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Passion Unleashed (Demonica #3)

Page 51

“Tell Serena,” David said. “Go ahead. Tell her how you cheated on mom for years. How every time Patrice snapped her fingers, you went running, leaving us alone. How, when she wanted to get pregnant, you couldn’t jerk off into a cup fast enough.”

The air left Serena’s lungs in a rush, leaving her woozy. “Is this true?” she croaked.

Val spread his hands in a pleading gesture. “I couldn’t tell you. I didn’t even know David knew.”

“How stupid do you think I am?” David snapped. “You think mom didn’t figure it out the first time she saw Serena? She was a carbon copy of you when she was little.” His voice vibrated with anger. “It must have been such a relief for you when Patrice gave up her charm to Serena. You got the best of both worlds. Your precious daughter was protected and you could finally f**k Patrice—”

Val decked David so hard that it sent his son flying. David bounced off the wall, using the momentum to rush at Val, but then Shade was there between them, fisting David’s shirt and easily holding him at arm’s length.

“I don’t care if you kill each other. But do it outside. Wraith will have my ass if the female gets caught in the cross fire.”

“She should be dead already,” David spat, and Serena went numb.

“Oh, my God,” Val whispered. “You did it. You betrayed her to Byzamoth.”

“So what? Mom is dead because of her! If you hadn’t loved her and Patrice more than us…” He jerked away from Shade and stumbled to the corner, where he put his head against the wall. “Mom couldn’t handle knowing you were cheating on her. All those years she put up with it, but when Patrice got pregnant again, it was the last straw. You drove her to it, Dad. You might as well have put the pills down her throat yourself.”

The truth of David’s words put shadows in Val’s eyes. He swallowed hard. “I never meant for any of that to happen. I loved your mother. I love you.”

Dabbing blood away from his mouth with the back of his hand, David turned back to Val. “But you loved Patrice and Serena more.”

Serena began to shake with fury. If she wasn’t so weak, she’d hit him herself. “You put the entire world at risk, betrayed the human race, just to get revenge?”

He recoiled as if she had struck him. “I didn’t know what Byzamoth was.” Tears swam in his eyes, and he dashed them away as he turned to Val. “I swear to you, I didn’t know. And I didn’t know Serena would die, not until you got all freaked when she said someone was after her. I just wanted the necklace. I wanted to be special.”

Val shook his head as though trying to clear it, and Serena knew how he felt, because she was confused as hell. “How did you find Byzamoth?”

“He came to the mansion after he discovered Serena’s identity. He said he was a mage. I think he planned to take the charm then. But you’d already sent her to Egypt. I was pissed—”

“Because you wanted to go,” Val interrupted, and David gave him a petulant nod.

“Byzamoth made a deal with me. He said if I told him where she was, he’d take the charm and give me Heofon.”

“And you believed him?” Serena gaped at the man’s stupidity.

“He acted like he didn’t care about the necklace. I thought he just wanted the charm. Then he got interested in the artifacts, and decided to use you to get them, too.”

“So he was after the tablet and coin.”

Val laughed bitterly. “Of course. Once David spilled the beans about those, Byzamoth would have realized that shutting down the Harrowgates would seriously disrupt his war. The gates between Heaven and Hell could still have been opened with Heofon, but demons wouldn’t have been able to get to the Earth’s surface to make war on humans. At least, not until they destroyed Heaven.” He made a sound of disgust as he rounded on his son. “You idiot. You realize that even if you had gotten the necklace, you would not have been allowed to keep it.”

David’s chin came up in defiance. “The holder of Heofon is given the charm—”

“If angels deem that person worthy!” Val roared. “You are not worthy.”

“I never have been, in your eyes.” David stalked toward the door, and after a brief nod from Val, Shade let him go—but not before whispering something in David’s ear that made his knees buckle. Once he caught himself, he couldn’t get away fast enough.

Val sank heavily onto his chair, didn’t look at Serena. “I don’t have the words to explain,” he began. “So ask what you need to.”

Too in shock to speak, Serena said nothing. It was Shade who broke the ice.

“This is better than a soap. Not that I’d know.” He propped himself against the doorframe again. “So, Aegi… why didn’t you ever tell Serena you whipped up her baby batter?”

Yes, she would like the answer to that oddly phrased question. Val buried his face in his hands, and she had to strain to hear him.

