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My Lord Immortality

Page 32

"Yes, I know, William."

"Milly, Milly," he repeated, shaking in his frustration at not being able to speak of the danger to his beloved sister.

Reining in his the impatience, Sebastian placed his arm about the boy's trembling shoulders.

Amelia would expect him to care for her brother with the same tender concern that she would offer. It was now his duty to ensure that the boy was kept safe and secure.

"Amelia will be fine, William. But I must go to her." He firmly lifted William's face to meet his own gaze. "There is a carriage just beyond the trees. I want you to go to it and remain inside. Can you do that?"

He gave a slow nod. "Yes."

"Good lad."

Careful to escort the unnerved young man well away from the bodies lying on the ground, Sebastian pointed William toward the carriage he had left beside the narrow lane. Once he was assured his charge was safely headed in the proper direction, he sharply turned to make his way back through the trees. With the henchmen disposed of, the young man should be quite out of harm's way.

Nearly seething with impatience, he ran through the shadows, his need to reach Amelia so overwhelming that he barely noted the familiar tingles that rushed over his skin. He did not desire to be delayed yet again. Not when he could sense Amelia's dread shuddering through his body.

Unfortunately, Nefri was not a vampire to be ignored, no matter what the urgency. Stepping directly in his path, she held up a slender hand that brought him to a sharp halt.

"Sebastian," she murmured.

Unable to do otherwise, Sebastian glared at the slim figure still attired in her ridiculous rag skirt and full-cut blouse. She appeared more a poor Gypsy than a powerful vampire. No Gypsy, however, could possibly have placed such a forbidding weave about his body. One that ensured he could not bolt past as he longed to do.

"Nefri, I must go. Drake holds Amelia captive."

Her gentle smile was edged with sadness. "Yes, I know. Although I do not believe she is precisely being held against her will."

"She went with him willingly," he grudgingly conceded. "To save her brother."

"Ah." Nefri tilted her head to one side, her eyes glittering in the darkness. "Will she give him the Medallion?"

He flinched, the fierce pain he had been attempting to keep at bay slicing through his heart. He had suspected what she intended from the moment he had watched Amelia leave the room. Even without being able to read her thoughts, her dark sadness had been etched deep within her heart.

But he had not allowed himself to ponder the horrible realization. Now, more than ever, he needed his wits clear and unclouded.

"No." He swallowed through the thickness in his throat. "Now that William has been rescued, she will sacrifice herself to keep the Medallion from Drake's hands."

Nefri did not appear shocked. Instead she nodded slowly. "Yes. She is a woman accustomed to giving of herself for others."

Sebastian struggled against the unseen powers. Amelia had given enough. He would allow no more.

"I must go to her," he gritted.

"But, you said yourself that she will protect the Medallion."

"No," His hands clenched at his side, his blood rushing with furious passion. "I will not tolerate any harm coming to Amelia. Not even for the Veil."

Nefri moved through the shadows, her expression one of intrigue rather than anger.

"What are you saying, Sebastian? Surely the life of a mere mortal is not worth the risk of losing the Medallion?"

Not worth the risk? Until he had encountered Amelia he would have gladly agreed with such a callous notion. How could any one soul become more important than the benefit of all? It was simply not logical.

Now he realized that he would sacrifice everything to make sure she was saved from the brutal Drake.


"She is not a mere mortal," he informed the ancient vampire in harsh tones. "She possesses more courage and devotion than most vampires, who claim to be so superior. If anyone is to be sacrificed it will be me."

There was a long silence before Nefri astonishingly bowed toward him in obvious respect.

"Go to her then, Sebastian. And be on your guard."

He did not even bother to respond as he felt the barrier abruptly vanish. With sinuous speed he was moving through the trees, inwardly willing Amelia to hold on just a few more moments. He would reach her, he muttered over and over. He would not fail.

Branches tugged at his coat, a handful even scraping against his face as he ducked and dodged through the last fringe of trees. He felt none of them. His attention had narrowed upon the crumbling cottage that at long last came into view.

