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Precious Consequences

Page 33

“Waffles?” I suggest.

“Sounds delicious.”

I turn around and Hayley swats my butt. I give her a playful glare before resuming my waffle-making duties. At some point, while I’m mixing the ingredients and warming up our waffle maker, Hayley’s hands slide around my waist and her head rests between my shoulders. We stand there quietly and enjoy the moment. I silently hope there will be more moments like this in our near future, and more moments where I get to please her, give her what she needs. Part of me worries that we’ve rushed it, but I remind myself how crazy I went during those weeks that we were supposed to be friends. Did we move a little fast with the sex? I don’t know how to answer that when being with her that way felt so incredibly right. Being with her, whether it’s intimately, or just standing together in my kitchen with her against me, brings me a profound sense of peace. I haven’t had that feeling in two years and something inside me clings to it with Hayley around, like I need it to breathe.

** ** ** ** **

I pull into our driveway and cut the ignition, stealing a glance at Hayley. She tugs her jacket nervously and put my hand on both of hers to stop them from fidgeting. “Will you stop fidgeting?” I admonish. “My mom and Candice will both love you, and Ari.”

It’s Thanksgiving today and Hayley and Ari will be joining us, along with Hannah and Noah, much to my mother’s delight. She’s been up since four a.m. getting everything ready and for the first time in a long, long time, our house feels like it’s…alive. Hayley smiles nervously at me and I know she’s freaking out about meeting my mother and sister. But she has nothing to worry about.

“What if they don’t like me?” she asks quietly. “Or what if they don’t like Ari?”

“They will. My mom is already looking forward to it.”

“How do you know?”

“Because she knows everything about you, and Ari. She wanted to meet you sooner but I told her to wait until you were ready. I promise, Hayls, she’s going to love you both.” And it’s the God honest truth. My mother was so excited when I told her about Hayley, and she didn’t even bat an eyelash when I told her about Ari. I think she was secretly happy I wasn’t messing around anymore. Not to mention that she hated Rachel. I know for a fact she won’t hate Hayley, or think any less of her for being a mother at such a young age.

I lean in close, holding her chin between my thumb and forefinger. “It’s going to be fine.”

I give her a chaste kiss before hopping out of my truck. When Hayley rounds the front, with Ari walking next to her, I thread my fingers though hers and lead them up the stairs and into our house.

“Mom, we’re here!” I yell, pulling Hayley behind me.

“Coming, sweetheart!” My mother calls back. The kitchen door swings open and my mother walks in, a broad smile making its way onto her face when she sees me standing in the foyer with Hayley and Ari.

“Hi mom.” I give her a hug and hold on a little too long, even though I saw her earlier this morning. She kisses me on the cheek and turns towards Hayley.

“Well, who’s this gorgeous young lady?” My mother's smile only broadens at the sight of Hayley and for once it’s sincere. My mother has always been honest about the few girls I have brought home, but Hayley is the first girl to actually be introduced as my girlfriend.

I reach for Hayley’s hand and she steps forward. Her hand is clammy and a little shaky so I give it a squeeze to hopefully calm her nerves. “Mom,” I say turning to face my mother. “This is my girlfriend, Hayley. Hayley, this is my mom, Gemma.”

Hayley sticks her hand out and smiles politely. “Mrs. Argent, its such a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for welcoming us into your home for Thanksgiving.”

My mother surprises Hayley and gives her a warm, affectionate hug instead. “Please, call me Gemma. I am so happy to finally meet you, darling girl, and we’re more than pleased to have you here.”

My mother whispers something into Hayley’s ear and she giggles, her cheeks turning rosy. She nods, smiling warmly at my mother and then looks down at a very shy Ari who’s hiding behind her legs.

“And you must be Princess Ari,” my mother coos, bending down to Ari’s level. Ari eyes my mother reluctantly and then takes two steps, falling into my mothers open arms. My mother's face beams with excitement and immediately, I see Hayley relax.

Just then, the front door opens again and my sister, Candice, walks in, followed by her Husband, Brett, Hannah and Noah. I go to hug my sister and greet my brother-in-law with a fist bump, and after saying hello to Hannah and Noah, too, I turn to introduce Candice and Hayley. But my girl has beaten me to it.

“You must be Candice,” Hayley greets. “I’ve heard so much about you. It’s nice to finally meet you.”

Candice looks between the two of us, not saying anything, and Hayley stiffens slightly. Shit. I knew my sister would pull something funny like this. And just when Hayley started feeling comfortable. “Cameron, you little liar, this girl isn’t average looking. She looks like a damn supermodel.”

Hayley’s eyes widen, as do mine, and with that the ice is broken. We share a laugh and Hayley hugs Candice around her belly, hitting it off immediately. My whole body sags with relief, not because I was worried that my mother and Candice wouldn’t like Hayley, but because having her here with my family is a big deal for me.

After all the greetings and introductions are made, my mother and Candice head back into the kitchen, while Hannah and Hayley decide to make their way into the living room.

“So, Cam, how was your date last night?” Noah asks, wriggling his eyebrows. If he thinks I’m dishing about sex with Hayley then he’d better be prepared to be disappointed. I’ve always shared everything with him, but this time it feels wrong to give him details, although judging by the animated conversation going on between Hannah and Hayley, and the way Hayley’s cheeks redden, that’s exactly what they’re talking about. Still, I don’t think it’s any of Noah’s business.

“It was,” I pause, trying to find the right words. “The best date I’ve ever had.”

Noah’s eyebrows knit together and he looks at me incredulously. “Is that it?”

“That’s all you’re getting,” I chuckle.

He grumbles something and heads towards the mini fridge in the bar. He comes back with three beers and hands one to me and one to Brett, who comes to stand next to us.

“Where’s Jordan?” I ask, taking a swig of my beer. I’m a little disappointed that my nephew isn’t here. I miss the little guy.

Brett also takes a swig of his beer, and replies, “He’s with my parents for the week. Candice and I have been on high alert all week, with her being five days past her due date, and we thought it would be a little less stressful if my parents looked after him for a while.”

“We should’ve just done Thanksgiving at your house this year,” I remark, watching my sister waddle her way towards Hannah and Hayley. “There’s no way Candice should be walking right now.”

Brett rolls his eyes. “Please, have you met your sister? She’s as stubborn as you are.”

“Hey! Be careful, otherwise I’m telling my sister how you bumped her car the other day.”

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