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On the Road: Book Two

Page 89

"Your impression?"

Kenn's voice was flat, "He said protection before food or water, like we might be walking into something and have to fight for them."

"Are we able to do that now?"

Kenn shrugged, sounding more confident than he really felt. Marines, these people were not. Most were more like showers shoes - not even a boot camp graduate. "Maybe we could be. Kyle's team might be now."

"Just a simple plan, a team of a dozen," Adrian said, leading him, and Kenn's pen started moving, copying his own words as he too settled into the groove and gave Adrian exactly what he needed at that moment - signs of progress.

"We'd need to start more men as Eagles, snipers, a long-range communications system, and we would need to be running full-time gun classes…wish we could find ammo for the rifles, but we'll make do."

Adrian waited, wanting to see if Kenn would get the most important parts.

"Also need more tents and some practices for the camp, a drill of some kind."

Kenn looked up suddenly. "Cheyenne's close to the Slavers' path, on 25. Will the camp go, with the base in Montana so close?"

Adrian looked out the dirty window, voice like stone, as Kenn spoke what he'd been thinking. Even his right-hand believed they were still going. He would take care of that at the next camp meeting. "All the Eagles will. The camp would feel extremely unprotected while we're gone."

Kenn said nothing at the threat, not doubting. Those words wouldn't be used, but the message would be clear. Adrian was going, and those who were with him, would follow. The rest would have to fend for themselves, until - if - he came back for them. "When will they be told?"

"Right after the next call, but it's best to start with little hints now. Have people 'overhear' the men say it's our duty. If not for that, none of them would be safe right now. Remind them that Americans don't turn away from doing what's right, just because it's hard."


The sky was full of vivid shades of purple and green that were mesmerizing, and Adrian saw people taking long looks at the mysterious beauty as he headed to dinner. There was a large crowd in and around the Mess, most people talking of the shooting contest to come and of Kenn's match-up with Doug.

There were still yells and groans from a late-running football game, garbage cans full of trash burning at the four corners of the camp, and two warmly-dressed women were playing their guitars softly around the large bonfire. It felt like early October as Adrian got his tray and headed for the already full middle table. The smell of salt came to him, bringing flashes of an angry sea, and he wondered where and how many they'd be come Fall.

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