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New York: Allie's War, Early Years

Page 35

I think my brain just...stopped.

While I stood there, the band blared behind me, leaving the room strangely soundless, making the whole thing feel even more unreal when the two of them didn't come up for air. Then Jaden leaned forward, saying something into the ear of the pouty lips, who looked up long enough to giggle again, her breasts pushed up towards him. Seeing their faces so close together somehow made it real. More real than my brain could really handle.

"What the fuck?" I shouted.

Jaden jumped violently, looking up. Seeing me standing there, he pushed pouty lips back almost instinctively, even as I saw panic touch his eyes. She didn't seem to want to let him go, though, and she hadn't seen me yet, so she held onto his side.

Then she turned her head. Staring at me, she gave me a false innocent look that made me want to punch her in the face. Or maybe do a lot more than just punch her.

But I didn't do what I would have thought I would do.

I didn't do anything at all.

Turning around, I ran out, not even stopping to slam the door behind me.

I just fled.


I didn't see the guy at all. I don't think I could see anything at that point, and like before, he was so tall, his face wasn't exactly in my range of vision.

All I knew was that I was trying to get through the crowd of people by the bar. I don't know if I was looking for Jon, or Cass, or fighting to get another drink, or maybe just to get the hell out of the club totally...but I ran into him pretty much full-tilt, making that the second time in just one day. I didn't fall down that time, though, maybe because he caught hold of my arms. When I looked up, the shock of seeing him nearly pulled me out of the trance I'd been in, ever since I'd seen my boyfriend's lips locked on someone else's.

But all that came out of my mouth was one word.

"You!" I said.

The man looked slightly taken aback. Maybe it was because of the anger in my voice, or maybe something about the look on my face. Unlike ponytail guy, he looked pretty much exactly the same as he had that morning, down to the same t-shirt and dark pants. His black hair seemed to have been combed back though, if anything emphasizing that angular face and those light eyes even more. His narrow mouth pursed in a near frown as he looked me over.

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