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Perception (Club Destiny 6)

Page 53

“Since you’re clearly having problems understanding who is in control, we’re going to do this the hard way.”

Holding the bag out to her, he waited until she reached for it. When she looked back up at him, he gave her a wicked smile.

“Go change. I expect you back here in ten minutes. Not a minute longer. Understand?”

“Yes. Sir,” she said, tacking on the “Sir” at the last minute.

“Hurry up, your time starts now.”

Xander watched Mercedes, the bordering on indecent, yet fucking sexy as hell way her hips swayed, as she headed toward the changing rooms closer to the main doors. Part of him expected her to sneak out through the main entrance and never return. That’s probably why he kept an eye on her until she disappeared into the first room.

“Please tell me you know what the fuck you’re doing.”

Xander turned to see Shane glaring at him.

“I thought you were going to do your own thing,” Xander retorted, suddenly wishing he had another drink.

This was going to be a long night and as much as he anticipated it, he was already getting worked up.

“Do you really think she’s up for this?”

Xander stared back at his friend, irritated by the fact he was being questioned, but understanding Shane’s reason all the same. They’d both always looked out for Mercedes. Even if she was capable of taking care of herself, she’d come to mean so much to them that they made sure she was never hurt.

“I won’t hurt her,” Xander told Shane now, fury igniting just beneath the skin at the implication.

“Whoa, hold up. I know that. I never thought you would, but seriously, X. She doesn’t look comfortable with this.”

Xander laughed, his anger slipping out on his exhale. “Are you fucking serious right now? When has it ever been about comfort? The whole point is to push them out of their comfort zone.”

“By ‘them’, I assume you’re referring to subs,” Shane stated angrily. “She’s not a sub.”

Xander inhaled deeply.

It was true, he respected Shane. Hell, he even respected the man’s opinion, but he was seconds away from losing his shit.

“If I thought she couldn’t handle this, I wouldn’t have made a deal with her,” Xander finally said, holding on to his control with a tight grip.

“A deal?” Shane asked.

Xander noted the incredulous tone to his friend’s voice.

“Yes. Five days. She’s giving me five days.”

“For what? For you to dominate her. Are you serious?”

“Yes,” Xander answered bluntly.

“Is that all you want from her? To play a fucking game of who can top who first?” Shane asked, his back going ramrod straight.

Xander lowered his voice and looked Shane directly in the eyes. “No, it’s not a goddamn game. Not for me at least. I want every fucking part of her, goddammit. You should fucking know me better than to think otherwise.”

“Son of a bitch.” Shane exhaled, his defensive posture softening. “You lov –”

“Don’t even fucking say it,” Xander bit out. The time for talking was over. He wasn’t one to explain his reasons, but he understood Shane’s need to protect Mercedes, so he was making an exception, but he could only be pushed so far. “This conversation is over. You let me handle this.”

Shane thrust his hand through his blond hair, making it even more unkempt than it already was and still the man looked like it’d been done on purpose. “Fine. Just…” Shane stopped abruptly and glanced behind Xander, his eyes widening.

Xander steeled himself and turned around. “Son of a bitch,” he breathed out heavily.

“My sentiments exactly,” Shane said, a low whistle escaping him.

If Xander had thought for one minute that Mercedes looked hot in that dress she’d had on, well, he clearly didn’t know the definition of hot.

The woman had just managed to steal his breath.

And that was something not many people had the ability to do.


Mercedes felt naked. Well and truly naked.

Granted, she didn’t have much covering her, so it only made sense.

As she made her way across the club, it felt like she had to walk a mile to reach the spot where Xander still stood, and all the while it seemed as though everyone’s attention was on her. Although she knew that wasn’t the case.

Or at least she hoped that wasn’t the case. She didn’t have enough nerve to look around to find out for sure.

With the way Xander’s intense gaze raked over her as she closed the distance between them, she felt like she was standing there without a stitch on. Then again, the outfit he’d asked her to change into had fit into a tiny bag, so it went without saying that she was rather underdressed.

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