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Perfectly Imperfect

Page 18

“I brought you a trash bag, Wills.” I hear the other woman speak, but I don’t move my eyes from Willow. I watch helplessly as the shame and embarrassment are back.

“For what, Ivy?” she snaps, the sarcasm dousing the heat of her embarrassment and making way for anger to take its place.

Ivy. Now, I can put a face to the name I know belongs to her sister.

“For all your shit, sister dear.” Her laugh makes me cringe.

“You bitch,” Kirby sneers.

“You have ten minutes, Willow,” her sister continues. “Make sure and turn in your keycard to the offices as well as any other property of Logan Agency that you might think you have rights to. Ten minutes, Willow, to remove all your shit and don’t let me see you back here again.”

I open my mouth to interject, not really sure what I’m going to say, but the animalistic snarl that comes from deep in Willow’s throat stops me dead. I’m not even sure she was aware she made a noise, but in seconds, she’s like a bull in a china shop. I’m positive nothing could stop her at this point.

“I hate you!” she screams shrilly. “For years, I’ve been your punching bag. For YEARS, I’ve put up with everything you’ve thrown at me verbally. I’ve been nothing but a glorified human pile of crap for the two of you to step in whenever you need to feel better about yourself. You want me gone? Every piece of me? Fine!”

She moves with clipped movements. Her shoes are pulled from her feet and thrust into Kirby’s arms. Then in what I could only explain as a woman who has reached her breaking point, she snatches the bag and starts to pile in anything and everything she can.

I stand immobile and let her have this. Clearly, this is a moment she needs, and after everything I’ve witnessed, I’m sure my interference would do more harm than good. I lean with my back against the glass wall to the right of Dominic’s open office door and cross my arms over my chest. Waiting. Ready to catch her if she needs me. That is until she picks up the computer off her desk, and with a scream, Ivy jumps into my arms, forcing me to catch her.

“There, Dominic,” she pants angrily. “There is the rest of your stupid property. Thank you for reminding me that I luckily share none of your blood. If I never see you again, it will be a day too soon.”

Before I can push Ivy off me, Willow’s eyes turn to where I’m standing. She takes in her sister in my arms with her limbs wrapped around me, and even with her ire, that wounded look is back deep in her scrutiny. “Be careful with that one. Her bite is deadly.”

I try to tell her to stop. Working my mind to think of anything that would abate this feeling of helplessness, but my words fail me. And the next thing I know, she’s gone.

“Oh, my God, Kane? Are you okay? She’s certifiable. I swear, Daddy should have put her ass out a long time ago.”

I look down at Ivy and push her away. Judging by the fact she had to struggle to stay upright in her pencil thin heels, I didn’t quite hold back the rage in my forcefulness.

Movement behind Ivy catches my attention and I flash my eyes to see Dominic pinching the bridge of his nose. His face is red, and I have no doubt it’s with anger and not embarrassment. Something tells me it takes a lot to embarrass a man like him—if anything. A man with no morals and absolutely no issues stepping on whoever he needs to.

Including a woman who appears to carry a world of pain on her shoulders.

“You disgust me,” I seethe, earning his calculated stare. “How a man—any man—could treat a woman that way is beyond me. How a father—regardless of the step in front of that title—could treat his daughter in a way so despicable only shows your true character, Dominic. Anyone who has no qualms in spewing the malevolence that you just did deserves all the hell karma could bring you. I’m sure that will happen sooner than expected considering you had planned on me being your savior—the financial life raft to your drowning company.”

I take a few measured steps forward, stopping when my body is crowding his personal space. Even though he’s in good shape for an older man, he has nothing on me. My body, shaped and honed by years of strict dietary limitations and physical training, is solid muscle. Add to the fact I’m a solid six or so inches taller, and my intimidation factor isn’t just with my words.

I could crush him. Physically, easy, but the hellfire I could rain upon him within the industry would be more damaging than any verbal cockfight I could ever have with this asshole. And he knows it.

“You,” I emphasize with a sharp check to his shoulder, “could have reaped the just deserts of me walking in your doors today. You could have picked up the pieces of shit you’ve managed to let this company of yours become just by signing a contract with me after our meeting. I had come here to discuss the use of a good number of your clients and employees. Do you understand that, Dominic?”

“What’s he talking about, Daddy?” Ivy whines behind me, but neither of us is willing to break from the heated battle of domination we’re warring.

His eyes narrow and his brow furrows. “Now, wait just a goddamn second here, son,” he fumes.

“One thing you should get straight, old man—do not ever call me son. It would be an embarrassment to me to even imply that we had the kind of relationship that calls upon that sort of familiarity.”

I can tell he wants to say more, but he doesn’t. His chest is puffing up in defiance of my words, betraying the power he’s desperately trying to hold on to. He’s used to being in control of everything and everyone around him. I can only imagine what it’s costing him to shut the fuck up to avoid pissing someone as powerful as I am off.

I hold all the cards here.

And fuck if I understand it, but I’m willing to go to bat for a woman who I know nothing about just based on a feeling.

All because with one look into those wounded doe eyes, I was willing to give her anything at just a chance to explore the connection between us.

I’ve lost my mind, but even if it weren’t for Willow, hearing a man talk to a woman like that would have been enough for me to step in.

“Word on the street is you’re so far in the red you’re fucking bleeding out.” I step a little closer and look down my nose at him; the arrogance he held earlier vanishes with the panic. I know more about him than he bargained. “How’s it feel to know that with your actions today, you kissed any chance of aligning yourself with my name away. Lucky for me, I believe you just threw the best part of Logan Agency out the door like trash. I’m going to enjoy picking her up. My guess, she knows more about your own remaining clients than you do.”

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