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Once Upon a Wallflower

Page 41

“Nicholas?” Mira’s soft query brought him out of his contemplative funk. “I think we have exhausted all of our lines of inquiry for the moment. Perhaps we should go now to Upper Bidwell, begin asking questions there.”

“Asking questions about what, pray tell?”

Both Nicholas and Mira jumped in surprise. Beatrix had entered the library without making a sound. She stood just inside the doorway of the library, a ray of light from one of the large windows cutting across her face and making her eyes shine like faceted stones. As always, her bearing was painfully erect, the slight incline of her head one of studied regality.

“I beg your pardon, I did not mean to intrude.” Beatrix paused to look pointedly between Mira and Nicholas, her gaze encompassing their proximity to one another, and a sly smile lifted the corners of her mouth. “Did I hear correctly that you were going to Upper Bidwell?”

Mira appeared frozen so Nicholas decided he had best answer for them both.

“Yes, my lady, Mira and I were planning a short sojourn to the village. Mira thought to inquire about the availability of a very particular type of ink she prefers. It is a small thing, I suppose, but it will make her feel more at home. And we do want Mira to feel at home, do we not?”

Beatrix’s eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Of course we do,” she answered. “Whatever little amenities we can provide, we shall most certainly do our best.”

Nicholas smiled. “I knew you would feel as I do on that subject, my lady.”

“Mmmm. However, Ashfield, I cannot say that I approve of you and Miss Fitzhenry gadding about the countryside without a proper chaperone. I know the wedding is only a few days away, but the proprieties must still be observed. Your cousin Phoebe was moping about earlier, looking utterly friendless. You should take her along with you. She might like to shop for ribbons or lace or some such nonsense. You know how young girls are about pretty new things. Such magpies they are.”

Nicholas exchanged a look with Mira. He read her expression as clearly as if she had spoken to him. Phoebe would be a nuisance, but what could they do? They could hardly decline the company of a chaperone, particularly when the need for one had been pointed out so clearly. The same frustrated resignation filled him, though he was less concerned with the blasted investigation than with the opportunity to spend some time alone with Mira.

“Of course, madam. We would be delighted to escort Lady Phoebe to town.”

Nicholas rose and held out a hand to help Mira to her feet. Even an extended constitutional in the company of the tepid Lady Phoebe was preferable to prolonging this strained encounter with Beatrix. And perhaps Phoebe’s presence would help to distract Mira from her inquiries.

As Mira stood, shaking out the folds of her skirt and self-consciously tucking a wayward curl behind her ear, a high-pitched squeal rang out from the hallway. That lone piercing note was soon followed by a shrill arpeggio that Nicholas took for laughter and the clattering of boot heels on the marble floor of the entryway.

Suddenly, Bella Fitzhenry burst through the library doorway, a flurry of pink and blond and ribbons. Her face was flushed with giddy excitement and her eyes sparkled with mischief as she ducked behind the door.

Beatrix, Nicholas, and Mira stood by in stunned silence as the steady pounding of footsteps was replaced by the unmistakable squeaking sound of leather soles skidding across marble, and, a heartbeat later, Jeremy popped back down the hallway and stuck his head in the library. His fair hair remained remarkably in place, but a flush of exertion stained his cheeks, suggesting that this game had been progressing for some time now.

Without paying any attention to his mother or the other occupants of the library, Jeremy sidled along the door Bella hid behind, his eyes crinkled in delight. When Bella next stole a peek from her hiding place, Jeremy let out a great bellow, causing Bella to scream again and fall down in delicious fright.

Beatrix had been observing this game with a look of narrow-eyed fury. Finally she interrupted Jeremy and Bella’s shameless antics. “Jeremy! Settle yourself!”

Jeremy rolled his eyes. “Come now, my lady mother,” he said, “we’re just having a bit of sport.”

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