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Pamela, Or Virtue Rewarded

Page 37

Now you must know, that Mr. Jonathan, our butler, is a very grave good

sort of old man, with his hair as white as silver! and an honest worthy

man he is. I was hurrying out with a flea in my ear, as the saying is,

and going down stairs into the parlour, met him. He took hold of my

hand (in a gentler manner, though, than my master) with both his; and he

said, Ah! sweet, sweet Mrs. Pamela! what is it I heard but just now!--I

am sorry at my heart; but I am sure I will sooner believe any body in

fault than you. Thank you, Mr. Jonathan, said I; but as you value your

place, don't be seen speaking to such a one as me. I cried too; and

slipt away as fast as I could from him, for his own sake, lest he should

be seen to pity me. And now I will give you an instance how much I am in Mr. Longman's

esteem also. I had lost my pen some how; and my paper being written out, I stepped

to Mr. Longman's, our steward's, office, to beg him to give me a pen

or two, and a sheet or two of paper. He said, Ay, that I will, my sweet

maiden! and gave me three pens, some wafers, a stick of wax, and twelve

sheets of paper; and coming from his desk, where he was writing, he

said, Let me have a word or two with you, my sweet little mistress: (for

so these two good old gentlemen often call me; for I believe they love

me dearly:) I hear bad news; that we are going to lose you: I hope it

is not true. Yes it is, sir, said I; but I was in hopes it would not be

known till I went away.

What a d---l, said he, ails our master of late! I never saw such an

alteration in any man in my life! He is pleased with nobody as I see;

and by what Mr. Jonathan tells me just now, he was quite out of the way

with you. What could you have done to him, tro'? Only Mrs. Jervis is a

very good woman, or I should have feared she had been your enemy.

No, said I, nothing like it. Mrs. Jervis is a just good woman; and,

next to my father and mother, the best friend I have in the world--Well,

then, said he, it must be worse. Shall I guess? You are too pretty, my

sweet mistress, and, may be, too virtuous. Ah! have I not hit it? No,

good Mr. Longman, said I, don't think any thing amiss of my master; he

is cross and angry with me indeed, that's true; but I may have given

occasion for it, possibly; and because I am desirous to go to my father

and mother, rather than stay here, perhaps he may think me ungrateful.

But, you know, sir, said I, that a father and mother's comfort is the

dearest thing to a good child that can be. Sweet excellence! said he,

this becomes you; but I know the world and mankind too well; though I

must hear, and see, and say nothing. And so a blessing attend my little

sweeting, said he, wherever you go! And away went I with a courtesy and

thanks. Now this pleases one, my dear father and mother, to be so beloved.--How

much better, by good fame and integrity, is it to get every one's good

word but one, than, by pleasing that one, to make every one else one's

enemy, and be an execrable creature besides! I am, etc.

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