Slowing to a more cautious pace, he advanced over the overgrown garden, clearly able to hear Drake's rasping voice Drake through the open door.

"Do not be a fool. Simply give me the Medallion and you will be free to join your brother."

"I do not believe you," Amelia responded, an unmistakable quaver in her voice.

"Your brother is still not safe. Even now my servants hold him captive."

"No," Amelia denied. "He is with Sebastian. I have felt them together."

Drake's growl of wrath made the hair on Sebastian's nape rise in warning. The vampire was swiftly being consumed by the bloodlust that pulsed through his body. Soon even his need for the Medallion would be overwhelmed. He would halt at nothing to destroy the young woman who had stood in his path.

"Give it to me," Drake snarled, even as Sebastian gathered himself and charged through the door with a blinding burst of speed.

There was a startled scream from Amelia at his abrupt entrance, but Sebastian could not risk glancing in her direction. Instead he grimly turned toward the silvery mist that hovered in the center of the room.


There was a hiss of fury as the vampire shimmered and at last resumed his mortal form.

Stepping forward, he regarded Sebastian with a lethal anger.

"Ah, so the logical, ever-intellectual Sebastian has risked all to save his lover," he taunted.

Sebastian regarded him steadily. The fear that had besieged him that he would not arrive in time was now hardening into a bleak, relentless determination.

"It is over, Drake," he warned.

The thin lips curled into a sneer. "No, you have just allowed me the opportunity to retrieve William. Soon Miss Hadwell will regret her resistance."

So that was why he had not struck out the moment he had entered, Sebastian wryly acknowledged. He still thought to coerce the Medallion from Amelia.

"I fear that William is currently in the care of Nefri."

The pale eyes widened in horror. "No."

"You are welcome to see for yourself," he retorted, taking a step forward.

"Damn you," Drake cursed hoarsely, an odd fear suddenly twisting his countenance. "The Medallion is mine."

In spite of his burning desire for revenge, Sebastian discovered himself regretting the madness that had seized his brother. His brows drew together as he held out a slender hand.

"It is not too late, Drake. Return to the Veil and all will be forgiven."

The vampire briefly regarded the hand, almost as if longing to reach out and join with Sebastian. Then, just when Sebastian allowed himself a measure of hope, he sharply stepped backward with a snarl.

"Forgiven? I will be destroyed if I fail."

Sebastian tensed, recalling the mysterious shadow that had attacked him in the abandoned stables. He still had no notion of who the powerful vampire had been. Or how he had been connected to Drake. But he suspected that Drake deeply feared the attacker.

"Destroyed by whom?" he demanded.

Drake clenched his hands, a reckless glitter in his eyes. "Nefri cannot guard William forever,"

he said thickly. "I will return and when I do, you will both pay."

Alerted by his warning, Sebastian rushed forward, but as quickly as he moved, Drake was quicker. Shifting his form to a large, black dog, he was bounding past Sebastian and through the door.

Sebastian muttered a curse. He knew he could not allow Drake to escape. The vampire was dangerously desperate and willing to commit any atrocity to achieve his goals. Bloody hell.

Turning toward Amelia, he regarded her with a searching gaze. She was understandably pale with a tense, fragile air about her. The soft curls had tumbled about her shoulders and there were lingering shadows in her dark eyes. His attention, however, was caught and held by the unmistakable drop of blood that glistened against the white skin of her bosom. Directly over her heart.

Blessed Nefri. He had come so close to losing her. Too close. He had to bring an end to Drake, one way or another. He could not take such a ghastly risk ever again.

Moving forward, he briefly gathered her into his arms, squeezing her tightly. With gratifying readiness, she melted into him, her head burying in his shoulder as she allowed the tears that she had been bravely holding in check to be released in choking sobs.

For an endless moment he merely held her close. He needed to have her near. To assure himself that she was well despite the horror that she had endured. More than anything, he desired to enfold her in his own strength. ns class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7451196230453695" data-ad-slot="9930101810" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true">

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