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Page 128

Sir Walter, his two daughters, and Mrs Clay, were the earliest of all

their party at the rooms in the evening; and as Lady Dalrymple must be

waited for, they took their station by one of the fires in the Octagon

Room. But hardly were they so settled, when the door opened again, and

Captain Wentworth walked in alone. Anne was the nearest to him, and

making yet a little advance, she instantly spoke. He was preparing

only to bow and pass on, but her gentle "How do you do?" brought him

out of the straight line to stand near her, and make enquiries in

return, in spite of the formidable father and sister in the back

ground. Their being in the back ground was a support to Anne; she knew

nothing of their looks, and felt equal to everything which she believed

right to be done.

While they were speaking, a whispering between her father and Elizabeth

caught her ear. She could not distinguish, but she must guess the

subject; and on Captain Wentworth's making a distant bow, she

comprehended that her father had judged so well as to give him that

simple acknowledgement of acquaintance, and she was just in time by a

side glance to see a slight curtsey from Elizabeth herself. This,

though late, and reluctant, and ungracious, was yet better than

nothing, and her spirits improved.

After talking, however, of the weather, and Bath, and the concert,

their conversation began to flag, and so little was said at last, that

she was expecting him to go every moment, but he did not; he seemed in

no hurry to leave her; and presently with renewed spirit, with a little

smile, a little glow, he said-"I have hardly seen you since our day at Lyme. I am afraid you must

have suffered from the shock, and the more from its not overpowering

you at the time."

She assured him that she had not.

"It was a frightful hour," said he, "a frightful day!" and he passed

his hand across his eyes, as if the remembrance were still too painful,

but in a moment, half smiling again, added, "The day has produced some

effects however; has had some consequences which must be considered as

the very reverse of frightful. When you had the presence of mind to

suggest that Benwick would be the properest person to fetch a surgeon,

you could have little idea of his being eventually one of those most

concerned in her recovery."

"Certainly I could have none. But it appears--I should hope it would

be a very happy match. There are on both sides good principles and

good temper."

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