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Opposition (Lux 5)

Page 79

Archer had clued Luc in to the change of plans, and he was going to relay the info to the powers that be. There were branches of the military close to Petersburg, mostly around Northern Virginia, but from what we could gather from Archer’s conversation, we wouldn’t be able to rely on them because they couldn’t afford to leave D.C. We’d have to wait on other branches spaced throughout the United States, most holed up in Montana—a good thirty-hour drive or so, putting them in Petersburg around the same time the Arum should be arriving. Archer would be contacting Lotho—that is, if Lotho wasn’t screwing with us and actually showed.

So basically if things went south, we were screwed up and down and from both sides. But I’d be home in Petersburg, where my mom should be—

I pulled the brakes on that collision course of thought. Mom would be okay. She had to be there waiting for me, because she would’ve never given up on me, no matter how long I’d been gone or what was going on in the world.

But I couldn’t let myself think about Mom right now. I had to focus on what we were about to do.


“This is a really bad plan,” I admitted after a few seconds, glancing up at him.

“It is.”

I stared into his eyes. “That’s not reassuring.”

One side of his lips kicked up. “You got a better idea?”

I thought about that for a couple of moments and then sighed. “No, not really. As long as they don’t know Dee and the crew have gone off the rails, then they’ll be expecting her to be all kill-everyone happy.”

He dipped his head, brushing his lips over mine. “You’re worried.”

“Uh, duh.”

“You know I’m going to take care of you.”

“That’s not what I’m worried about.”

“It’s not?” Before I could answer, he kissed me softly, causing my breath to catch. “Then what are you worried about?” he asked.

“You. Dee. Archer. Dawson and Beth, even though they’re safe for now. I’m even worried about Luc.” I paused, frowning. “Though Luc is probably the last person I should worry about because he’s Luc, but I’m scared for him and even Hunter and Lore and Serena. I’m worried that—”

Daemon kissed me deeply, cutting off my words, and he took that kiss to a whole new stratosphere. “You’ve got a big heart, Kitten.” His lips cruised over mine as he spoke. “That’s what I love about you most. Well, that and I am a really big fan of your sweet body, but your heart? Yeah, that completes the package of you, wraps it up with a nice little bow. It makes you perfect to me.”

“Sometimes . . .” I stared at him, blinking back wetness. “Sometimes you say the most amazing things.”

“And I do love the sight of my hands on your ass, too.”

A laugh burst out of me. “Oh my God, and then you say things like that.”

“Got to be myself.” He kissed me again. “Kitten, it’s okay to be worried about everyone, but all of us can take care of ourselves.” He rested his forehead against mine. “And I also know that no matter how bad this idea is, how dangerous it is, we’re going to come out of this together. All of us. I’ll make sure of it.”

“Promise?” I whispered.

“Promise.” He tipped up his chin and kissed the bridge of my nose. “And I’ve never broken a promise to you, have I?”

“No. You haven’t.”


{ Katy }

The ride to Petersburg was a lot more uneventful than the trip to Atlanta, with the exception of the bickering between Daemon and Archer and the state of some of the highways we traveled on.

I knew better than to look inside the cars this time, but Dee apparently didn’t. Every so often, I’d catch sight of her in the front seat, staring out the window at the destruction, and she’d make a soft sound, like a swallowed cry. Had she had a hand in this? Maybe not physically, but had anything she’d done had a domino effect that ended with many, many lives lost?

I felt for her, and I was happy when I saw Archer’s hand gravitate toward her whenever she appeared to get lost staring out that window. But the closer we got to West Virginia, the closer to home, I could no longer think about Dee.

My heart started pounding in my chest like it wanted to jump out and do a little dance the minute we entered Petersburg from the highway. Everything looked normal, like this little patch of the world, a few-stoplight town, had somehow been left out of the events the rest of the world faced. Except as we cruised through the main drag of downtown, no one was out on the streets. Not a single soul walked on the sidewalks. There were a few cars, but it felt like everyone was holed up inside their homes. And that wasn’t the only thing.

“God,” breathed Archer, his knuckles bleaching around the steering wheel as he quickly turned onto the nearest road that got us to where we needed to go. “They’re everywhere.”

I didn’t need an explanation. He was talking about the Luxen.

Daemon leaned between the two front seats and placed a hand on his sister’s shoulder. He didn’t speak out loud, but when I saw Dee turn toward him, her lips were pressed together tightly and her face was pale.

My stomach got in the game with my heart, tumbling as it raced.

Dee nodded and then said out loud, “I can hear him, but I’m fine. I’m with you guys.” She glanced at Archer in a way that almost made me swoon and forget what was going on. “I’m going to be okay.”

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