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Page 140

"Do tell me how it first came into your head."

"It first came into my head," replied Mrs Smith, "upon finding how much

you were together, and feeling it to be the most probable thing in the

world to be wished for by everybody belonging to either of you; and you

may depend upon it that all your acquaintance have disposed of you in

the same way. But I never heard it spoken of till two days ago."

"And has it indeed been spoken of?"

"Did you observe the woman who opened the door to you when you called


"No. Was not it Mrs Speed, as usual, or the maid? I observed no one

in particular."

"It was my friend Mrs Rooke; Nurse Rooke; who, by-the-bye, had a great

curiosity to see you, and was delighted to be in the way to let you in.

She came away from Marlborough Buildings only on Sunday; and she it was

who told me you were to marry Mr Elliot. She had had it from Mrs

Wallis herself, which did not seem bad authority. She sat an hour with

me on Monday evening, and gave me the whole history." "The whole

history," repeated Anne, laughing. "She could not make a very long

history, I think, of one such little article of unfounded news."

Mrs Smith said nothing.

"But," continued Anne, presently, "though there is no truth in my

having this claim on Mr Elliot, I should be extremely happy to be of

use to you in any way that I could. Shall I mention to him your being

in Bath? Shall I take any message?"

"No, I thank you: no, certainly not. In the warmth of the moment, and

under a mistaken impression, I might, perhaps, have endeavoured to

interest you in some circumstances; but not now. No, I thank you, I

have nothing to trouble you with."

"I think you spoke of having known Mr Elliot many years?"

"I did."

"Not before he was married, I suppose?"

"Yes; he was not married when I knew him first."

"And--were you much acquainted?"


"Indeed! Then do tell me what he was at that time of life. I have a

great curiosity to know what Mr Elliot was as a very young man. Was he

at all such as he appears now?"

"I have not seen Mr Elliot these three years," was Mrs Smith's answer,

given so gravely that it was impossible to pursue the subject farther;

and Anne felt that she had gained nothing but an increase of curiosity.

They were both silent: Mrs Smith very thoughtful. At last-"I beg your pardon, my dear Miss Elliot," she cried, in her natural

tone of cordiality, "I beg your pardon for the short answers I have

been giving you, but I have been uncertain what I ought to do. I have

been doubting and considering as to what I ought to tell you. There

were many things to be taken into the account. One hates to be

officious, to be giving bad impressions, making mischief. Even the

smooth surface of family-union seems worth preserving, though there may

be nothing durable beneath. However, I have determined; I think I am

right; I think you ought to be made acquainted with Mr Elliot's real

character. Though I fully believe that, at present, you have not the

smallest intention of accepting him, there is no saying what may

happen. You might, some time or other, be differently affected towards

him. Hear the truth, therefore, now, while you are unprejudiced. Mr

Elliot is a man without heart or conscience; a designing, wary,

cold-blooded being, who thinks only of himself; whom for his own

interest or ease, would be guilty of any cruelty, or any treachery,

that could be perpetrated without risk of his general character. He

has no feeling for others. Those whom he has been the chief cause of

leading into ruin, he can neglect and desert without the smallest

compunction. He is totally beyond the reach of any sentiment of

justice or compassion. Oh! he is black at heart, hollow and black!"

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