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Page 116

Mary need not have feared her sister's being in any degree prepared for

the news. She had never in her life been more astonished. Captain

Benwick and Louisa Musgrove! It was almost too wonderful for belief,

and it was with the greatest effort that she could remain in the room,

preserve an air of calmness, and answer the common questions of the

moment. Happily for her, they were not many. Sir Walter wanted to

know whether the Crofts travelled with four horses, and whether they

were likely to be situated in such a part of Bath as it might suit Miss

Elliot and himself to visit in; but had little curiosity beyond.

"How is Mary?" said Elizabeth; and without waiting for an answer, "And

pray what brings the Crofts to Bath?"

"They come on the Admiral's account. He is thought to be gouty."

"Gout and decrepitude!" said Sir Walter. "Poor old gentleman."

"Have they any acquaintance here?" asked Elizabeth.

"I do not know; but I can hardly suppose that, at Admiral Croft's time

of life, and in his profession, he should not have many acquaintance in

such a place as this."

"I suspect," said Sir Walter coolly, "that Admiral Croft will be best

known in Bath as the renter of Kellynch Hall. Elizabeth, may we

venture to present him and his wife in Laura Place?"

"Oh, no! I think not. Situated as we are with Lady Dalrymple, cousins,

we ought to be very careful not to embarrass her with acquaintance she

might not approve. If we were not related, it would not signify; but

as cousins, she would feel scrupulous as to any proposal of ours. We

had better leave the Crofts to find their own level. There are several

odd-looking men walking about here, who, I am told, are sailors. The

Crofts will associate with them."

This was Sir Walter and Elizabeth's share of interest in the letter;

when Mrs Clay had paid her tribute of more decent attention, in an

enquiry after Mrs Charles Musgrove, and her fine little boys, Anne was

at liberty.

In her own room, she tried to comprehend it. Well might Charles wonder

how Captain Wentworth would feel! Perhaps he had quitted the field,

had given Louisa up, had ceased to love, had found he did not love her.

She could not endure the idea of treachery or levity, or anything akin

to ill usage between him and his friend. She could not endure that

such a friendship as theirs should be severed unfairly.

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