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Quarterback Draw

Page 41

She shuddered at the intimacy of it. And when he broke the kiss, his gaze met hers and she smiled up at him.

“Well, that was good.”

He laughed. “Just good?”

“Okay. Really good.”

“It’ll get better. I’m shooting for great. Awesome. Amazing.”

She loved that he was so easy about this, that he made her feel no embarrassment. “I like a goal-oriented man.”

He slid off the bed “I’m going to get us something to drink. Then I’ll be back to show you just how goal oriented I can be.”

She shook her head, but the smile had yet to leave her face.

Technically, she supposed she was still in virgin territory, but with Grant, she felt assured that was going to be taken care of soon enough.

He’d made her feel so good about herself, and hadn’t made fun of her for being a twenty-seven-year-old virgin. So many men would have backed off, or run like hell, not wanting to waste time with an inexperienced woman.

Not that she was all that inexperienced. With men, definitely. With sex—well, she was a reader. She knew a lot about sex. And she watched plenty of movies. It wasn’t like she was completely in the dark. She only needed some practical application.

As Grant walked back into the room, she couldn’t help but notice his erection.

He had two glasses of ice water, and he looked down at his cock, where her attention had been riveted.

He grinned. “I was thinking about you when I was in the kitchen.”

She turned on her side to face him. “You were? And what were you thinking?”

He set the glasses on the nightstand, then climbed on the bed. “About how lucky I am to be with you.”

She hadn’t anticipated that. “You’re lucky to be with me.”

“Sure.” He laid his hand on her hip. “You could have chosen any man to be the first man to be with. You chose me. Now I get to teach you all the fun stuff. That makes me a very lucky guy.”

“Not every man would think that.”

He frowned. “Why not?”

“While you were off getting us drinks, I was thinking that some guys would have run in the opposite direction when faced with a virgin.”

He grunted. “Oh, come on. It’s not the fucking dark ages anymore. Now if you and I were sixteen or something, then yeah, we’d be having a different conversation right now. But you’re a very smart, very adult woman who knows exactly what she wants in the way of sex. And what she doesn’t want.”

She liked that he put the decision making in her hands. And he called her smart, not for the first time. She liked that about him as well.

“Thank you for realizing I’m capable of making sound decisions.”

“Of course you are. You chose me after all.”

She laughed. “Yes, well, I chose you for a night of hot sex. It’s not like we’re dating. Or getting married. Or anything like that.”

He gave her a sad look. “What? But all those promises you made to me.”

She laughed. “I’m serious here, Grant. No strings. We’re not getting into a relationship here just because we’re having sex.”

He squeezed her hip. “Got it. No relationship. Just sex.”

“Okay. I just don’t want you to get the wrong idea.”

His eyes twinkled, and she saw the teasing glint there. “So I shouldn’t be upset if you don’t call me in the morning?”

She shook her head. “Very funny.”

He slid down the mattress, his mouth where his hand had just been, this time kissing her hip bone. He lifted his gaze to her. “But you’ll still respect me, right?”

That teasing, oh-so-hot look he gave her made her breathing harder, especially when he turned her onto her back and spread her legs.


He shifted, moving between her legs. “Good. Because I’d hate to think you were just using me for my superior sex skills.”

If his skills got any better, she wasn’t sure she’d survive the night. But this was the night of her education, and she intended to learn and experience everything.

Like the feel of Grant’s mouth against her sex. Heat and wetness, moving over her clit. Down, then back up again. Nothing she could do to herself could match this. It was overwhelming in the best kind of way.

She raised up on her elbows, needing to see what he was doing to her. The sensations were mind blowing. She didn’t think she could come again so soon, but what he was doing to her unraveled her.

He had a very talented mouth, and used it in creative, relentless ways. She spiraled out of control faster than she expected, her body tingling as her clit and pussy quivered under the mastery of Grant’s lips and tongue. Before she could even gasp in surprise, she was coming, lifting against his mouth, never wanting this to end.

Suddenly he was above her, taking her mouth in a kiss that tasted of her. It was erotic and hot and she wrapped her hand around his neck to hold him there, licking at his lips as she continued to come down from that incredible high.

Her gaze met his when he pulled back. She was out of breath, her mind more than a little blown by all these firsts.

“Thank you,” she said.

“It was my pleasure. You taste like hot, salty cherries.”

She shuddered, then rolled with him as he went to his side. He handed her a glass and they each took several long drinks of water.

She swept her hand over his shoulder, still unable to believe she was lying in bed naked with a man. With Grant, who wasn’t just any man, but a hot, built, extremely sexy—no, wait—that wasn’t even the right word for him.

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