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Number Thirteen

Page 12

We walk across the soft, green grass and stop at a huge barn with a set of double doors. The guard pulls out a key, and unlocks it, swinging the doors open. They go with a creak, and a moment later a large light is flicked on. The massive space comes into view, and it’s filled with a range of gardening tools, including a large machine to keep the lawn trimmed. The guard steps in, and then turns to us.

“Everything you need is in this barn. The master requires the yard to be cut, the trees to be clipped, the shrubs to be shaped, and the flowers to be watered. You divide that up between yourselves, but ensure that it’s all done. If anyone is seen to be letting others take the work, they will then be left to do it on their own.”

We nod. Again.

“There is full surveillance in this area, so don’t bother trying to escape. Guards will be nearby even when you think they’re not there. Someone is always there. Do your duties swiftly, and without problems, and everything will run smoothly. Group three will be here momentarily.” He turns to walk away, but stops and says, “And remember, if one of you screws up, the rest will be punished alongside that person. You’re here to learn, girls, remember that.”

Then he turns and walks out, leaving us alone. We all turn and stare at each other, and I see that the other girls aren’t going to take charge here. They’re scared of making a mistake that will cause all of us to be punished. With a sigh, I walk further into the barn, checking out what we have to work with. I’ve no idea how to work the lawnmower, so I turn to the girls and ask, “Do any of you know how to operate this?”

They stare blankly at me. Of course they don’t know. Even if they did they wouldn’t remember.

Taking a deep, steadying breath, I walk over and read the panel of instructions on the side. It seems easy enough to use, and I’m sure I can manage to work it. I turn to the girls again, and allocate them each a job. Number Seven gets to trim the trees. Number Twelve will water the flowers and make sure there are no weeds. When the other group gets here, they can work on the rest of the trimming and the cleaning of the pool areas.

We all get to work, moving quickly and efficiently. None of us wish to be seen as slacking off. The silence we work in is almost deafening, and it makes my heart ache that much more. While I work, I peer at the large fences surrounding the lot. I’m not entirely sure if there’s a way over them, but from the abundance of cameras, I don’t think we’d ever get the chance to get close. My hearts sinks, I turn my eyes back to the grass. There has to be a way out.

So help me God, if there is, I’ll find it.


NUMBER THIRTEEN  Number Seven has difficulties trimming some of the trees along the fence line, so Number Twelve and I stop what we’re doing to go over and help her. It’s not quite lunchtime yet, and we’ve been working for what seems like hours. Sweat coats my skin and burns my eyes, and my clothes are drenched with it. I am grateful when I reach the large, thick bushes that run beside the gates, because they offer some escape from the sun. “Perhaps your clippers are blunt?” I say, stepping into#82 the shade of the shrubs. Number Seven looks at me, and shakes her head softly. “Look,” she says, her voice low. I stare to where her hand has pointed, and I see that behind the shrubs is the fence. It’s not unusual, until I see the direction all the cameras are pointing, and I realize there are none pointing to this spot on the fence. My heart begins to hammer, and I quickly shove Number Twelve and Number Seven out of the shrubs. “What are you doing?” Number Twelve whispers. “Go back to work, make it look like we’ve swapped. If we all stand here, they’ll get suspicious,” I order, frantically. “Are you going to climb that fence?” Number Seven gasps. “I’m going to try. Go, don’t draw attention.” I move my hands like I’m instructing them to do something, then I take the clippers from Number Seven’s hands, and give her a look that lets her know I need her support on this. She stares at me for a minute, and then turns and walks off, heading towards the lawnmower. Number Twelve slowly makes her way back to the weeding, but she looks extremely nervous. I turn, and my knees wobble as I lift the clippers, and pretend to be trimming the shrub. I slowly make my way in and around them, popping out here and there so the guards don’t get suspicious. I let my gaze flicker over the lot, and I can see two guards standing at the house, staring out at us. They’re conversing with each other, and not paying a great deal of attention. I slowly step into the shrubs. The moment I’m behind them, I launch up against the fence. I have minutes, if I’m lucky. I have to jump four times because I’m so tiny, but I manage to get my fingertips over the large, stone wall. I use my legs to hoist myself up, slipping twice before managing to get my footing. I lift myself up, swinging my leg over the top. My heart hammers and adrenaline courses through my veins as I peer down the other side. Feeling like freedom is so close, I lift myself higher up onto the fence. That’s when the alarm goes off. It’s a loud, shrill sound that pierces my ears. I cry out, pressing my hands over the sides of my head to stop the deafening sound. I hear guards barking orders, and I quickly try to shove myself further over the fence. I don’t even get my second foot over before it’s got a hand wrapped around it, and I’m being pulled down. I land with a loud thump on the ground, and I cry out as a sharp pain shoots through my ribs. “Get up!” Our guard has his hand on my arm, lifting me up. When I’m on my feet, his hand comes out and slaps me hard across the face, before he spins me around and cuffs me. He jerks me out of the bushes, and I squirm desperately, cursing and screaming at him. He drags me towards the house, barking an order into his device. I don’t see the other girls, and guilt swells in my chest because I know they’ll be punished for this too. “Is she secured? Master William has asked. He is with me now,” a guard says. “Show your face, you worthless son-of-a-bitch,” I bellow. The guard slams me against a wall. “Silence!” he orders. He informs Master William that I’m secured before dragging me down the halls, and down the stairs into the basement. It’s dark down here, and the lights are dim at best. I see sets of shackles lining the walls, and when the guard drags me towards one of them, I start to scream and protest again. I kick and squirm, hissing and attempting to bite him when I can. I want to get out of here. I don’t want to be someone’s working...slave.

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