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My Lord Immortality

Page 36

"Sebastian, no," Amelia breathed.

Frantic to reach his side, she struggled to her feet only to be ruthlessly pulled back behind the bush by the women she had thought were her champions.

"Wait," Jocelyn whispered close to her ear. "Have faith in Sebastian."

Amelia trembled with fear. Faith? She did not desire to have faith. She wanted to rush forward and vanquish the horrid vampire with her bare hands. The women, however, refused to loosen their fierce grip, and she was forced to watch in helpless terror.

The glow deepened, pulsing in an ominous fashion. Amelia moaned in despair, certain that the end was near; then, abruptly, Valkier's eyes widened and a keening cry was wrenched from his throat.

"No ... it is impossible. No."

The cry became a bloodcurdling scream and in shocked disbelief, Amelia watched as his thin frame began to tremble with unnatural force. For what seemed an eternity, Valkier screamed in horrific agony, and just when Amelia became convinced that she could bear no more, the vampire began to blacken as if being burned from within.

Nauseated by the ghastly scene before her, Amelia turned her head aside. Whatever her disgust for the arrogant, avaricious Valkier, she could not bear to witness his end.

Battling the rising bile, it took long moments for her to realize that a deep, wounded silence had filled the copse. Indeed, she did not even sense Sebastian's approach until she was being gently pulled into his arms.

"It is over, Amelia," he said in weary tones.

With an effort she lifted her head to regard him with tear-filled eyes. "How?"

It was Nefri who answered as she gently bent over the burned ashes that lay upon the damp ground.

"It was the Medallion," she said softly, her voice hoarse with regret. "The powers were intended to balance one another. To attempt to gain dominance caused the Medallion to turn itself against Valkier. He should have known. Above all, harmony must be maintained."

Shamelessly clutching Sebastian close to her, Amelia burrowed her head in his shoulder.

"It is truly over?"

"Yes, my love." She felt his lips lightly brush the top of her hair. "And now I think it is time to go home."

Home. A slow, wondrous smile curved her lips as she breathed deeply of his warm, familiar scent. Yes. That is what she now possessed. A home. Complete with the man who would be at her side for all eternity.


The wedding of Sebastian and Amelia a fortnight later was intended to be a quiet affair.

With her parents stiffly declining her invitation to join her in London, and her handful of acquaintances having turned their back on her the moment she had left society, Amelia had no one but William and Mrs. Benson to be her witnesses.

She pretended that it did not matter. After all, she and Sebastian were already as one. His every thought, his every heartbeat, was a part of her. The ceremony was a mere formality; they were already indeed man and wife.

That, and, of course, a prelude to the wedding night...

With a philosophical determination, Amelia kept her thoughts centered upon that pleasant eventuality. She was desperately hungry for the moment Sebastian would at last carry her to the chambers he had refurbished so thoughtfully. His every touch had only intensified her searing desire for him.

A desperation she easily sensed echoed within Sebastian.

The knowledge that she had found her true mate was far more important than a gaggle of curious onlookers, she sternly reminded herself.

Tossing herself into the effort to change the town house from a shrouded mausoleum to something resembling a home, Amelia managed to appear as happy and carefree as any bride-to-be. Even during the brief wedding ceremony and the drive back to their home, Amelia was certain that she had managed to conceal any hint of regret.

It was a certainty that was destroyed the moment Sebastian happily earned her over the threshold and into the front parlor that was filled with guests. In amazement, Amelia had noted several unfamiliar faces that she was certain must be vampires, and, of course, Lucien and Gideon along with their smiling wives.

Her eyes filled with happiness as she glanced up to meet her husband's tender gaze.

He had, of course, known all along. And with his usual efficiency had managed to provide precisely what she desired. Indifferent to the numerous eyes upon them, Amelia pulled his head downward to kiss him with all the love that flowed through her heart.

Loud cheers and clapping at last brought her to her senses, and with decidedly warm cheeks she loosened her grip upon her husband to meet his glittering gaze.

"Welcome home, Mrs. St. Ives," he said softly.

"What did you do with all the dust covers?" she teased as a profound sense of joy bloomed within her heart. The parlor had been one room she had not yet reached with her ruthless refurbishing.

"Do not fear, my dear. I have kept them quite handy so we can replace them the moment we have rid ourselves of these bothersome guests."

Her brows lifted in surprise. "Replace them? Why on earth would we do that?"

The silver eyes glowed with a decidedly wicked light. "Now that you are most certainly mine, Mrs. St. Ives, I intend to keep you far too occupied to concern yourself with entertaining."

Her laughter tinkled through the room. "Why, Mr. St. Ives, is that any way for a proper, always dignified scholar to behave?"

"Well, as a scholar I have always forced myself to know all there is about a subject before coming to a conclusion." His gaze lowered with an aching desire to the fullness of her lips. "You are going to require a most thorough and continuing examination, I fear."

"A most fascinating proposal," she murmured softly.

With a growl he pressed a quick, searing kiss to her lips before reluctantly lowering her to her feet.

"Go enjoy your guests, my love," he husked close to her ear, "before I have them thrown onto the curb."

She reached up to lightly touch his lean cheek. "Patience, Sebastian. We have an eternity together."

His gaze briefly lowered to where the amulet had been returned to the chain about her neck. A smile of pure contentment curved his full lips.

"An eternity. Yes. That should perhaps be just long enough to show you how much I love you."

* * * THE END * * *

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