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No Attachments

Page 24

Nathan had already stowed my luggage in the back of the vehicle by the time I closed the car door.

"Sir, I look forward to fishing with you next month," Nathan said, shaking my father's hand.

"Take care of my baby," my father replied, pulling Nathan in for a rough man-hug.

"You can count on it," Nathan said, rounding the vehicle so I could say goodbye in private.

"I love you, Dad," I said, throwing myself in his arms. "Thank you for helping me with everything this year," I added earnestly.

"I'm always here for you. If all goes as planned, for the rest of my life, not yours," he said, squeezing tightly before releasing me.

"I know," I said, smiling at him through my sudden tears. "I'll see you next month," I added, opening my door.

"You two drive safely and call when you get to that hick town," he demanded before closing my door for me.

"We will," Nathan and I answered as the door clicked shut.

"You ready?" Nathan asked, pulling out of my driveway.

"I've been ready for two months," I answered.

"So have I, sweets," he said, not missing my innuendo. "This has been the longest three months of my life," he added, shooting me a wry look.

"Hey, it's been tough for me too," I pointed out. "But we did it," I said, referring to my plan for us to take it slow. We had collectively decided that we would date first. It was important to me that we got to know each other for real this time since our previous relationship had been built on secrets. I had announced that I didn't think we should sleep together again until we had been together for three months. Nathan acted like a sport about it the entire time. Hell, by the end of March, I wished I could have eaten my words.

"A lot of cold showers, that's what's gotten me through it," Nathan suggested.

I was ready to cave a couple times, convinced we had proven my point, but surprisingly, he would remind me of our deal. At first, I began to worry that maybe he didn't want me as much as he used to, but then he sprang his idea of us going back to Woodfalls to celebrate the three-month mark. The idea took hold of me, and the idea of waiting until then almost seemed worth it. We would finally make love where it had all began.

"Do you have your medicine?" he asked.

"Yep," I answered, patting my purse. My sickness was no longer a taboo subject and though I was in semi-remission, we had openly talked about the possibility of a relapse. From the very beginning of getting back together, Nathan had informed me in no uncertain terms that if I did relapse, he wasn't going anywhere. He proved his point by joining me at each of my doctor's appointments and often asking more questions than me. Every so often, I would panic slightly that we were jinxing it by talking about it so much. He had gently reminded me that even before, when I'd bottled it up, it had still returned. "It's better to know what we're facing than to be surprised," he had reasoned.

"How long does it take to get there again?" I asked, checking the GPS map as he merged onto the highway heading north.

"Couple of days, less if I don't stop for food or gas," he joked, reading my thoughts.

"Anxious, are we?"

"Honey, I won't be happy until your legs are wrapped around my waist," he said, placing his hand on my knee. Slowly tormenting each other turned out to be the theme of our trip. All the desire we'd been keeping at bay seemed to pulsate between us with each mile that brought us closer to Woodfalls. Stopping at night was the worst. It's just like running when you can see the finish line, but you're not sure you can make it. We agreed to get adjoining rooms, and it took all my willpower not to sneak over to his room. Only the thought of saving it for the cottage gave me the strength I needed. The days were at least easier since we would distract ourselves by playing silly car games. Other times I would read to him to help whittle the hours away. It was dusk on the third day when we finally drove past the Woodfalls welcome sign. I grinned with pleasure as we drove by Fran's store and Joe's bar, where we had met. Fran and I had kept up a correspondence through email during the past year, and she was excited to see me again. I preferred to chat with Tressa and Brittni on the phone, but I had yet to tell them I was coming and had sworn Fran to secrecy. I wanted to surprise them.

Nathan pulled into the familiar driveway and my heart pinched with happiness at the sight of the cottage. At the moment, I was so happy we had decided to wait. It only seemed right that we would rediscover each other here.

Nathan made quick work of unpacking the Range Rover while I got the cats settled inside.

I stepped out to the porch to see if Nathan needed any help. My heart began to race as he slowly approached with the smile that still melted everything inside me. It felt like forever since we'd last stood on this very same spot together. The last time we were here betrayal and lies had threatened the shaky relationship we had. Now, honesty and love bound us together. What started out as a no-attachments bargain had turned into the love story I thought would never be mine. We had no idea what our future held, but we were certain that as long as we had each other, we could face anything.

"Are you ready?" Nathan asked, reaching for my hand and leading us toward our future—together.

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