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Page 18


Two days later and I was going crazy. Everyone was on edge with the Center packed to capacity. The timing with the lunar cycle couldn't have been worse. Since werewolves make up the bulk of IPCA security forces, we always operated on minimum capacity during the full moon. So now most of our security would be unconscious tomorrow night with every single member of IPCA locked in the Center. This included a whole bunch of things you wouldn't want to meet at night in a dark alley (unless you were me and that was your job--and, let's face it, even I didn't usually want to meet them).

Frustrated and scared, I got dressed in a dark gray wrap dress and my pink boots. I hadn't been able to get to Lend with things so crazy, and I was determined today would be different. I bundled up some cookies and headed out. Usually I could walk anywhere I wanted and run into only one or two people, if that. Today everywhere I went there were werewolves, people carrying things in cages, personal assistants bustling about, and vamps. I went out of my way to avoid them after the Steve incident. They didn't exactly like me to begin with, and everyone was so tense. I didn't want my blood to be someone else's suicide.

I tried to visit Lish, but Central Processing was very literally like a zoo. Looking in, I realized just how few paranormals I usually came into contact with. I didn't know what most of the things in there were. I gave up trying to work my way through and went to the detention block. Although this area was quieter, more of the cells were taken. I couldn't help but peek through the open doorways at what was in them. It was depressing. All the paranormals I saw were sitting listlessly on their beds, totally broken.

The hall was clear by the time I made it to Lend's room, and I ducked in as fast as I could.

“What's going on?” he asked, jumping up.

“It's crazy--total lockdown. This thing took out our Birmingham Center--everything. They called everyone in. No one can come or go until they figure this all out.”

“Well, at least that'll protect the paranormals IPCA knows about. That's something.”

“I guess.”

“Had some visitors last night,” he said. I just now noticed he was wearing the handsome black guy again. I was so focused on his real self that what was on the outside barely registered.

“Oh, the Supervisors?”

“Mm-​hm. Man, if I were in charge of some massive, covert international organization, I'd choose a better title than Supervisor.”

I laughed. “No kidding. Are you okay?”

“Sure. They asked me a bunch of questions, I didn't answer any. It was productive.”

I nodded glumly. “Raquel and I had a...fight...about you. She hasn't seen me since, or let me talk to the Supervisors, either.” I held out the cookies. “Figured you might like a treat. It's kind of the least I can do.”

“Thanks.” He took them from me, setting them on the bed. We stood there awkwardly.

“I'd probably better go. I don't want to get us in trouble right now.”

He looked disappointed. “Yeah.”

On impulse, I leaned in and kissed his cheek. When I pulled back, he was smiling. “I'll see you soon,” I said, beaming back and blushing as I walked out, practically floating.

I finally saw Lish the next morning. Everyone in Central Processing was super stressed, gossiping and spreading rumors in the hallways as they rushed to and fro. Lish, however, was in her element, flicking through screens and giving orders to people and paranormals standing in front of her.

“Hey, what's up?” I leaned against the glass, ignoring the queue in front of her.

“Quite a bit. I am rearranging duties since all the werewolves will be out of commission tonight. Plus there is the issue of finding more permanent quarters for everyone.”

“Why don't you use the gym for the werewolves to zonk in? That frees up space for tonight at least.” The gym was a massive room where they could let the more energetic (read: rabid) paranormals run around.

Lish looked up at me and smiled with her eyes. “That is a great idea. Thank you.” She went back to her screens.

Near the front of the line was a vamp I didn't know; his glamour was a teenage guy, devastatingly handsome with dark hair and crystal blue eyes. He gave me his best come-​hither smile. “Hey,” he said.

He was already trying to work his mind mojo on me. Vamps have slight mind control powers. They can influence you, push you in a direction as long as you're already leaning that way. So if you're kind of scared, they can make you terrified. Kind of attracted, they can make you downright lustylicious. Unfortunately for this particular vamp, I could see straight through him to the corpse underneath. Oh yeah, baby, hot stuff.

I busted up laughing. “Not a chance.”

He scowled, offended. “What are you talking about?”

