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On the Road: Book Two

Page 104

He too, had been on the edge of death, on the line of putting his gun in his mouth, but this simple life had healed him enough to go on, and it would her as well, in time. He'd had Frank and she would have him. It would be enough to keep either of them from ending it when the nightmares got bad.


Hours later, Kendle jerked awake in the warm darkness, eyes flying to the shadow of the man standing over her. Her eyes locked with his, seeing the terror that would probably never be spoken of. Being here, around the mementoes of his past, had hurt him.

Responding to his desperate need, she slowly pulled back the blanket, inviting him in. They'd passed many nights in each other's arms, usually when he couldn't stand the sound of her sobs anymore.

Luke curled away from her, embarrassed, and Kendle molded herself to his back. Feeling his rapid heartbeat, his quick rasps for air, had her holding him tighter, lending her comfort. Laying there, listening to his struggle, she thought that maybe together, they might teach each other to live with all that had happened, and go on despite the scars they would always carry.

Earlier, she'd been sure she wasn't ready to handle any type of a relationship right now, but the feel of his pain made her accept that she was already in one. She cared for Luke, wanted him to find a measure of peace with whatever demons were tormenting him…and he wanted the same for her. It wasn't a traditional relationship, but there was something about it that was comforting.

Luke's body shuddered as his control gave a little, and Kendle comforted him as best she could, not quite daring to tug him into her full embrace. Physical contact, she definitely wasn't ready for yet, but being alone…away from Luke, just wasn't an option anymore.

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