“How could I tell you when I couldn’t even come clean with my own family? I honestly didn’t think they knew. And after Patrice died, there was no point in saying anything. I knew that with the nuns, you’d be safe and well-cared for.” He lifted his head, watched her with bloodshot eyes. “I was a coward. And because of that, my son hates me. Hates his own sister. I’m sorry. So sorry.”

“What will happen to David?” Shade asked, in a tone that said he’d handle things if Val’s answer didn’t satisfy him.

Val took a ragged breath that ended on a sob. “It’s a matter for The Aegis.” He came to his feet. “I’ll be back.”

Shade waited until Val was gone, and then muttered, “Family sucks sometimes.”

God, he had that right. “About family… I think you should know the reason Wraith hasn’t been to see your sons.” Shade opened his mouth, but Serena cut him off. “He’s afraid, Shade. He’s afraid to share himself, like each piece he gives to someone is going to be a piece that goes missing when they turn on him. He feels like he’s lost you and Eidolon to your mates and children, and you were all he had.”

“Why do you care?” he asked gruffly. “After what Wraith did to you, you should hate him.”

“I also love him, and I can’t turn that off.” She sighed and flopped back against her pillow, the day’s events sapping what was left of her energy.

Shade crossed the room and sank down on the bed with her. Gently, he took her wrist, and his tattoo—dermoire, he’d said at one point—began to glow, and a pleasant tingling sensation spread through her veins.

“Funny things, humans,” he said under his breath. “Just when you think they’re all a bunch of morons, a smart one shows up and proves you wrong.”

She smiled drowsily. “I do believe that was a compliment. From a demon. Go figure.”

“Yup. Just when you think we’re all a bunch of morons…”

One shows up and makes you fall in love with him.


This charm thing was so cool.

Wraith and Reaver approached the Dome of the Rock with ease, practically untouched by the army of demons who swarmed around it. He could have shapeshifted into some heinous demon to make himself less conspicuous, but there was no fun in that.

No, he walked straight through the horde like a spear through flesh, his long leather trench coat flapping at his ankles, the comforting clank of his weapons ringing in his ears. Thoughtful of his brothers to bring his fighting gear.

Several demons attempted to assault him—not because they viewed Wraith or Reaver as enemies, but because demons were generally just a**holes—but thanks to the charm, something always got in the way of their attacks. They’d stumble, strike another demon, miss him completely… yeah, the charm thing was way cool.

Reaver pulled him to a halt at the top of the steps, just beneath the arched colonnade outside the golden-domed mosque. “If this goes badly for me, you know what to do.”

Yeah, he knew. Reaver had told him that only an angel could kill an angel… with one exception. If one drained an angel to death, they would temporarily inherit the ability to destroy another angel. The catch was that no one could drain an angel of blood—unless the angel volunteered.

Wraith hoped it didn’t come down to that. He kinda liked Reaver.

“Got it,” Wraith said, and started walking, but Reaver stopped him again. “Geez, what this time?”

“Kynan. You must give Kynan the amulet. Not anyone else in The Aegis. Understood?”


Reaver made an exasperated noise. “This is all fated,” he said, waving at the army around them. “I don’t know how this will end—the battle is fated, the outcome is not. But Kynan’s fate is tied closely with these events.”

Wraith rolled his eyes. If there was anything he hated more than cryptic shit, it was fate shit. “Whatever. Let’s go kick Byzamoth’s ugly, and I mean ugly, ass.”

They entered the Dome of the Rock, easily shoving away the burly, horned Ramreel guards. They didn’t have to worry about the fallen angel’s minions following; few demons would set hoof in so holy a building. They feared God more than they feared any fallen angel.

Even Wraith twitched uncomfortably in the mosque, where bright tiles and glass mosaics spelled out Qur’anic verses and religious depictions. Byzamoth stood near the center next to the giant Foundation Stone, his gaze fixed on the ceiling, an evil, ecstatic smile curving his mouth.

The sounds of battle erupted outside—Wraith’s entrance had been the signal for The Aegis and militaries to launch their attack.

“Byzamoth.” Reaver moved next to Wraith, his skin glowing with a freakish white light.

Byzamoth’s eyes flew wide open. “Reaver?” He shifted his gaze to Wraith. “You. You live?”

“Nope. This is all in your imagination.” Wraith stalked toward him. “Hell of a way to get back into Heaven, don’t you think? When all you have to do is walk into the noon sun.”

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