“I prefer my guys with a pulse. Lish, let me know if you need anything. I'll see you later.” She glanced up and waved. I missed her. It would be nice to get to spend some time together again when this mess was over.

I was surprised when my communicator beeped with a page from Raquel. I thought about ignoring it but had nothing better to do, so I went to her office. She looked up at me from her desk with a tight smile. Dark circles ringed her eyes and her hair was falling out of its bun. That was a first. “Evelyn, thanks for coming.”

I shrugged. I thought about making some remark about how I didn't have a choice, but the bandage on her neck made me think twice. Thank goodness one bite wasn't enough to turn her.

“I know things have been stressful lately and you've been struggling. When all this is over, I'm taking you on a vacation.”

Didn't see that one coming. “Wait, a real vacation? Like, we actually spend the night somewhere else and just walk around or sleep or hang out during the day?”

She smiled. “Yes, a real vacation. Anywhere you'd like.”

Oh, the possibilities...I couldn't help but smile back. Things weren't all right between us, not by a long shot, but this was huge coming from her. I had never known her to take even a day off. “That sounds okay with me.” It sounded more than okay. The two of us, in some gorgeous, warm place. Almost like a family.

“Good. Now I've got a lot of paperwork to go over and some interviews to do.”

“Oh, yeah. Sure.” I don't know what else I expected, but I was disappointed as I left. We hadn't talked about anything important, anything that needed to be addressed. I wanted to help out around the Center. She probably wanted me far, far away from the Supervisors after my outburst. And I was sure she didn't want to talk about Lend again.

Lonely, I tried to sneak over and see Lend, but the hall was packed with werewolves making sure everything was secure before sedation. I figured I could make it back later; it didn't ease my disappointment at having to wait.

Lucky for me Easton Heights was on that night, even if it was a rerun. I changed into some black leggings and a tank top (I bumped up the heat in my unit from 85 to 90--why wait for a tropical vacation?), then snuggled up on the couch, just barely warm enough. When the show began I was startled by my buzzing vid screen. Lish.

“What's up?” I asked, trying not to panic. Surely something else hadn't gone wrong already.

“Easton Heights is on tonight, right?” the monotone voice asked.

“Yeah, I just didn't think you'd have time.”

“All the werewolves are down; the rest of the Center is finally secure and settled. I am looking forward to seeing who Landon kisses this week.”

I laughed. “Me, too.” I turned my vid screen toward the television. It wasn't as good as actually hanging out in the same room, but it was pretty close. I pretended Lend was on the couch next to me, holding my hand. I had been going over all the times we'd held hands, trying to decide if they counted as really holding hands. I wanted them to, but it had always been in the context of comforting each other. Not, hey, I like you and I want to sit here and hold your hand because touching you makes me happy.

About halfway through the episode Lish spoke up. “What the bleep?”

“What?” I asked, turning her screen toward me.

“I just had five new ankle trackers pop up on the grid. This does not make sense.”

“Wait, like five new tags?”

She nodded, frowning. Then, vid screen still on, she called Raquel. “Raquel, I have five new ankle trackers.”

“What?” Raquel asked.

“Five new ankle trackers were just activated.”

“How? Who?”

“I do not know. The activation was incomplete, so there is no data. They are all in the same area, a suburb of Paris. Do you want me to send someone to investigate?”

“No, we can't risk it. Actually, yes--send a faerie. Just have him pop in and look at what's happening, then come right back.”

“Any other instructions?”

“No--unless it's an operative who didn't get back in time, then bring him in.”

“Okay, I will call the faerie on duty.”

Lish looked up, realizing I was still on the vid screen. “Sorry, Evie. I have to go.”

“Sure, yeah.” I closed the connection, half paying attention to the show as I thought about what I had overheard. That was weird. I mean, who would be out there on a bag-​and-​tag right now? Everyone had been called in. Maybe someone somehow missed it and was using this as a way to contact us. How anyone could have been missed in the lockdown I didn't understand. Like I said, IPCA was efficient.

And then I remembered something. On the hag trip, I had dropped my bag with ankle trackers in it.

Five ankle trackers.
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