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My Time in the Affair

Page 8

“And married,” she continued, showing him her ring finger.

“I'm just being friendly,” the guy claimed, holding up his hands. She cringed and felt like a bitch.

“Sorry, I'm sorry, it's just been a weird night,” she sighed.

“Sorry to hear that,” Mr. Aussie started, then leaned a little closer. “Maybe I can help cheer you up?”

“No thanks. I really am here -,” she began, gesturing towards the door.

“What're you drinking? I'd love to buy you another,” he offered.

“Oh no, I've already had too much. I'm with someone, I'm just waiting for him to -,”

“Well, if you've had too much, then one more can't hurt,” he suggested, then winked at her. She actually laughed.

“Did you really just say that?”

“Bartender! One more for my lady friend!” he called out, pounding on the bar top. Misch waved the bartender away.

“No no no, I don't want another, I said -,”

“Baby, I can't leave you alone for a second.”

Misch had barely turned towards Tal before his mouth was on hers. She gave a muffled squeak, completely shocked as he pressed his entire body against her, pinning her against the bar.

Eight years. It had been eight years since she had touched lips other than her husband's. Eight years since another man had touched her in an intimate manner. She didn't know what to do, didn't know how to respond. She'd automatically braced her hands against his chest, but then froze up.

Tal wasn't frozen. He was pressing against her so hard, the edge of the bar was painful against her lower back, and she was practically bending backwards over it. One of his hands had grabbed onto her hip, gripping the material of her dress in his fist. His other hand was on the back of her head, holding her lips to his, keeping them there.

He moaned and she gasped, and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue in her mouth. Her brain went into complete nuclear meltdown. She didn't know which way to turn, what to do.

Stop him! This isn't okay! You're married! You're not gonna do this!

This is what you want. This is what you came here for.

God, he's good at this. God, he tastes good. God, is this what kissing feels like!?

Hell. You're. Going. To. Hell.

God, he feels good.

Before she could sort those thoughts out, Tal pulled back a little.

“Can I help you?” he asked, giving a condescending look to the Australian man who was still standing next to them. Misch had already forgotten about him. Forgotten her own name. She just stared up at Tal.

“Sorry, I didn't realize the lady was here with somebody,” the Aussie said quickly. Tal's hand moved from Misch's hip and his arm snaked around her waist, pulling her even closer to him.

She kept staring. She was pretty sure her mouth was hanging open. Her thoughts were still scattered all over the place. Tumbled about the bar, laying at her feet.

“That's funny,” Tal started, “because I could've sworn I overheard her specifically telling you that she was here with somebody.”

“My mistake. Sorry.”

“Yeah, big mistake. Get the fuck out of here.”

The guy got out of there.

“Wha … what just happened?” Misch panted, raking her hands through her hair. Tal leaned down and grabbed her bag, shoving it into her arms.

“C'mon,” was all he said, then he was pulling her out of the bar. Misch struggled to keep up with his pace.

“Where are we going?” she breathed when she realized they weren't heading out of the hotel.

Tal didn't answer. They were moving towards a bank of elevators, and one had just opened up, depositing a group of people into the lobby. He picked up his pace, practically dragging her into the lift.

He let go of her and she lost her balance, stumbling into a corner. By the time she righted herself, he'd pressed a floor button. When she turned around, he was back up against her, flattening her against the wall. She held her breath, staring up at him. It was the best lighting she'd seen him – he really did have super dark eyes. Black whirlpools, intense as they swallowed her whole.

I never stood a chance.

“God, you tasted good,” he echoed her thoughts from earlier, lowering his mouth to her neck.

“Tal … we can't … I'm …,” Mischa struggled for air. For thought.

“In another country, looking for something you aren't getting at home,” he finished for her as his hands swept over her hips.

Am I that transparent?

“That doesn't mean I'm going to -,” she ended in a gasp when his hands slid down to her butt and gripped her, hard.

“Yes, it does.”

“No, I'm not -,”

“Yes, you are.”

“Please,” she whined. He chuckled.

“You'll be saying that a lot more tonight.”

When his hands moved up to her breasts, she felt like she was going to jump right out of her skin – she actually jerked to the side involuntarily, her body so shocked by the contact. She started shivering and his hands stopped moving.

“My husband is the only one who's touched me like this in eight years,” she whispered. There was a long pause.

“I'm willing to bet it's been a long time since anyone has touched you like this, period,” Tal called her out as the pressure from his hands increased, pushing her breasts together.

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