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One More Day

Page 8

He knew that type and avoided it like the plague. Gold diggers and groupies were a part of life in the music business but he’d learned his lesson about needy women. His ex-girlfriend had made sure of that.

He hadn’t realized when he started looking for nannies how difficult it would be or that there were women who’d apply for the job hoping to catch his eye. If he had, he would have asked his mother to handle screening the candidates.

Although, considering how much his mother wanted him to remarry, that might not have been the wisest plan either.

“Then there were the two after that who looked more like convicted felons than Mary Poppins. Now we have the one that I was sure was perfect, who was scheduled for this afternoon but just canceled.” He hung his head in defeat.

Nicholas shook his head in sympathy. “I don’t envy you. Unless you need someone to interview the ones with the short skirts? No? Okay, well just keep me in mind.”

Jackson clapped his hands until he had both boys’ attention. “Aren’t we having fun with Uncle Nick? As a matter of fact, who wants to spend the night at Uncle Nicholas’ house?” Jackson asked in a singsong voice.

Jase, who’d been watching his brother from his perch on the bed, took his thumb out of his mouth and yelled, “Me, Me, Me!” while Chris danced in the background in excitement.

Nicholas shot him an evil look. “Seriously? I have a date tonight. And she is…” He cut a glance at the two boys watching them avidly. “Constructed like a solid outdoor restroom facility.”

Jackson crinkled his brow in confusion and then almost choked with laughter at his brother’s child-friendly version of built like a brick shithouse. It took him a few minutes to compose himself before he could answer.

“Well, I’m going to be busy tonight and I’d feel better if the boys were with someone I trust. You can just bring them back when you come on Monday for the cookout.”

His brother laughed knowingly and slapped him on the back. “I was starting to get worried about you for a minute there, but I should have known you had plans for later. The player is back!”

Jackson grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into the hallway.

“Nick, I’m not talking about a date. Raina’s here, remember?”

“So? You don’t think she’s trying to hook up with you, do you?”

Jackson narrowed his eyes. “Even if she was, so what? I know you aren’t going to give me a lecture on morality. What are you always telling me?”

Nick pretended to think for a minute. “That I'm the better-looking brother and you'll never surpass me?"

“Something is wrong with you. Can you take the boys or not?”

“Sure, I'll take the kids. Just stay away from Raina. She was hitting on me the last time I saw her. She doesn’t care where she gets it from as long as the guy is rich.”

“Would you keep your voice down? She’ll hear you.”

Jackson glanced down the hall at the closed guest room door. He’d shown Raina to the room an hour ago and hadn’t heard a peep from her since. She was probably sleeping, but still. They weren’t far from her room and his brother wasn’t exactly being quiet.

“Whatever. Stacey might not even mind if we just hang out at the arcade or something so the boys can play. Think it’ll get me brownie points for being such a good uncle?” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

“Well, it can’t hurt.”

“Come on, guys. Grab your stuff. We’re going to the arcade,” Nick called.

Jackson went into the boys’ closet and pulled out a small backpack for Jase. He put his favorite pajamas in it, a handful of training pants and three sets of clothes, just in case he had an accident. “Jase, remember to use the potty at Uncle Nick’s house, okay little man?”

Jase nodded solemnly at him, without removing his thumb from his mouth.

“Yes, please do. Because Uncle Nick hates changing diapers.” Nick sent Jackson a foul look before turning to help Chris put his stuff into a duffel bag.

Jackson hugged Jase and then Chris, running his hands over their tight curls affectionately. All of his brothers and his parents took the boys overnight regularly so he knew they’d have a good time. It gave the boys a fun night out and it gave him a much needed break. It was a luxury that many single parents didn’t have. He was so lucky to have his family nearby to help him and he appreciated them more than they knew.

“Okay little guys, let’s roll.”

Chris raced down the hallway while Jase followed quietly, clutching his Elmo backpack tightly to his chest.

Nicholas gave him a mock salute. “I’ll leave you to do your good deed. Just remember what I said about Raina. Don’t let her get her hooks into you. That girl is a vulture.”

*   *   *   *   *


Ridley watched as Jackson spun around. Her fingers tightened around the bag of laundry she’d taken from her backpack. She’d been about to come ask him if he minded her using his washing machine when she’d overheard his conversation with his brother.

That girl is a vulture.


In a way it was almost a relief to know that her initial assessment had been correct. In her experience, people weren’t nice for no reason. Plenty of guys thought nailing a supermodel was something to brag about. But why would his brother be warning him away from her? Unless Jackson and her sister had some sort of history. Maybe they’d dated previously and his brother didn’t approve? Well, if Jackson thought he was getting in her pants this weekend he was in for a rude surprise.

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