities. So far, she’d gotten nothing but grunts and monosyllabic responses, so she’d given up, figuring she’d try again after dinner.

Leo needed a haircut. His hair was long and hanging well past his brows, which made it easier for him to hide his emotions, which she could always see in his blue eyes, so much like hers. She made a mental note to make a haircut appointment for him this week.

Anya, on the other hand, had no problem at all expressing her emotions. And did it on a regular basis. Her sister sat on the cusp of adulthood, with one foot still firmly planted in the land of bitchy teenager. Katrina never knew which sister she was going to get on any given day. The laughing, smiling, let’s-talk-smart-topics one, or the sullen, angry-with-Katrina-about-everything one.

Such a joy.

“By the way, Grant Cassidy will be picking us up at ten tomorrow morning,” Anya said.

Katrina nearly choked on her sip of wine. She laid the glass down on the table. “What?”

“Grant. Cassidy. Hot football player. You didn’t tell us you were dating him.”

She shot Anya a glare. “I am not dating him.”

“You know Grant Cassidy?” Leo leaned forward, lifting his head and shaking his hair back. “Since when?”

“I did a photo shoot with him in Barbados.” She looked over at Anya. “And what do you mean he’s picking us up tomorrow?”

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