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Where's Denise?" Raquel demanded, glaring at Water Boy in his cell.

I breathed a sigh of relief as my face melted from his, replaced by Denise's. “Right where I left her,” Not-​Denise said. He kept glancing over at me.

“And where was that?”

“In the cemetery. You should be able to find her.”

“Find Denise or find her body?” Raquel's voice was hard.

Not-​Denise rolled his eyes. “She'll have a headache. Honestly, it's like you think I'm some sort of a monster.” His mouth twisted in an ironic smile.

“What are you?”

“So rude. We haven't even been introduced.”

She gave a can I just start shocking him into submission now sort of sigh. I jumped in before he got himself into more trouble. “My name's Evie. Raquel you already know--punched her and then stole her face, remember?--and Jacques over here is your new best friend, because he's in charge of the feeding schedule around here. Assuming you eat. And you are?”


“Lend?” Raquel asked.

“Yes, as in, lend me your self.” He shimmered into Raquel again.

“Why not Borrow?” I asked. “Better yet, Steal?”

“I'll ask again,” Raquel snapped. “What are you?” Given what this guy had done, I didn't blame her for being impatient.

“Good question. Maybe you could tell me?”

“Why are you here?”

“I love a nice dose of electric current in my body.”

“What were you looking for?”


“Well.” Raquel gave him a thin-​lipped smile. “So am I.” Her communicator buzzed. Relief flashed across her face as she read the message. Looking up, she nodded at her mirror image. “Tomorrow, then.”

She turned and started down the hall with Jacques. I was still staring at Lend-​as-​Raquel, watching his real face beneath hers. I could almost pick out features now. He stuck his tongue out at me and, before I could stop myself, I giggled. It was too ridiculous coming from Raquel's face.

Raquel barked from down the hall. “Evie! Now!” Giving Lend-​as-​Raquel a final glare, I ran to catch up. “They found Denise, she's fine. And Fehl got back, too. I don't want you talking to that thing until we know what it is and why it's here.”

No way, I thought. “Okay,” I said.

“What do you see when you look at it?”

“I don't know. At first I couldn't really see anything, I could just tell there was someone under your face. But when he's not wearing anyone, it's like--I can't catch onto anything. I was getting better, though, staring at him in there. His eyes are the only things I can really focus on. Other than that it's like a silhouette or a clear shadow or...I don't know--a person made out of water and a hint of light.”

“I'm going to call in some researchers. First we find out what he is, then we find out what he wants.”

I shrugged, feigning nonchalance. “Cool, whatever.”

“You should be in bed.” Her voice was stern. You'd think the whole not-​having-​a-​mother thing, or the whole being six-​freaking-​teen years old, would get me off the hook for bedtimes. But no. “And don't forget your class tomorrow.”

“Fine. But if any more alarms go off, I'm going to ignore them instead of saving the day.”

She heaved a give me vampires and gremlins over pouty teenagers any day sigh and waved as she turned off down another hall.

After heating up some milk for hot chocolate, I curled up with a blanket on my couch. My mind was racing too much to sleep. Today had been weird. And for something to be weird in my day, it's downright freaky. I popped in another movie and let my mind glaze over. The light from the screen flickered hypnotically. I didn't notice the light coming from behind me.

“Come and dance with me, my love.” His voice was like the color gold--bright and sparkling with the promise of warmth. So much warmth. I smiled, closing my eyes and letting myself be pulled up off the couch and into an embrace. He rested his cheek against mine and the heat spread out, through my face and then down my neck, inching toward my heart. “My heart,” he whispered. I nodded against his cheek. His heart.

My vid screen beeped, jarring me out of the trance. I jumped back and shoved Reth off me. The heat slowly drifted away from my heart. It had been close. Too close.

Reth looked disappointed. He held out his arms. I swore. “What is your freaking problem? Get out! Now!”

“Evelyn.” His voice was a magnet with his warmth still in me. I leaned forward against my will.

“No!” Ripping myself away from the pull, I ran to the partition dividing the TV room from the kitchen and grabbed my communicator. “Get out.” I glared, my hand over the panic button. His beautiful face fell. I wanted to comfort him. Closing my eyes, I lowered my finger. “Out. Now.”

I could see the light of a door from behind my eyelids and waited until it faded to open them again. Reth was gone.

I went over to my vid screen and turned it on. “What good are freaking palm-​coded locks when faeries can make their own doors any time they want to!” I shouted at Lish. Her green eyes widened in surprise and concern. I took a deep breath. It wasn't her fault. “Thanks for the interruption,” I added.


“Yeah. Can you file a report for me?”

“Yes, of course. We will try to make his instructions more explicit.”

I shook my head. He always found a way around them. My guess was when they told him to go get me today he applied it as a blanket statement rather than a simple onetime retrieval command. “What did you need?”

She looked embarrassed. “I wanted to ask about the disturbance. I will talk to you tomorrow.”

“Yeah, I'm kind of exhausted. I'll come visit and tell you everything, okay?”

“Do you want to spend the night here?” When I first came to the Center and had bad dreams, I would drag my blanket and pillow in and sleep on the floor next to Lish's aquarium. She'd tell me stories until I fell asleep. I was tempted, but felt too silly about not being able to spend the night alone because of a stupid faerie.

“I'll be okay.” I forced a smile. “Thanks, though. Good night, Lish.”

The mermaid's eyes smiled, and the vid screen went blank. I plopped back down on the couch. Reth had been so close. Again. And--worst of all--part of me wished that we hadn't been interrupted. But I had learned the hard way with faeries. It's all about possession and taking advantage, and, unlike human boys on all the TV shows, they aren't in it for sex. They couldn't care less about that. They want your heart, your soul. I was never giving mine back to Reth.

Deciding that hadn't stopped the ache of missing him, though.

I spent the rest of the night wide awake, wrapped in three blankets and freezing. When the clock read 4 A.M. I gave up. I got dressed in my warmest clothes and walked to Containment. Lend was curled up asleep on the floor. I sat against the wall and watched, fascinated, as his body flicked through identities the way I click through channels. After maybe an hour he went into his strange water-​and-​light state. I was so tired I could barely focus my eyes at all--and suddenly I could see him. It was like once I stopped trying so hard to look, he was just there. He actually had hair and normal features--cute even, if he had pigment. Even more surprising, he didn't look much older than me.

After a moment his eyes opened and met mine. Color flooded through him--he was wearing me again. The eyes were still flickering, trying to find the right shade.

“What are you?” I whispered.

“What are you?”

Offended, I frowned. “Human.”

“Funny, me, too.”

“No, you're not.”

“Funny, neither are you.”

I set my jaw and glared. What a jerk. “Why did you come here?”

My voice came from his mouth, disconcerting as always. “I could ask you the same thing. Are you going to kill me?”
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